Deliberate Act definition
Examples of Deliberate Act in a sentence
In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must include: A Deliberate Act: To cause emotional or physical harm to another individual.
Accidental Damage– Cover Option 1Provides Cover for loss or damage to Your Customer’s Cargo resulting from an Accident, Deliberate Act of a Third Party or act of Terrorism.
Section 504: Affirmative, Deliberate Act to Cause Another’s Violation.
To hold otherwise, said the Court, would rewrite the pro- visions of the insurance policy and would compel the insurer to give more than it promised.An Accident Does Not Occur When the Insured Performs a Deliberate Act Unless Some Additional, Unexpected, Independent, and Unforeseen Happening Occurs That Produces the Damage.In Fire Ins.
Breach as a Result of Deliberate Act 2.1. Insider ActionThis category includes instances where someone with legitimate access to sensitive information intentionally abuses it, thus causing a loss of control.
The Issuer must treat any Deliberate Act Proceeds as “gross proceeds” for arbitrage purposes.