SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. As at the date of this announcement:
SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. The shareholding structure of the Company as at the date of this Agreement is set out in Part A of Schedule 3.
SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. To the best of the Directors’ knowledge, information and belief after having made all reasonable enquires, the existing shareholding structure of the Company and the effect on the shareholding structure of the Company upon completion of the Subscription (subject to completion of the Subscription and assuming that there is no other change in the shareholding structure of the Company before the allotment and issue of the Consideration Shares under the Subscription) are set out below: Shareholders As at the date of this announcement Immediately upon completion of the Subscription Number of issued Shares Approximate % Number of issued Shares Approximate % Fame Dragon International Investment Limited (Note) 18,900,449,484 58.99 18,900,449,484 58.18 長信基金管理有限責任公司 1,921,700,000 5.99 1,921,700,000 5.91 The Subscriber — — 448,564,804 1.38 Other Public Shareholders 11,216,738,250 35.02 11,216,738,250 34.53 32,038,887,734 =========== 100.00 ===== 32,487,452,538 =========== 100.00 ===== Fame Dragon International Investment Limited is directly, wholly and beneficially owned by Guangdong Zhenrong (Hong Kong) Company Limited which is directly, wholly and beneficially owned by 廣 東 振 戎 能 源 有 限 公 司 (Guangdong Zhenrong Energy Co., Ltd.*) (“GZE”). 珠海振戎公司 (Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Company*) (a PRC state-owned enterprise) and 海南利津投資有限公司 (Hainan Li Jin Investment Company Limited*) are interested in 44.3% and 35% respectively in the share capital of GZE, and are deemed under the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571 of the laws of Hong Kong) to be interested in the shares in which GZE had an interest. Xxxxxx Xx Xxx is owned as to 34% by Xxx Xxxx Xxx, as to 33% by Xx Xxxx Xxx and as to 33% by Xxxxx Xxx. In this announcement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the following meanings:
SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. The shareholdings in the Company as at the date of the CDBIH Subscription Agreement (based on information received by the Company including as notified pursuant to Part XV of the SFO and Part VII of the SFA) and immediately after completion of the CDBIH Subscription (assuming that there is no change in the number of issued Shares other than the issue of the CDBIH Subscription Shares between the date of the CDBIH Subscription Agreement up to completion of the CDBIH Subscription) are summarized as follows: CDBIH -- 0.00% 5,347,921,071 54.32% SREI (Notes 1 and 2) 1,468,356,862 32.64% 1,468,356,862 14.91% Xx. Xxx Xxxx (Note 1) 6,104,938 0.14% 6,104,938 0.06% Xx. Xx Xxx Min 8,352,672 0.19% 8,352,672 0.09% Xx. Xxx Xxx Xxxxx Xxxx 5,332,500 0.12% 5,332,500 0.05% Ms. Gu Biya 3,000,000 0.07% 3,000,000 0.03% Mr. Xxx Xxxxxx 2,475,000 0.06% 2,475,000 0.03% Mr. Xxxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxx 100,000 0.002% 100,000 0.001% Md. Xx Xxxx Xxxx (spouse of Xx. Xxx Xxxx) (Note 2) 1,090 0.00002% 1,090 0.00001% Other Shareholders 3,004,475,614 66.79% 3,004,475,614 30.51% Total 4,498,198,676 100.00% 9,846,119,747 100.00% Notes:
SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. As at the date of this announcement, the Company has 2,858,772,000 Shares in issue. For illustration purpose only, the shareholding structures of the Company (i) as at the date of this announcement; and (ii) immediately after the allotment and issue of the Consultant Option Shares in full are as follows: Stmoritz Investment Limited(1) 749,460,000 26.22% 749,460,000 26.12% Bright Stream Holding Limited(2) 447,112,000 15.64% 447,112,000 15.59% LNZ Holding Limited(3) 203,304,000 7.11% 203,304,000 7.09% Xxxxx Xxxx Holding Limited(4) 74,544,000 2.61% 74,544,000 2.60% Directors(5) 40,600,000 1.42% 40,600,000 1.42% The Consultant — — 10,000,000 0.35% Public Shareholders 1,343,752,000 47.00% 1,343,752,000 48.84% Total 2,858,772,000 100.00% 2,868,772,000 100.00% Notes: 1 The entire share capital of Stmoritz Investment Limited is wholly-owned by DAE Holding Investments Limited and ultimately owned by TMF (Cayman) Ltd. as the trustee of the DAE Trust, which is a discretionary trust set up by Xx. XXX Xxxx (“Xx. XXX”) on 27 December 2013 for the benefit of himself and his family members, and Xx. XXX is a settlor and protector. Xx. XXX (as founder of the DAE Trust), DAE Holding Investments Limited and TMF (Cayman) Ltd. are taken to be interested in 749,460,000 Shares held by Stmoritz Investment Limited (without taking into account any Shares to be issued upon exercise of any share options under the Pre-IPO Share Option Scheme and pursuant to the Post-IPO RSU Scheme) pursuant to Part XV of the SFO. Xx. XXX is the chairman of the Board and an executive Director. 