Request for a new Direct Debit Sample Clauses

Request for a new Direct Debit mandate signed by the Debtor and given to the Creditor Figure 1 Description of flow for issuing and validating a mandate - Creditor side 1. The Creditor acquires the mandate signed by the Debtor (dataset – DS 01). 2. The Creditor dematerialises and files the information on the mandate in its archive (dataset – DS 02). 3. After receiving the mandate from the Debtor, the Creditor sends the Alignment PSP a SEDA message containing the information on the mandate (dataset – DS-SEDA 01). 4. The Alignment PSP sends the Debtor PSP a SEDA message containing the information of the mandate (dataset – DS-SEDA 01). 5. The Debtor PSP performs the following minimum required controls on the information received:  that the mandate received is not already present and active17 in its archive;  that the IBAN provided by the Debtor identifies an active account that can be debited18 through SDD;  that the party that signed the mandate is entitled to carry out operations on the debit account;  that the mandate scheme code (AT-20 – Core, B2B, other Schemes) is compliant with the debit account classification. 6. For B2B mandates, after receiving the alignment flow, the Debtor PSP obtains confirmation of the mandate data pursuant to the provisions of the SEPA B2B Scheme Rulebook and according to methods established with its client (including transmission of a copy of the mandate immediately after it is signed). 7. If the verifications have a positive outcome, the Debtor PSP activates the mandate in its archive by using the following attributes of the SEDA message received as unique key: i. The unique Mandate reference (AT-01); ii. The identifier of the Creditor (AT-02), excluding the business code19; iii. The identification code of the Scheme (AT-20 - Core, B2B, other schemes). 17 If the mandate is present but inactive, the Debtor PSP shall reactivate it upon receipt of this new request message. 18 “Chargeability” includes the debit limitations that the debtor may choose pursuant to Regulation no. 260/2012.

Related to Request for a new Direct Debit

  • Request for a Panel 1. Unless the Parties agree on a different period for consultations, a complaining Party may request in writing the establishment of a Panel if the consultation referred to in the Article 176 (Consultations) fails to resolve a matter within 60 days, after the date of receipt of the request for consultations or 50 days in case of urgent matters. 2. The complaining Party shall deliver the request to the other Party, indicating at least, the reason of the request, the identification of the measure, an indication of the provision of this Agreement that it considers relevant and an indication of the legal basis of the complaint. The Panel will be considered as established on the date of receipt of the corresponding request to the other Party. 3. Unless otherwise agreed by the disputing Parties, the Panel shall be selected and perform its functions in a manner consistent with the provisions of this Chapter.

  • Request for Dues Check Off Employees shall have the right to request and be allowed dues check off for the Exclusive Representative, provided that dues check off and the proceeds thereof shall not be allowed any employee organization that has lost its right to dues check off pursuant to the PELRA Upon receipt of a properly executed authorization card of the employee involved, the District will deduct from the employee’s paycheck the dues as specified by the Union.

  • Request for Review If any operator believes that in his case any requirment of a recognized agency is excessive, the operator may request the administrator, division of forestry, to review the requirements. If in the opinion of the administrator any or all are not necessary in the interest of public safety, he may make such changes as he considers advisable. Bucket: Metal, plastic, canvas, or fiberglass container capable of holding at least one gallon of water. Motorcycle helmets qualify. Campfire means a fire set for cooking, warming, or ceremonial purposes; not more than 3 feet in diameter or height; void of overhanging branches; with all combustible material cleared at least 1-1/2 times the diameter of the fire; or a barbecue in a noncombustible container.

  • Request for Advance A request for an advance in accordance with Section 2.05;

