Calibration Sample Clauses
Calibration. The comparison of a measurement system or device of unverified accuracy with a measurement system of known and greater accuracy to detect deviation of the unverified measurement system from required performance specifications (of the unverified measurement system or device) and to quantify all measured values to applicable units of the international system of units.
Calibration. At the beginning and at the end of every measurement session, the entire acoustic measurement system shall be checked by means of a sound calibrator as described in paragraph 1.
1.1. Without any further adjustment, the difference between the readings shall be less than or equal to 0,5 dB. If this value is exceeded, the results of the measurements obtained after the previous satisfactory check shall be discarded.
Calibration. (a) The Service Providers must give the Shipper prior notice of, and permit the Shipper to be present at, all routine cleaning, repairing, inspection, calibration or adjustment of the Measuring Equipment in accordance with the Measurement Manual.
(b) If the Shipper reasonably believes that particular Measuring Equipment at any of the Receipt Points or Delivery Points are inaccurate, the Service Providers must act within a reasonable time upon the Shipper's written request to calibrate the Measuring Equipment.
Calibration. Licensee shall have the Meter tested every two years at Licensee’s expense by a certified independent third party approved by the Judicial Council. The Judicial Council shall be allowed to observe the Meter test, and Licensee shall provide notice of the testing to the Judicial Council at least ten (10) Business Days prior to the test date. Licensee shall provide signed copies of the results of the Meter test to the Judicial Council. In addition to the bi-annual test, Licensee shall test the Meter at any reasonable time upon the request of the Judicial Council. The Judicial Council shall reimburse Licensee for the cost of any test requested by the Judicial Council, unless such testing demonstrates that the Meter was operating outside of industry standard tolerance allowances, as defined in ANSI Standard C12.20-2015 (or its successor), or as defined by the CPUC for Meter calibration and operation.
Calibration. 6.1 Where calibration is stipulated this is to be undertaken using approved traceable equipment.
Calibration. For calibration of the radiator, a heat flux meter (radiometer) of the Gardon (foil) xxxx with a design range not exceeding 10 W/cm2 shall be used. The target receiving radiation, and possibly to a small extent convection, shall be flat, circular, not more than 10 mm in diameter and coated with a durable matt black fxxxxx. Xxe target shall be contained within a water cooled body the front face of which shall be of highly polished metal, flat, coinciding with the plane of the target and circular, with a diameter of about 25 mm. Radiation shall not pass through any window before reaching the target. The instrument shall be robust, simple to set up and use, insensitive to draughts, and stable in calibration. The instrument shall have an accuracy of within ±3 per cent and a repeatability within 0.5 per cent. The calibration of the heat flux meter shall be checked whenever a recalibration of the radiator is carried out, by comparison with an instrument held as a reference standard and not used for any other purpose. The reference standard instrument shall be fully calibrated at yearly intervals in accordance with a national standard.
2.2.1. Calibration check The irradiance produced by the power input which the initial calibration has shown to correspond to an irradiance of 3 W/cm2 shall be frequently checked (at least once every 50 operating hours) and the apparatus shall be recalibrated if such a check reveals a deviation greater than 0.06 W/cm2.
2.2.2. Calibration procedure The apparatus shall be placed in an environment essentially free of air currents (not more than 0.2 m/s). Place the heat flux meter in the apparatus in the specimen position so that the target of the heat flux meter is located centrally within the radiator surface. Switch on the electricity supply and establish the power input of the controller required to produce irradiance at the centre of the radiator surface of 3 W/cm2. Adjustment to the power unit to record 3 W/cm2 should be followed by a five minute period without further adjustment to ensure equilibrium.
Calibration. Customer shall be solely responsible for all Accuray System commissioning and calibration. The dose rate and integrated dose measured by the accelerator transmission ionization chamber and dosimetry electronics must be calibrated by a qualified radiological physicist prior to use of the Accuray System for patient treatment. Customer shall be responsible for quality assurance testing and calibrating the Accuray System regularly. Customer also shall be responsible for radiation surveys which may be required by applicable law or regulation or which may be necessary to establish that radiation does not exceed safe levels. Accuray has no responsibility for any such commissioning, quality assurance testing, calibration or radiation surveys.
Calibration. The CLD and the HCLD shall be calibrated in the most common operating range following the manufacturer's specifications using zero and span gas (the NO content of which shall amount to about 80 per cent of the operating range and the NO2 concentration of the gas mixture to less than 5 per cent of the NO concentration). The NOx analyser shall be in the NO mode so that the span gas does not pass through the converter. The indicated concentration has to be recorded.
Calibration. Section 9.3.1 System Owner shall provide calibration testing of the Meter prior to its installation and at least annually thereafter to ensure the accuracy of the Meter. Host Customer may request that System Owner perform more frequent testing; provided, however, that if such tests indicate that the Meter is accurate by not more than plus or minus two percent (2.0%), then any such testing in excess of the annual tests shall be at Host Customer’s expense. Host Customer shall be entitled to witness such tests.
Section 9.3.2 If, upon testing, any Meter is found to be accurate or in error by not more than plus or minus two percent (2%), then previous recordings of such Meter shall be considered accurate in computing deliveries of Output hereunder, but such Meter shall be promptly adjusted to record correctly.
Section 9.3.3 If, upon testing, any Meter shall be found to be inaccurate by an amount more than plus or minus two percent (2%), then such Meter shall be promptly repaired or adjusted to record properly and any previous recordings by such Meter shall be corrected to zero error. If no reliable information exists as to the period over which such Meter registered inaccurately, it shall be assumed for purposes of correcting previously delivered invoices that such inaccuracy began at a point in time midway between the testing date and the next previous date on which such Meter was tested and found to be accurate. If the difference in the previously invoiced amounts minus the adjusted payment is a positive number, that difference shall offset amounts owing by Host Customer to System Owner in subsequent month(s). If the difference is a negative number, the difference shall be added to the next month’s invoice and paid by Host Customer to System Owner on the Due Date of such invoice. Commented [11]: Municipalities might consider adding a “System Performance” or “Guaranteed Energy Savings” provision to this Article 10. An extended discussion and examples of performance guarantees are contained in the cross-referenced link below.
Calibration. Seller at its sole cost and expense shall inspect and calibrate, or cause to be inspected, all Electric Metering Equipment and Gas Metering Equipment, periodically, but not less frequently than annually or as required by the Transmission Provider or CAISO. Correction shall be made when any test shall show a measurement error of more than (i) in the case of Gas Metering Equipment, two percent (2%) or such lower percentage as may be established by applicable tariff of the delivery pipeline(s), or (ii) in the case of Electric Metering Equipment, per CAISO Requirements. Correction to amounts billed and/or paid shall be made for the period during which the measurement instruments were in error. If the period cannot be ascertained, correction with respect to natural gas xxxxxxxx shall be made for the last half of the period elapsed since the last test date; and the electric xxxxxxxx shall be corrected in accordance with CAISO Requirements. The measuring instrument shall be adjusted immediately to measure accurately.