Unbundled Copper Loop – Designed (UCL-D) The UCL-D will be provisioned as a dry copper twisted pair (2- or 4-wire) Loop that is unencumbered by any intervening equipment (e.g., filters, load coils, range extenders, digital loop carrier, or repeaters). A UCL-D will be 18,000 feet or less in length and is provisioned according to Resistance Design parameters, may have up to 6,000 feet of bridged tap and will have up to 1300 Ohms of resistance. The UCL-D is a designed circuit, is provisioned with a test point, and comes standard with a DLR. OC is a chargeable option for a UCL-D; however, OC is always required on UCLs where a reuse of existing facilities has been requested by Telepak Networks. These Loops are not intended to support any particular services and may be utilized by Telepak Networks to provide a wide-range of telecommunications services as long as those services do not adversely affect BellSouth’s network. This facility will include a Network Interface Device (NID) at the customer’s location for the purpose of connecting the Loop to the customer’s inside wire. Upon the Effective Date of this Agreement, Unbundled Copper Loop – Long (UCL-L) elements will no longer be offered by BellSouth and no new orders for UCL-L will be accepted. Any existing UCL-Ls that were provisioned prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement will be grandfathered at the rates set forth in the Parties’ interconnection agreement that was in effect immediately prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement. Existing UCL-Ls that were provisioned prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement may remain connected, maintained and repaired according to BellSouth’s TR73600 and may remain connected until such time as they are disconnected by Telepak Networks or BellSouth provides ninety
Manufacturing License Subject to the terms of this Agreement, including without limitation Section 2.2, Theravance grants to GSK an exclusive license under the Theravance Patents and Theravance Know-How to make and have made API Compound or formulated Alliance Product in the Territory.
Manufacturing Technology Transfer Except as the Committee ------------ --------------------------------- may otherwise agree in writing, in order to effectuate an orderly transition of the uninterrupted availability of Product to LILLY for purposes contemplated under this Agreement, MEGABIOS, at least ninety (90) days prior to completion of the Project or completion of Phase I Clinical Trials, whichever is earlier, shall transfer to LILLY all information and instructions concerning the manufacturing process and related matters in MEGABIOS' possession which may be necessary for LILLY to manufacture Product (including information regarding obtaining necessary Lipids related thereto) for clinical trials and commercialization as contemplated hereunder including, but not limited to, analytical and manufacturing methods. MEGABIOS shall also provide assistance (in the form of consultation) to LILLY with respect to manufacturing matters for a period of [ * ] months after completion of the initial transfer of information and instructions as provided below. Such transfer and assistance by MEGABIOS will be referred to herein as the "Manufacturing Transfer." All such information, methods and instructions transferred to LILLY under this Section 4.3 shall be referred to herein as the "Manufacturing Information," and shall be maintained in confidence by LILLY pursuant to Section 7.1, except that LILLY's obligation to maintain in confidence such Manufacturing Information shall survive for ten (10) years following expiration or termination of this Agreement. LILLY agrees that it will use all such transferred Manufacturing Information only for the manufacture of the Products and shall not disclose or transfer such Manufacturing Information to any third party manufacturer except as provided in Section 2.10. MEGABIOS shall provide, and bear its costs for, up to [ * ] FTEs for a period of up to [ * ] months [ * ] in aggregate) to accomplish the Manufacturing Transfer. Such FTEs, at LILLY's request, shall include visits to LILLY's facilities by MEGABIOS personnel including up to [ * ] from MEGABIOS' head of manufacturing. MEGABIOS shall furnish any additional reasonable assistance beyond the assistance described above regarding manufacturing matters that LILLY may request and that MEGABIOS is able to provide, for up to [ * ] after the initial transfer of Manufacturing Information, providing that LILLY [ * ] incurred with respect to such additional assistance.
Field Orders The documents listed in Paragraph 9.01.A are attached to this Agreement (except as expressly noted otherwise above).
Transfer of Technology 1. The Parties agree to exchange views and information on their law and international practices on the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, affecting transfer of technology. This shall, in particular, include exchanges on measures to facilitate information flows, business partnerships, and voluntary licensing and subcontracting agreements. Particular attention shall be paid to the conditions necessary to create an adequate enabling environment for technology transfer in the host countries, including issues such as the domestic legal framework and the development of human capital. 2. When measures are taken with regard to technology transfer, the legitimate interests of the intellectual property right holders shall be protected.
Commercialization License Subject to the terms of this Agreement, including without limitation Section 2.2 and Theravance's Co-Promotion rights in Section 5.3.2, Theravance hereby grants to GSK, and GSK accepts, an exclusive license under the Theravance Patents and Theravance Know-How to make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale and import Alliance Products in the Territory.