2 The entire share capital of Bright Stream Holding Limited is wholly-owned by WHEZ Holding Ltd. and ultimately owned by TMF (Cayman) Ltd. as the trustee of the WHZ Trust, which is a discretionary trust set up by Xx. XX Xxxx (“Xx. XX”) on 27 December 2013 for the benefit of himself and his family members, and Xx. XX is a settlor and protector. Xx. XX (as founder of the WHZ Trust), WHEZ Holding Ltd. and TMF (Cayman) Ltd. are taken to be interested in 447,112,000 Shares held by Bright Stream Holding Limited (without taking into account any Shares to be issued upon exercise of any share options under the Pre-IPO Share Option Scheme and pursuant to the Post-IPO RSU Scheme) pursuant to Part XV of the SFO. Xx. XX is an executive Director. 3 The entire share capital of LNZ Holding Limited is owned by Golden Water Management Limited, which is wholly owned by TMF (Cayman) Ltd. as the trustee of The Zhen Family Trust, which...
SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. The following table sets out the shareholding structure of the Company (i) as at the date of this announcement; and (ii) immediately upon Completion (assuming no further change in the Company’s issued share capital from the date of this announcement up to Completion): Shares Approximate %5 Shares Approximate %5 Directors Xx. Xxx Xxxx Chi1 209,304,090 9.0 209,304,090 7.7 Xx. Xxxxx Xxxx0 81,253,659 3.5 81,253,659 3.0 Xx. Xx Xxxx Tai3 41,066,338 1.8 41,066,338 1.5 Xx. Xxx Xxxx Fai, Xxxxxx (resigned on 13 March 2020)4 23,629,778 1.0 23,629,778 0.9 Sub-total 355,253,865 15.3 355,253,865 13.1 Subscriber I – – 100,000,000 3.7 Subscriber II – – 100,000,000 3.7 Subscriber III – – 100,000,000 3.7 Subscriber IV – – 100,000,000 3.7 Sub-total – – 400,000,000 14.8 Other public Shareholders 1,963,482,305 84.7 1,963,482,305 72.2 Total 2,318,736,170 100.0 2,718,736,170 100.0
SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. The changes of the shareholding structure of the Company as a result of the Placing (assuming no further Shares will be allotted and issue by the Company pursuant to any outstanding share options and convertible bonds (note 1)) are as follows: Xxx Xxx Xxx (notes 2 and 3) 341,257,205 8.55 341,257,205 7.86 Xxxx Xxxxx Xxx 5,438,150 0.14 5,438,150 0.13 Xxx Xx 21,448,550 0.54 21,448,550 0.49 Choy So Xxx 271,908 0.01 271,908 0.01 Xxxxx Xxxx Wing 224,213 0.01 224,213 0.01 Public Shareholders: The Placees – – 350,000,000 8.06 Other public Shareholders 3,623,082,344 90.75 3,623,082,344 83.44 Total 3,991,722,370 100 4,341,722,370 100 Notes:
SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. To the best of the Directors’ knowledge, information and belief after having made all reasonable enquires, the existing shareholding structure of the Company as at the date of this announcement and the effect on the shareholding structure of the Company upon completion of the SM Placing (terms as revised by the Supplemental Placing Agreement and assuming the maximum number of the New SM Placing Shares are placed and there is no other change in the shareholding structure of the Company before the issue of the New SM Placing Shares under the SM Placing) are set out below: completion of the SM Placing Xx. Xxx Xxx Xxx, Xxxxx and Number of Shares Approximate % Number of Shares Approximate % his associates (Note 2) 35,025,346 9.53 35,025,346 2.82 Like Capital Limited (Note 3) 43,623,200 11.86 43,623,200 3.51 The Placees of the SM Placing – – 874,100,000 70.39 Other public Shareholders 289,037,775 78.61 289,037,775 23.28 Total 367,686,321 100.00 1,241,786,321 100.00
SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. Set out below are the shareholding structures of the Company (i) as at the date of this announcement; (ii) immediately after the allotment and issue of the Subscription Shares; and
SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. For illustration purpose, the table below sets out the shareholding structure of the Company