Revenue Budget 2016-17. The budget for the ICO is set out in Annex 8. Delivery against this budget will require: commissioners to maintain the funding levels set out in the Long Term Financial Model in 2016/17 and beyond; shortfalls in Adult Social Care Cost Improvement Plans carried forward from 2015/16 to be addressed. The scheme shortfall and associated explanations are described in Annex 5; achievement of ASC Cost Improvement Plans (Annex 9). These schemes are designed to improve efficiency and are not expected to have any impact on either the volume or quality of services provided by the Trust. Before finalisation each will be subject to a formal Quality Impact Assessment; delivery of care model changes and their associated savings (Annex 10).
Revenue Budget 2016-17. 4.1 The budget for the Integrated Care Organisation is set out in Annex 4. Delivery against this budget will require:
4.2 This budget includes the receipt of income, approved as part of the Transaction Agreement and further mandated under this Annual Strategic Agreement, from Torbay Council: 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 £m £m £m £m £m * These figures are subject to final reconciliation and agreement between the Section 151 Officer of the Council and the Directors of Finance for the Trust and CCG
4.3 To the extent that either Commissioner is unable to provide the funding envelope approved as part of the Transaction Agreement, and further mandated under this Annual Strategic Agreement, the Trust will work with commissioners to identify opportunities (either through income or service design), to reduce the cost of delivery.