Security of Your Account Information. You, as a customer, are responsible for providing security for your Online Bank account. Passwords must be kept private. You should make sure that no one is physically watching as Passwords are entered. It is important to remember to click “Log Off” after completing your Online Banking session. This will deter unauthorized access to your account if your computer is shared or available to others.
Security of Your Account Information. PFM Software accesses DCS using your confidential Access Codes and, as such, anyone with access to your PFM Software may also gain access to your account information. You agree to safeguard the computer or other device running your PFM Software by, for example, protecting it with a password. You also agree to immediately notify us if you become aware of any loss, theft or unauthorized use of the computer or device on which you have installed PFM Software. We reserve the right to deny you access to DCS (or any part thereof) if we reasonably believe that any loss, theft or unauthorized use of the PFM Software or the computer on which it runs has occurred. You understand that the manufacturer of your PFM Software is not under M&T's control and is not subject to M&T's Digital Privacy Notice or information security procedures.
Security of Your Account Information. You agree to safeguard the computer or other device running your Intuit QuickBooks software and its Web Connect integration into Continental Bank’s Online Banking by, for example, protecting it with a password. You also agree to immediately notify us if you become aware of any loss, theft or unauthorized use of the computer or device. We reserve the right to deny you access to WCS (or any part thereof) if we reasonably believe that any loss, theft or unauthorized use of the WCS or the computer on which it runs has occurred. You understand that the manufacturer of QuickBooks Web Connect is not under the Bank's control and is not subject to the Bank’s Privacy Policy or information security procedures.