Unbundled Copper Loop – Non-Designed (UCL-ND The UCL–ND is provisioned as a dedicated 2-wire metallic transmission facility from BellSouth’s Main Distribution Frame to a customer’s premises (including the NID). The UCL-ND will be a “dry copper” facility in that it will not have any intervening equipment such as load coils, repeaters, or digital access main lines (“DAMLs”), and may have up to 6,000 feet of bridged tap between the end user’s premises and the serving wire center. The UCL-ND typically will be 1300 Ohms resistance and in most cases will not exceed 18,000 feet in length, although the UCL-ND will not have a specific length limitation. For loops less than 18,000 feet and with less than 1300 Ohms resistance, the loop will provide a voice grade transmission channel suitable for loop start signaling and the transport of analog voice grade signals. The UCL-ND will not be designed and will not be provisioned with either a DLR or a test point. The UCL-ND facilities may be mechanically assigned using BellSouth’s assignment systems. Therefore, the Loop Make Up process is not required to order and provision the UCL-ND. However, Talk America can request Loop Make Up for which additional charges would apply. At an additional charge, BellSouth also will make available Loop Testing so that Talk America may request further testing on the UCL-ND. UCL-ND loops are not intended to support any particular service and may be utilized by Talk America to provide a wide-range of telecommunications services so long as those services do not adversely affect BellSouth’s network. The UCL- ND will include a Network Interface Device (NID) at the customer’s location for the purpose of connecting the loop to the customer’s inside wire. Order Coordination (OC) will be provided as a chargeable option and may be utilized when the UCL-ND provisioning is associated with the reuse of BellSouth facilities. Order Coordination -Time Specific (OC-TS) does not apply to this product. Talk America may use BellSouth’s Unbundled Loop Modification (ULM) offering to remove bridge tap and/or load coils from any loop within the BellSouth network. Therefore, some loops that would not qualify as UCL-ND could be transformed into loops that do qualify, using the ULM process.
TECHNOLOGY/KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER ACTIVITIES The goal of this task is to develop a plan to make the knowledge gained, experimental results, and lessons learned available to the public and key decision makers. • Prepare an Initial Fact Sheet at start of the project that describes the project. Use the format provided by the CAM. • Prepare a Final Project Fact Sheet at the project’s conclusion that discusses results. Use the format provided by the CAM. • Prepare a Technology/Knowledge Transfer Plan that includes: o An explanation of how the knowledge gained from the project will be made available to the public, including the targeted market sector and potential outreach to end users, utilities, regulatory agencies, and others. o A description of the intended use(s) for and users of the project results. o Published documents, including date, title, and periodical name. o Copies of documents, fact sheets, journal articles, press releases, and other documents prepared for public dissemination. These documents must include the Legal Notice required in the terms and conditions. Indicate where and when the documents were disseminated. o A discussion of policy development. State if project has been or will be cited in government policy publications, or used to inform regulatory bodies. o The number of website downloads or public requests for project results. o Additional areas as determined by the CAM. • Conduct technology transfer activities in accordance with the Technology/Knowledge Transfer Plan. These activities will be reported in the Progress Reports. • When directed by the CAM, develop Presentation Materials for an Energy Commission- sponsored conference/workshop(s) on the project. • When directed by the CAM, participate in annual EPIC symposium(s) sponsored by the California Energy Commission. • Provide at least (6) six High Quality Digital Photographs (minimum resolution of 1300x500 pixels in landscape ratio) of pre and post technology installation at the project sites or related project photographs. • Prepare a Technology/Knowledge Transfer Report on technology transfer activities conducted during the project. • Initial Fact Sheet (draft and final) • Final Project Fact Sheet (draft and final) • Presentation Materials (draft and final) • High Quality Digital Photographs • Technology/Knowledge Transfer Plan (draft and final) • Technology/Knowledge Transfer Report (draft and final)
Placement of DNS probes Probes for measuring DNS parameters shall be placed as near as possible to the DNS resolvers on the networks with the most users across the different geographic regions; care shall be taken not to deploy probes behind high propagation-‐delay links, such as satellite links.
Documents & Data; Licensing of Intellectual Property This Agreement creates a non-exclusive and perpetual license for City to copy, use, modify, reuse, or sublicense any and all copyrights, designs, and other intellectual property embodied in plans, specifications, studies, drawings, estimates, and other documents or works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, including but not limited to, physical drawings or data magnetically, electronically or otherwise recorded or stored, which are prepared or caused to be prepared by Consultant under this Agreement (“Documents & Data”). All Documents & Data shall be and remain the property of City, and shall not be used in whole or in substantial part by Consultant on other projects without the City's express written permission. Within thirty (30) days following the completion, suspension, abandonment or termination of this Agreement, Consultant shall provide to City reproducible copies of all Documents & Data, in a form and amount required by City. City reserves the right to select the method of document reproduction and to establish where the reproduction will be accomplished. The reproduction expense shall be borne by City at the actual cost of duplication. In the event of a dispute regarding the amount of compensation to which the Consultant is entitled under the termination provisions of this Agreement, Consultant shall provide all Documents & Data to City upon payment of the undisputed amount. Consultant shall have no right to retain or fail to provide to City any such documents pending resolution of the dispute. In addition, Consultant shall retain copies of all Documents & Data on file for a minimum of five (5) years following completion of the Project, and shall make copies available to City upon the payment of actual reasonable duplication costs. In addition, before destroying the Documents & Data following this retention period, Consultant shall make a reasonable effort to notify City and provide City with the opportunity to obtain the documents.