Sampling Sample Clauses
Sampling. The Licensee agrees that the Composition is purchased as a “Work Made for Hire” whereby the clearing of any sampled materials is the responsibility of Licensee.
Sampling. The Official Agency shall co-ordinate sampling, analysis and testing activities and will ensure that samples taken for the purposes of official controls and other official activities are in line with Articles 34 to 36 of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 and as appropriate methods and/or guidance as agreed with the Authority. Official control samples shall be submitted to an official laboratory designated for that purpose and accredited to operate in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025 . Unless otherwise agreed with the Authority, food and water samples for microbiological analysis shall be submitted either to the Cork County Council Veterinary Food Safety Laboratory or an Official Food Microbiology Laboratory of the Health Service Executive. The use of commercial laboratories shall be avoided.
Sampling. The Licensee agrees that the Instrumental is purchased as a “Work Made for Hire” whereby the clearing of any sampled materials is the responsibility of Licensee.
Sampling. If a random sample result for either test identifies milk as being Grade 2, Grade 3 or Grade 4 quality (refer to Milk Quality Payment Matrix in Schedule 5) for Bactoscan or Thermoduric, FDA will continue testing each subsequent milk consignment until three consecutive Grade 1 Premium results are achieved for the relevant test. The first three results outside Premium in a given testing cycle attracts no discount. For the fourth (and any further) consignment that is 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade or 4th Grade quality for Bactoscan or Thermoduric (as applicable), a percentage deduction to those consignments will apply. It is the suppliers’ responsibility to use the SMS/email/internet (FDA Portal) system to monitor milk quality results. Additional samples may be tested for the Milk supplier but will not be used to adjust existing results. A supplier who supplies more than 60 days of Grade 3 or Grade 4 Bactoscan or Thermoduric (considered separately) milk across a rolling 12- month period may upon written notice have their milk collection suspended by FDA until the supplier demonstrates their milk production has returned to Grade 1 Premium for all quality parameters. SCC testing measures the number of white blood cells (somatic cells) in milk and is a measure of mastitis in the herd. Each farm’s milk consignment is tested for SCC with results reported to the supplier. FDA calculates a monthly weighted average by taking into account the total SMCC of the supplier’s milk and litres collected, as set out below. The weighted average is determined in two steps:
Sampling. 5.1 The Sellers shall invite the Buyers or their representatives to witness the sampling of Marine Fuels. During bunkering a primary sample, other than the MARPOL sample, shall be drawn at a point, to be determined solely by the Sellers, closest to the Bunker Tanker’s manifold and otherwise in accordance with the procedures set out in IMO Resolution MEPC.182(59) Guidelines for the Sampling of Fuel Oil for Determination of Compliance with MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI or any subsequent amendments thereto. Each sample shall be thoroughly mixed and carefully divided into a minimum of four (4) identical samples and one sample of each grade of Marine Fuels shall be retained on board the Vessel for MARPOL purposes. The absence of the Buyers or their representatives shall not prejudice the validity of the samples taken. In the event that local bunkering rules and regulations apply mandatorily, these shall take precedence over the provisions of this Sub-clause 5.1.
5.2 The samples referred to in Sub-clause 5.1 Sampling shall be securely sealed and provided with labels showing the Vessel's name, identity of delivery facility, product name, delivery date and place and point of sampling and seal number, authenticated with the Vessel's stamp and signed by the Sellers' representative and the Master of the Vessel or the Master’s authorised representative. Only the samples taken, sealed and distributed as per this Sub-clause 5.2 and stated in the BDN are valid in respect of the Marine Fuels’ quality determination. No other samples, however and whensoever taken, shall be allowed as additional evidence or deemed to have any value as evidence in respect of the Marine Fuels’ quality determination whatsoever.
5.3 Two (2) samples shall be retained by the Sellers for forty-five (45) Days after delivery of the Marine Fuels to the Vessel. The other two (2) samples shall be retained on board the Vessel (one of which shall be for MARPOL purposes).
Sampling. Each sample submitted for testing shall consist of a minimum of three increments selected at random from the material. Each increment shall be at least a pound in weight and not include the top inch of stored material. Every attempt shall be made to insure a composite sample representative of the pile. Samples for chemical composition, gradation and anti-caking may also be obtained at the time of delivery to the purchaser’s delivery destination.
