Move-Out Procedure Prior to either (i) the expiry of the Term, or (ii) the date on which the Resident is to vacate the Residence (detailed in Table 1 & 3), the Manager, or designate, can be requested in advance by the Resident to complete a visual inspection of the Suite to view the state of cleanliness and repair. If no request to inspect the suite is made by the Resident, the inspection will take place once the Resident has vacated the suite. In the event the Resident chooses to have the inspection completed prior to vacating the suite, the Manager, or designate, will inspect the suite and inform the Resident of potential damage and/or cleaning charges and outline what steps the student may take to mitigate charges. On vacating, all garbage and belongings of the Resident must be removed, and the suite must be cleaned to the point of restoring the suite to its original condition. Once the Resident has vacated, the Manager, or designate, will complete a documented visual inspection of the Suite. In the event deficiencies are found, the cost of cleaning the suite and restoring it to its original state may be deducted from the Resident’s original Deposit. There is a minimum cleaning charge of