Repairs and Decoration. (i) To k eep the interiorofthe Subjects - allfixtures,fitting s,electricalappliances and plum bing installations - wall and floorcov ering s,ceiling s,doors and g lass to allwindows - in g ood,clean and tenable repair,decoration and condition throug hout the period ofag reem ent. To deliv erup the P rem ises with v acant possession and the Fixtures and Fitting satthe determ ination ofthe Term in the xxx e condition and orderas atthe comm encem en ofthe Term and in accordance with the Tenant’s oblig ations and to deliv erallk eys to the P rem ises to the Landlord.
(ii) To use the P rem ises in a tenant-lik e m annerand undertak e m inorjobs which could be reasonably expected ofa norm alhouseholder.
(iii) To replace allbrok en g lass in the P rem ises prom ptly with the xxx e quality g lass,where the Tenantorany person who is residing orsleeping in orv isiting the P rem ises causes the break ag e.
Repairs and Decoration. 5.8.1 Landlords are responsible for repairs to the Property and equipment which result from wear or maintenance requirements rather than abuse by the Tenant. The Landlord is responsible for the exterior decoration of a Property although this may be arranged through the manager of the building if the Property is a flat and charged through service charges. In such circumstances the Landlord will pay for the maintenance and decoration of common parts through service charges. The Tenant must contact either Tavistock Bow or the Landlord to obtain consent before carrying out any redecoration or changes to the Property except in an emergency. Tavistock Bow do not arrange repairs if the Property is not managed. If Xxxxxxxxx Bow manage the Property and instruct a contractor to carry out repairs Tavistock Bow will give orders to the contractor as the agent of the Landlord. The Landlord is liable for the payment to the contractor.
5.8.2 The Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 will entitle a tenant to take legal action against a landlord if the Property is not deemed by the Tenant to be fit for human habitation. IF a judge finds in favour of the Tenant then an order will be imposed upon a landlord stating what works must be carried out. The Landlord may have all the legal costs awarded against him in addition to any costs he incurs. Tavistock Bow will endeavour to ensure that the Property is fit for human habitation if the Management service is used. Otherwise it will be the responsibility of the Landlord to ensure all repairs are carried out promptly and that the Property remains fit for habitation throughout a tenancy. WE have no liability for any losses suffered if the Landlord fails to ensure the condition of the Property meets any criteria under the Housing Health and Safety Rating System under the Housing Act 2004 which may be used as evidence in proceedings under the above Act.
Repairs and Decoration. (i) Tok eepthe interiorofthe S ubjects - allfixtures,fittings,electricalappliances and plum bing installations - w all and floorcoverings,ceilings,doors and glass toallw indow s - in good,clean and tenable repair,decoration and condition throughoutthe period of agreem xxx.Xx deliver up the Prem ises w ith vacantpossession and the Fixtures and Fittings atthe determ ination ofthe Term in the xxx e condition and orderas atthe comm encem en of the Term and in accordance w ith the Tenants obligations and to deliver allk eys to the Prem ises to the Landlord.
(ii) Touse the Prem ises in atenant-lik em annerand undertak em inorjobs w hich could be reasonablyexpected ofanorm alhouseholder.
(iii) To replace allbrok en glass in the Prem ises prom ptly w ith the xxx e quality glass, w here the Tenantorany person w hois residing orsleeping in orvisiting the Prem ises causes the break age.
(iv) Tok eepallelectriclights in good w ork ing orderand in particulartoreplace allfuses, bulbs and fluorescen tubes as and w hen necessary.
Repairs and Decoration. The tenant is responsible for keeping the property in good and substantial repair and condition. In addition the tenant is responsible for redecorating the Property in the last 6 months of the term. However there is no obligation to replace ceiling tiles or the carpet.
Repairs and Decoration. You must keep the inside of your home, including the fixtures and fittings in good and clean condition and well decorated and properly carried out all repairs except those for which the Council is responsible.
Repairs and Decoration. 3.6.1 At all times during the Term and at the expense of the Lessee well and substantially to maintain and repair the Premises and keep the same in good condition (damage by the Insured Perils excepted save to the extent that the policy may be vitiated by an act or omission of the Lessee) and to replace all landlord's fixtures and fittings when reasonably necessary with a modern equivalent
3.6.2 To keep the internal and external surfaces of the windows and all other glass surfaces including the glass walls of the lightwell clean
3.6.3 In every fifth year and in the last year of the Term (howsoever determined) to paint with two coats and decorate in a workmanlike manner all such parts of the Premises as have been previously painted and decorated using only materials and (in the last year of the Term) colours approved by the City Surveyor (whose approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed)
Repairs and Decoration. You must ensure that you do not cause or allow any damage either to your own home or to any shared parts or facilities, as a result of a deliberate act or negligence. For example, you must not dispose of anything which may block the shared drains of a neighbouring property. You are responsible for the behaviour of your household and visitors and must pay for any damage caused.
Repairs and Decoration. (i) To keep the interior of the Subjects - all fixtures, fittings, electrical appliances and plumbing installations - wall and floor coverings, ceilings, doors and glass to all windows - in good, clean and tenable repair, decoration and condition throughout the period of agreement. To deliver up the Premises with vacant possession and the Fixtures and Fittings at the determination of the Term in the same condition and order as at the commencement of the Term and in accordance with the Tenant’s obligations and to deliver all keys to the Premises to the Landlord.
(ii) To use the Premises in a tenant-like manner and undertake minor jobs which could be reasonably expected of a normal xxxxxxxxxxx.
(iii) To replace all broken glass in the Premises promptly with the same quality glass, where the Tenant or any person who is residing or sleeping in or visiting the Premises causes the breakage.
(iv) To keep all electric lights in good working order and in particular to replace all fuses, bulbs and fluorescent tubes as and when necessary.
Repairs and Decoration. 9.1 The Tenant shall keep the Property clean and tidy, including cleaning the inside and outside of the windows at the Property, and shall make good any damage caused to the Property by any act or omission of the Tenant or any person under the control of the Tenant.
9.2 The Tenant shall replace any plate glass or other window glass that becomes cracked or broken.
9.3 The Tenant shall decorate the Property in the last three months before the end of the Term to the satisfaction of the Landlord and using materials and colours approved by the Landlord.
9.4 The Tenant shall keep the Property in good repair and condition and any Service Media within and exclusively serving the Property in reasonable working order and to remedy any disrepair which results from any risk against which the Landlord has insured (provided that the Tenant, or any person at the Property with the actual or implied authority of the Tenant, has not vitiated the Landlord’s insurance policy).