Advertisements Any advertising, sales literature or other promotional material (including “prospectus wrappers,” “broker kits,” “road show slides,” “road show scripts” and “electronic road show presentations”) authorized in writing by or prepared by the Fund or the Investment Adviser and used in connection with the public offering of the Securities (collectively, “sales material”) does not contain an untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading. All sales material complied and will comply in all material respects with the applicable requirements of the 1933 Act, the 1940 Act and the Rules and Regulations and the rules and interpretations of FINRA.
Video This restriction includes, but is not limited to, use of the Beat and/or New Song in television, commercials, film/movies, theatrical works, video games, and in any other form on the Internet which is not expressly permitted herein.
Devices BNY Mellon will restrict the transfer of Customer Data from its network to mass storage devices. BNY Mellon will use a mobile device management system or equivalent tool when mobile computing is used to provide the services. Applications on such authenticated devices will be housed within an encrypted container and BNY Mellon will maintain the ability to remote wipe the contents of the container.
Load Shedding The systematic reduction of system demand by temporarily decreasing Load in response to a transmission system or area Capacity shortage, system instability, or voltage control considerations under the ISO OATT. Local Furnishing Bonds. Tax-exempt bonds issued by a Transmission Owner under an agreement between the Transmission Owner and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (“NYSERDA”), or its successor, or by a Transmission Owner itself, and pursuant to Section 142(f) of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. § 142(f). Locality. A single LBMP Load Zone or set of adjacent LBMP Load Zones within one Transmission District within which a minimum level of Installed Capacity must be maintained. Local Reliability Rule. A Reliability Rule established by a Transmission Owner, and adopted by the NYSRC to meet specific reliability concerns in limited areas of the NYCA, including without limitation, special conditions and requirements applicable to nuclear plants and special requirements applicable to the New York City metropolitan area. Locational Based Marginal Pricing (“LBMP”). A pricing methodology under which the price of Energy at each location in the NYS Transmission System is equivalent to the cost to supply the next increment of Load at that location (i.e., the short-run marginal cost). The short-run marginal cost takes generation Bid Prices and the physical aspects of the NYS Transmission System into account. The short-run marginal cost also considers the impact of Out-of-Merit Generation (as measured by its Bid Price) resulting from the Congestion and Marginal Losses occurring on the NYS Transmission System which are associated with supplying an increment of Load. The term LBMP also means the price of Energy bought or sold in the LBMP Markets at a specific location.