Reference substances Sample Clauses

Reference substances. (A) The ref- erence substances need not be em- ployed in all cases when investigating a new substance. They are provided pri- xxxxxx so that calibration of the meth- od may be performed from time to time and to offer the chance to compare the results when another method is ap- plied.
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Reference substances. Where inves- tigating a chemical substance, ref- erence compounds may be useful and an inventory of suitable reference com- pounds needs to be identified. In order to check the activity of the inoculum the use of a reference compound is de- sirable. Aniline, sodium citrate, dex- trose, phthalic acid and trimellitic acid will exhibit ultimate biodegradation under the conditions of this Test Guideline method. These reference sub- stances must yield 60 percent of theo- retical maximum CO2 and show a re- moval of 70 percent DOC within 28 days. Otherwise the test is regarded as invalid and shall be repeated using an inoculum from a different source.
Reference substances. Wh e r e i n ves- t ig a t i n g a c h e m ic a l s u bs t a n ce, r ef- e r e n ce co m po un ds m a y be u sefu l a n d a n i n ve n t o ry of s u i t a ble r efe r e n ce co m - po un ds n eeds t o be ide n t ified. I n o r de r t o c h ec k t h e a c t ivi t y of t h e i n oc u l u m t h e u se of a r efe r e n ce co m po un d i s de- s i r a ble. A n ili n e, sodi u m ci t r a t e, dex- t r ose, p h t h a lic a cid a n d t r i m elli t ic a cid will ex h ibi t u l t i m a t e biodeg r a d a t io n un de r t h e co n di t io n s of t h i s T es t G u ideli n e m e t h od. T h ese r efe r e n ce s u b- s t a n ces m u s t y ield 60 pe r ce n t of t h eo- r e t ic a l m a xi m u m CO2 a n d s h ow a r e- m ov a l of 70 pe r ce n t DOC wi t h i n 28 d a y s. O t h e r wise t h e t es t i s r eg a r ded a s i n v a lid a n d s h a ll be r epe a t ed u s i n g a n i n oc u l u m f r o m a diffe r e n t so ur ce.

Related to Reference substances

  • Hazardous Substances The words "Hazardous Substances" mean materials that, because of their quantity, concentration or physical, chemical or infectious characteristics, may cause or pose a present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly used, treated, stored, disposed of, generated, manufactured, transported or otherwise handled. The words "Hazardous Substances" are used in their very broadest sense and include without limitation any and all hazardous or toxic substances, materials or waste as defined by or listed under the Environmental Laws. The term "Hazardous Substances" also includes, without limitation, petroleum and petroleum by-products or any fraction thereof and asbestos.

  • Prohibited Substances Not to use or consume in or about the Property at any time any of the drugs mentioned in the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 or any other controlled substances the use of which may hereinafter be prohibited or restricted.

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