Sampling. (1) If the Agreement provides for inspection by sampling, conformance of supplies subject to warranty shall be determined by the sampling procedures in the Agreement. The Company—
(A) May, for sampling purposes, group any supplies delivered under this Agreement;
(B) Shall use a sample of the size required by the sampling procedures for the quantity of supplies on which warranty action is proposed;
(C) May project warranty sampling results over supplies in the same shipment or in other shipments; and
(D) Need not use the same lot size as on original inspection or reconstitute the original inspection lots.
(2) Within a reasonable time after notice of any breach of the warranties the Company may exercise one or more of the following options:
(A) Require an equitable adjustment in the price for any group of supplies.
(B) Screen the supplies grouped for warranty action under this clause at the Seller’s expense and return nonconforming supplies to the Seller for correction or replacement.
(C) Return the supplies grouped for warranty action under this clause to the Seller (irrespective of the f.o.b. point or the point of acceptance) for screening and correction or replacement.
(1) The Company may, by contract or otherwise, correct or replace the nonconforming supplies with similar supplies from another source and charge to the Seller the cost occasioned to the Company thereby if the Seller—
(A) Fails to deliver corrected or replaced supplies within the time established for their return; or
(B) Fails either to accept return of the nonconforming supplies or fails to make progress after their return to correct or replace them so as to endanger performance of the delivery schedule, and in either of these circumstances does not cure such failure within a period of 10 calendar days (or such longer period as the Company may authorize in writing) after receipt of notice from the Company specifying such failure.
(2) Instead of correction or replacement by the Company, the Company may require an equitable adjustment of the price. In addition, if the Seller fails to furnish timely disposition instructions, the Company may dispose of the nonconforming supplies for the Seller’s account in a reasonable manner. The Company is entitled to reimbursement from the Seller, or from the proceeds of such disposal, for the reasonable expenses of the care and disposition of the nonconforming supplies, as well as for excess costs incurred or to be incurred.
Sampling. Producer shall take one representative origin sample (pint size) from each lot of the corn oil before it leaves the Ethanol Facility (each, a “Sample”). RPMG shall be entitled to witness the taking of Sample. Producer shall label Sample to indicate the applicable corn oil lot numbers, date of shipment, and the truck or railcar number. Producer shall send half of Sample to RPMG promptly upon RPMG’s request. Producer may request that RPMG test results be provided to it at any time after the tests are completed. Producer shall retain corn oil Sample for no less than three (3) months or any longer period required by law. If RPMG knows or reasonably suspects that any corn oil produced by Producer at the Ethanol Facility is not in compliance with the terms of this Agreement, then RPMG may obtain independent laboratory tests of such corn oil, and, if such corn oil is found not to be in compliance with the terms of this Agreement, Producer shall, in addition to its other obligations hereunder, pay all such testing costs.
Sampling. Coal samples to be used for determination of coal quality for coal delivered to Buyer hereunder shall be taken by Seller at the Mine in conformance with applicable American Society for Testing Materials (“ASTM”) standards. For deliveries by truck, governing coal samples shall be a representative composite of trucks loaded daily, taken by Seller at the Mine using sampling methods in accordance with applicable ASTM standards, or by use of such other methods as may be mutually agreed upon by the Parties. For coal delivered by rail car, governing coal samples shall be obtained using an automatic sampling system in accordance with methods approved by the ASTM or such other methods as may be mutually agreed upon by the Parties. Each calendar month, Seller shall collect a composite sample representative of the coal delivered in that particular month (the “Monthly Composite Sample”) for the purpose of preparing a Monthly Composite Analysis, as defined in Section 6.2 below.
Sampling. In the event that an Employer licenses a covered recording for the purposes of sampling, payments are required to be made to the Sound Recording Special Payments Fund (SRSPF). Payments are generally just a flat fee for each song that is sampled ($400 for the first sample, $250 for the second and each subsequent sample) unless the new song generates more than $25,000 in revenue. For more information, please visit the Distributions page on the SRSPF’s website.