Budget. Consulting Engineer/Architect shall advise City if, in its opinion, the amount budgeted for construction is not sufficient to adequately design and construct the improvement as requested.
Budget. 1. The Grantee budget for grant activities for the 2022 Summer Program and State fiscal year 2023 is $561,322. Any funds received under this grant will not be used to supplant funds normally budgeted for programs or service of the same or similar type.
2. The Grantee may transfer funds among its administrative budget line items as required to carry out the purposes of the grant. Transfer of funds within specified budget categories do not require approval from OSHE (i.e. moving funds from one counselor position to pay for another), however, any transfer of funds from one category to another will require prior approval from OSHE and will be treated as a modification to the program’s contract Attachment.
3. Any request for a budget modification must be in writing and must include a revised budget. All budget revisions and modifications must be in accordance with the EOF Regulations, Section N.J.A.C. 9A:11-6.11. The Grantee will be liable for all unapproved debts.
Budget. The total amount of this Contract will not exceed One Hundred Thousand Two Hundred Ninety-Six Dollars ($100,296.00). All expenditures under the Contract will be in accordance with Attachment B, Budget.
Budget. The Budget is a schedule of anticipated grant expenditures that is approved by Grantor for carrying out the purposes of the Award. When Grantee or third parties support a portion of expenses associated with the Award, the Budget includes the non-federal as well as the federal share (and State share if applicable) of grant expenses. The Budget submitted by Grantee at application, or a revised Budget subsequently submitted and approved by Grantor, is considered final and is incorporated herein by reference.
Budget. The System Agency allocated share by State Fiscal Year is as follows:
1. Fiscal Year 2021, September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021: $200,000.00
2. Fiscal Year 2022, September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2022: $200,000.00 3. Fiscal Year 2023, September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023: $200,000.00 4. Fiscal Year 2024, September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024: $200,000.00 5. Fiscal Year 2025, September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025: $200,000.00 The required match per State Fiscal Year is $10,000.00. The total amount of this Contract, including applicable match, will not exceed $1,050,000.00. All expenditures under the Contract will be in accordance with ATTACHMENT B, PROGRAM SERVICES & UNIT RATES.
Budget. The total amount of this Contract will not exceed $500,000.00. By executing this Contract, Contractor agrees to the budget for the Contract term. However, at System Agency’s sole discretion or by mutual agreement of the Parties as authorized under the Contract, the budget or contract amounts may be amended. All expenditures under the Contract will be in accordance with the Contract and ATTACHMENT B, BUDGET.
Budget. The GUC Trust Administrator shall prepare and submit to the GUC Trust Monitor and DIP Lenders for approval a reasonably detailed annual plan and budget (the “Budget”) at least thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of each calendar year; provided, however, that the first such Budget shall be agreed to as of the Effective Date. Such annual plan and Budget shall set forth (on a quarterly basis) in reasonable detail: (A) the GUC Trust Administrator’s anticipated actions to administer the GUC Trust Assets; and (B) the anticipated fees and expenses, including professional fees, associated with the administration of the GUC Trust, a separate amount representing the anticipated fees and expenses of the GUC Trust Monitor and detail as to how the GUC Trust will budget and spend the Wind-Down Budget Cash. Such Budget shall be updated and submitted to the GUC Trust Monitor and DIP Lenders for review on a quarterly basis, and each such quarterly update shall reflect the variances (with explanations) between (x) the Budget, (y) any updated Budget, and (z) the actual results for the same period. For the avoidance of doubt, the DIP Lenders may object in the Bankruptcy Court with respect to any quarterly update that materially changes the Budget and the Bankruptcy Court shall resolve such dispute. All actions by the GUC Trust Administrator shall be consistent with the Budget, (as updated). The GUC Trust Administrator may obtain any required approval of the Budget on reasonable negative notice (which shall be not less than 15 days after receipt of the Budget) and approval of the Budget shall not be unreasonably withheld. In the event of any dispute concerning the Budget (or the taking of actions consistent with the Budget), the GUC Trust Administrator, the GUC Trust Monitor or the DIP Lenders may petition the Bankruptcy Court to resolve such dispute. For the avoidance of doubt, the Reporting and Transfer Costs shall not be set forth in the Budget and shall not be paid for with the Wind-Down Budget Cash.
Budget. The total amount of this Contract will not exceed $500,000.00. Grantee is not required to provide matching funds. All expenditures under the Contract will be in accordance with Attachment B, Budget.
Budget. The initial budget shall be approved by the Board. The Board may revise the budget from time to time through an Authority Document as may be reasonably necessary to address contingencies and unexpected expenses. All subsequent budgets of the Authority shall be prepared and approved by the Board in accordance with the Operating Rules and Regulations.
Budget. All Work assigned and completed under this Work Order shall be executed for an amount not to exceed $43,627,036.71, and each Project will be completed in accordance with the pricing outlined in the Pricing section of this Work Order. Contractor shall submit invoices to the GLO in accordance with the terms of this Work Order and Section 3.02 and Attachment D of the Contract; however, additional procedures for draw requests may be adopted as directed by the GLO. Invoices may be submitted no more than twice a month and may only be submitted following the Progress (50%) Inspection or Final (100%) Inspection of a Project, as defined in Attachment D of the Contract. The GLO shall ensure that all deliverables, duties, and/or responsibilities in this Work Order are completed prior to the disbursement of funds. In addition to other damages in the Contract and/or Work Order, liquidated damages of $100 per day shall be assessed if Contractor does not complete a Project within 120 days of the issuance of a Notice to Proceed. Contractor shall at no time subcontract more than 50% of the Project (by cost) to a single subcontractor without prior written permission from the GLO. REMAINDER OF XXXX INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK NONEXCLUSIVE LIST OF APPLICABLE LAWS, RULES, AND REGULATIONS If applicable to the Project, Provider must be in compliance with the following laws, rules, and regulations; and any other state, federal, or local laws, rules, and regulations as may become applicable throughout the term of the Contract, and Provider acknowledges that this list may not include all such applicable laws, rules, and regulations.