SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. As at the date of this announcement:
SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. The shareholding structure of the Company as at the date of this Agreement is set out in Part A of Schedule 3.
SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. To the best of the Directors’ knowledge, information and belief after having made all reasonable enquires, the existing shareholding structure of the Company and the effect on the shareholding structure of the Company upon completion of the Subscription (subject to completion of the Subscription and assuming that there is no other change in the shareholding structure of the Company before the allotment and issue of the Consideration Shares under the Subscription) are set out below: Shareholders As at the date of this announcement Immediately upon completion of the Subscription Number of issued Shares Approximate % Number of issued Shares Approximate % Fame Dragon International Investment Limited (Note) 18,900,449,484 58.99 18,900,449,484 58.18 長信基金管理有限責任公司 1,921,700,000 5.99 1,921,700,000 5.91 The Subscriber — — 448,564,804 1.38 Other Public Shareholders 11,216,738,250 35.02 11,216,738,250 34.53 32,038,887,734 =========== 100.00 ===== 32,487,452,538 =========== 100.00 ===== Fame Dragon International Investment Limited is directly, wholly and beneficially owned by Guangdong Zhenrong (Hong Kong) Company Limited which is directly, wholly and beneficially owned by 廣 東 振 戎 能 源 有 限 公 司 (Guangdong Zhenrong Energy Co., Ltd.*) (“GZE”). 珠海振戎公司 (Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Company*) (a PRC state-owned enterprise) and 海南利津投資有限公司 (Hainan Li Jin Investment Company Limited*) are interested in 44.3% and 35% respectively in the share capital of GZE, and are deemed under the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571 of the laws of Hong Kong) to be interested in the shares in which GZE had an interest. Xxxxxx Xx Xxx is owned as to 34% by Xxx Xxxx Xxx, as to 33% by Xx Xxxx Xxx and as to 33% by Xxxxx Xxx. In this announcement, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the following meanings:
SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. As at the date of this announcement, Tsinghua Unigroup is an indirect controlling shareholder of the Company and holds 986,829,420 shares, representing approximately 67.82% of the issued share capital of the Company. The shareholding structure of the Company is as follows on the date of this announcement and immediately prior to the Completion of the Equity Transfers: Immediately after the Completion of the Equity Transfers, the shareholding structure of the Company is as follows:
SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. Set out below is the existing and enlarged shareholding structure of the Company (i) as at the date of this announcement, and (ii) immediately after the completion of the Subscription (assuming there is no change in the share capital of the Company): Xxxx XxxxXxxxx 1,330,000,000 24.89% 1,330,000,000 20.97% Xxxxx Xxxxx 70,000 0.00% 70,000 0.00% Xxxx Xxx Xxx, Xxxxx 1,200,000 0.02% 1,200,000 0.02% Subscriber 0 0.00% 1,000,000,000 15.76% Public Shareholders 4,012,420,000 75.09% 4,012,420,000 63.25% Total 5,343,690,000 100.00% 6,343,690,000 100.00% The Company did not carry out any equity fund raising activity in the past twelve months.
SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. If the Rights Issue is to proceed, for illustration purposes only: Assuming that there is no change in the shareholding structure of the Company from the date of this announcement up to the completion of the Rights Issue: Name of Shareholder As at the date of this announcement Mr. Xx (also as the Underwriter) 200,730,224 13.41 802,920,896 13.41 802,920,896 13.41 3,798,120,608 74.56(Note 2) Xx. Xxxx(note 1) Other public Shareholders Total
SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. As at the date of this announcement, there are outstanding (i) the 2008 Puraway Convertible Bond issued to Puraway Holdings Limited; (ii) the 2008 CTF Convertible Note issued to CTF Nominee; (iii) the GI Convertible Note issued to Golden Infinity; and (iv) the share options granted by the Company under its share option scheme to the directors and employees of the Group to subscribe for an aggregate of 21,550,670 Shares. Save as disclosed above, as at the date of this announcement, there are no other outstanding options, warrants, derivatives, or other securities which carry rights to subscribe for or be converted into Shares. There may also fall to be issued up to a maximum of 100,000,000 new Shares to Xx. Xxx Xxxxx Xxx following completion of the acquisition which was the subject of the circular of the Company dated 31 October 2008. The table below illustrates the shareholding structure of the Company as at the date of this announcement and the shareholding structures of the Company under the following scenarios (assuming that there is no change in the issued share capital of the Company and the shareholding structure of the Company from the date of this announcement up to the occurrence of the events mentioned below):
SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. The following chart sets out the shareholding structure of the Company (a) as at the date of this announcement; (b) immediately after completion of the Acquisition and the issuance of Consideration Shares; and (c) assuming full conversion of the Convertible Bond at the initial Conversion Price of HK$0.45. Name of the Shareholders Glamour House Limited Shares Approx. % Shares Approx. % Shares Approx. % (Note 1) 544,514,782 36.66 544,514,782 30.91 544,514,782 26.72 Xx. Xxx Xxx 34,050,436 2.29 34,050,436 1.93 34,050,436 1.67 Vendors 276,306,666 15.68 552,613,332 27.11 Public 906,953,769 61.05 906,953,769 51.48 906,953,769 44.50 Total 1,485,518,987 100 1,761,825,653 100 2,038,132,319 100
SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. The following table illustrates (i) the shareholding structure of the Company as at the date of this announcement; and (ii) the shareholding structure of the Company immediately following the exercise of the Option in full: Approx. Substantial Shareholders Front Riches Investments Limited No. of Shares percentage No. of Shares percentage (note 1) 405,154,800 25.06 405,154,800 24.02 Tse Dik Chi 200,000,000 12.37 200,000,000 11.86 King Lion Group Limited (note 2) 158,500,000 9.80 158,500,000 9.40 Directors Xx Xxx Xxx, Xxxxxxx 152,677 0.01 152,677 0.01 Xxxxx Xxx Xxx, Xxxxxx 1,000,000 0.06 1,000,000 0.06 Qi Wenju 600,000 0.04 600,000 0.04 The Consultant – – 70,000,000 4.15 Other public Shareholders 851,205,434 52.66 851,205,434 50.46 Total 1,616,612,911 100 1,686,612,911 100.00
SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE OF THE COMPANY. As at the date of this announcement, the Company has 219,279,744 Shares in issue. Set out below is a table showing the shareholding structure of the Company (i) as at the date of this announcement, and (ii) immediately upon the Completion, assuming there is no change in the issued share capital of the Company and in the shareholding structure of the Company (other than the issue of the Subscription Shares) between the date of this announcement and Completion of the Subscription: Noble Trade International Holdings Limited (聖行國際集團有限公司) 65,001,624 29.64 65,001,624 24.70 The Subscriber — — 43,855,948 16.67 Xxxx Xxxxxxx (International) 23,755,306 10.83 23,755,306 9.03 Holdings Limited (歐普善偉(國際)控股有限公司) Hong Kong Ruihong Yixing 23,400,210 10.67 23,400,210 8.89 International Co., Limited (香港瑞宏藝興國際有限公司) Public Other Public Shareholders 107,122,604 48.85 107,122,604 40.71 Total 219,279,744 100.00 263,135,692 100.00