Selection - Any. Contract issued to a contractor does not guarantee its selection, in whole or in part, for use by a participating state in its Volume Hearing Aid Purchase Plan. A participating state may select the contractor(s) and hearing aids that meet the specific state’s requirements, but is under no obligation to make all contracted hearing aids available. Hearing aids may be accepted for the Contract, but not be selected by one or more participating states, including Minnesota.
Selection - Any. Contract issued to a contractor does not guarantee its selection, in whole or in part, for use by a participating state in its Volume Hearing Aid Purchase Plan. A participating state may select the contractor(s) and hearing aids that meet the specific state’s requirements, but is under no obligation to make all contracted hearing aids available. Hearing aids may be accepted for the Contract, but not be selected by one or more participating states, including Minnesota. DocuSign Envelope ID: A0B48BC9-4003-4C4F-8C3D-83663DCDEC55 DocuSign Envelope ID: AD9F4EDB-2B67-42B1-814B-6A918FB92D16