Sampling Unit Sample Clauses
Sampling Unit a definition of the sampling unit, which is any of the designated elements that comprise the population of interest.
Sampling Unit. A description of the Item as that term is utilized for the Claims Review.
Sampling Unit. A description of the Cardiac Catheterization Procedures as that term is defined above.
Sampling Unit. A description of the Interventional Cardiac Procedures as that term is defined above.
Sampling Unit. A description of the Stat Lab Requisition as that term is utilized for the Stat Lab Systems Review.
Sampling Unit. A description of the Beneficiary Paid Claim as that term is utilized for the Claims Review.
Sampling Unit. A description of the Item, as that term is utilized for the MDS Audit. In accordance with Section A.2 of this Appendix, the sampling unit for the first year shall be paid UB92s with a date of service during the relevant Audit Period. For the remaining years, the sampling unit shall be paid UB-92s during the relevant Audit Period.
Sampling Unit. A description of the Item, as that term is utilized for tile MDS Audit. The sampling unit shall be paid UB-92s during the relevant Audit Period.
Sampling Unit. A description of the Item as that term is utilized for the DRG Claims Review.
Sampling Unit. A description of the Order as that term is utilized for the O&P Billing Systems Review.