RECALLS; COOPERATION. If either Party believes that a Product recall is appropriate, such Party will immediately notify the other Party prior to taking any action and the Parties will cooperate with each other in determining the necessity and nature of such action. If the Parties determine that a Product recall should be initiated, whether or not such recall has been requested or ordered by any governmental agency, Vyteris will fully cooperate with Ferring in notifying customers to return all such Product and will follow any other reasonable instructions provided by Ferring.
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  • Regulatory Cooperation In connection with any foreclosure, collection, sale or other enforcement of Liens granted to the Administrative Agent in the Collateral Documents, Parent will, and will cause its Restricted Subsidiaries to, reasonably cooperate in good faith with the Administrative Agent or its designee in obtaining all regulatory licenses, consents and other governmental approvals necessary or (in the reasonable opinion of the Administrative Agent or its designee) reasonably advisable to conduct all aviation operations with respect to the Collateral and will, at the reasonable request of the Administrative Agent and in good faith, continue to operate and manage the Collateral and maintain all applicable regulatory licenses with respect to the Collateral until such time as the Administrative Agent or its designee obtain such licenses, consents and approvals, and at such time Parent will, and will cause its Restricted Subsidiaries to, cooperate in good faith with the transition of the aviation operations with respect to the Collateral to any new aviation operator (including, without limitation, the Administrative Agent or its designee).

  • Litigation and Regulatory Cooperation During and after the Executive’s employment, the Executive shall cooperate fully with the Company in the defense or prosecution of any claims or actions now in existence or which may be brought in the future against or on behalf of the Company which relate to events or occurrences that transpired while the Executive was employed by the Company. The Executive’s full cooperation in connection with such claims or actions shall include, but not be limited to, being available to meet with counsel to prepare for discovery or trial and to act as a witness on behalf of the Company at mutually convenient times. During and after the Executive’s employment, the Executive also shall cooperate fully with the Company in connection with any investigation or review of any federal, state or local regulatory authority as any such investigation or review relates to events or occurrences that transpired while the Executive was employed by the Company. The Company shall reimburse the Executive for any reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with the Executive’s performance of obligations pursuant to this Section 7(f).

  • General Cooperation (a) The Parties shall each cooperate fully (and each shall cause its respective Subsidiaries to cooperate fully) with all reasonable requests in writing (“Information Request”) from another Party hereto, or from an agent, representative or advisor to such Party, in connection with the preparation and filing of Tax Returns (including the preparation of Tax Packages), claims for Refunds, Tax Proceedings, and calculations of amounts required to be paid pursuant to this Agreement, in each case, related or attributable to or arising in connection with Taxes of any of the Parties or their respective Subsidiaries covered by this Agreement and the establishment of any reserve required in connection with any financial reporting (a “Tax Matter”). Such cooperation shall include the provision of any information reasonably necessary or helpful in connection with a Tax Matter (“Information”) and shall include, without limitation, at each Party’s own cost:

  • Tax Cooperation The Parties agree to use commercially reasonable efforts to cooperate with one another and use commercially reasonable efforts to avoid or reduce, to the extent permitted by Applicable Laws, Tax withholding or similar obligations in respect of royalties, milestone payments, and other payments made by the paying Party to the receiving Party under this Agreement (“Withholding Taxes”). If Withholding Taxes are imposed on any payment under this Agreement, the liability for such Withholding Taxes shall be the sole responsibility of the receiving Party, and the paying Party shall (i) deduct or withhold such Withholding Taxes from the payment made to the receiving Party, (ii) timely pay such Withholding Taxes to the proper taxing authority, and (iii) send proof of payment to the receiving Party within thirty (30) days following such payment. If and to the extent the paying Party failed to retain Withholding Taxes (e.g. because the Parties assumed that Withholding Taxes will not be imposed) or if Withholding Taxes are imposed on “deemed payments” the receiving Party shall reimburse the paying Party for any Withholding Tax obligation vis-à-vis the tax authorities. Each Party shall comply with (or provide the other Party with) any certification, identification or other reporting requirements that may be reasonably necessary in order for the paying Party to not withhold Withholding Taxes or to withhold Withholding Taxes at a reduced rate under an applicable bilateral income tax treaty. Each Party shall provide the other with commercially reasonable assistance to enable the recovery, as permitted by Applicable Laws, of Withholding Taxes or similar obligations resulting from payments made under this Agreement, such recovery to be for the benefit of the Party bearing the cost of such Withholding Taxes under this Section 16.5(d) (Tax Cooperation). Notwithstanding the foregoing, if as a result of any assignment or sublicense by the paying Party, any change in the paying Party’s tax residency, any change in the entity that originates the payment, or any failure on the part of the paying Party to comply with Applicable Laws with respect to Withholding Taxes (including filing or record retention requirements), Withholding Taxes are imposed that would not otherwise have been imposed (“Incremental Withholding Taxes”), then the paying Party shall be solely responsible for the amount of such Incremental Withholding Taxes and shall increase the amounts payable to the receiving Party so that the receiving Party receives a sum equal to the sum which it would have received had there been no such imposition of Incremental Withholding Taxes. If a Party makes a payment in accordance with the sentence above (gross-up) (“Tax Payment”) and

  • Information/Cooperation Executive shall, upon reasonable notice, furnish such information and assistance to the Bank as may be reasonably required by the Bank, in connection with any litigation in which it or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates is, or may become, a party; provided, however, that Executive shall not be required to provide information or assistance with respect to any litigation between Executive and the Bank or any other subsidiaries or affiliates.

  • Litigation Cooperation From the date hereof and continuing through the termination of this Agreement, make available to Bank, without expense to Bank, Borrower and its officers, employees and agents and Borrower’s books and records, to the extent that Bank may deem them reasonably necessary to prosecute or defend any third-party suit or proceeding instituted by or against Bank with respect to any Collateral or relating to Borrower.

  • Tax Matters Cooperation Each of the Parties shall (and shall cause their respective Affiliates to) cooperate fully, as and to the extent reasonably requested by another Party, in connection with the filing of relevant Tax Returns, any claim for a refund of any Tax, and any audit or Tax proceeding. Such cooperation shall include the retention and (upon the other Party’s reasonable request) the provision (with the right to make copies) of records and information reasonably relevant to any tax proceeding or audit, making employees available on a mutually convenient basis to provide additional information and explanation of any material provided hereunder.

  • Assistance and Cooperation After the Closing Date, each of Seller and Purchaser shall:

  • No Cooperation Executive agrees that he will not counsel or assist any attorneys or their clients in the presentation or prosecution of any disputes, differences, grievances, claims, charges, or complaints by any third party against the Company and/or any officer, director, employee, agent, representative, shareholder or attorney of the Company, unless under a subpoena or other court order to do so.

  • Future Cooperation Each of the parties hereto agrees to cooperate at all times from and after the date hereof with respect to all of the matters described herein, and to execute such further assignments, releases, assumptions, amendments of the Agreement, notifications and other documents as may be reasonably requested for the purpose of giving effect to, or evidencing or giving notice of, the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

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