  • Direct Debit (PRE-BILLING). (a) The Borrower agrees that the Bank will debit the Borrower's deposit account number 12331-16650, or such other of the Borrower's accounts with the Bank as designated in writing by the Borrower (the "Designated Account") on the date each payment of principal and interest and any fees from the Borrower becomes due (the "Due Date"). If the Due Date is not a banking day, the Designated Account will be debited on the next banking day. (b) Approximately 10 days prior to each Due Date, the Bank will mail to the Borrower a statement of the amounts that will be due on that Due Date (the "Billed Amount"). The calculation will be made on the assumption that no new extensions of credit or payments will be made between the date of the billing statement and the Due Date, and that there will be no changes in the applicable interest rate. (c) The Bank will debit the Designated Account for the Billed Amount, regardless of the actual amount due on that date (the "Accrued Amount"). If the Billed Amount debited to the Designated Account differs from the Accrued Amount, the discrepancy will be treated as follows: (i) If the Billed Amount is less than the Accrued Amount, the Billed Amount for the following Due Date will be increased by the amount of the discrepancy. The Borrower will not be in default by reason of any such discrepancy. (ii) If the Billed Amount is more than the Accrued Amount, the Billed Amount for the following Due Date will be decreased by the amount of the discrepancy. Regardless of any such discrepancy, interest will continue to accrue based on the actual amount of principal outstanding without compounding. The Bank will not pay the Borrower interest on any overpayment. (d) The Borrower will maintain sufficient funds in the Designated Account to cover each debit. If there are insufficient funds in the Designated Account on the date the Bank enters any debit authorized by this Agreement, the debit will be reversed.

  • Request for Payment Payment to the Grantee shall be due 30 calendar days following receipt by the City of the Grantee’s fully and accurately completed payment request, using the City’s contract management system. The payment request must be submitted to the City no later than 11:59 p.m. Central Standard Time 25 calendar days following the end of the month covered by the payment request. If the 25th calendar day falls on a weekend or holiday, as outlined in Section 8.24, the deadline to submit the payment request is extended to no later than 11:59 p.m. Central Standard Time of the 1st weekday immediately following the weekend or holiday.

  • Request for Hearing The employee must file a written request for hearing within fifteen calendar days of receipt of the Notice of Dismissal or Suspension. Filing means receipt in the office designated no later than regular close of business on the last day of the filing period. Failure to file such request in a timely manner shall be deemed a waiver of the right to a hearing and the proposed action shall be effective upon action by the Governing Board without notice or hearing except as may be required in a board meeting agenda.

  • Request for Leave At any time, employees may request the use of short-term leave (annual leave, compensatory time use, or personal leave). Such request shall be submitted on the appropriate form and approved or denied on the form within one week of submission to the appropriate authority (practices of shorter time periods will be maintained) except that current practices concerning emergency leave requests shall be maintained. Requests will not be denied unreasonably. The issue of more employees requesting the use of short-term leave than can be granted because of operational needs shall be resolved at the LMC. The Employer shall not request the reasons for the use of earned leave other than sick leave as permitted by Article 12. All leave may be used in tenth of an hour increments provided, however that use of personal leave to cover tardiness related absences shall not serve as a bar or defense to disciplinary action.

  • Request for Waiver A. Prior to submission of a request for a partial or total waiver, Bidder/Contractor shall speak to the Designated Contacts of the OGS Office of Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises for guidance. B. In accordance with 5 NYCRR § 142.7, a Bidder/Contractor who is able to document good faith efforts to meet the goal requirements, as set forth in clause VII below, may submit a request for a partial or total waiver on Form BDC 333, accompanied by supporting documentation. A Bidder may submit the request for waiver at the same time it submits its MWBE Utilization Plan. If a request for waiver is submitted with the MWBE Utilization Plan and is not accepted by OGS at that time, the provisions of clauses V(C), (D) & (E) will apply. If the documentation included with the Bidder’s/Contractor’s waiver request is complete, OGS shall evaluate the request and issue a written notice of acceptance or denial within twenty (20) business days of receipt. C. Contractor shall attempt to utilize, in good faith, any MBE or WBE identified within its MWBE Utilization Plan, during the performance of the Contract. Requests for a partial or total waiver of established goal requirements made subsequent to Contract award may be made at any time during the term of the Contract to OGS, but must be made no later than prior to the submission of a request for final payment on the Contract. D. If OGS, upon review of the MWBE Utilization Plan and Monthly MWBE Contractor Compliance Reports determines that Contractor is failing or refusing to comply with the contract goals and no waiver has been issued in regards to such non-compliance, OGS may issue a notice of deficiency to the Contractor. The Contractor must respond to the notice of deficiency within seven (7) business days of receipt. Such response may include a request for partial or total waiver of MWBE contract goals.

  • Important Information About Procedures for Opening a New Account To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial organizations to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. What this means for you: When you open an account, you are required to provide your name, residential address, date of birth, and identification number. We may require other information that will allow us to identify you.