S.I Sample Clauses

S.I. No. 337 of 2011 (European Communities (Electronic Communications Networks and Services) (Universal Service and Users’ Rights) Regulations 2011 (Ireland): (i) The Customer is able to use all Voice Services provided to access the national emergency call answering services by dialling 999 or 112. However for some Voice Services the Customer acknowledges that the ability to make 999 or 112 emergency calls cannot be guaranteed. If the Customer uses the Service to make emergency calls, the location information received by the emergency services may be limited to the installation address of the primary telephone line, which may not be the location from which the call originate and hence the Voice Service may not be capable of correctly identifying the caller’s location to the emergency service. Emergency calls may fail if there is a power failure or broadband connection failure. Wherever possible alternative arrangements should be made and a primary telephone line maintained. The Customer agrees that it is responsible for ensuring that it puts appropriate measures in place to enable Users to call emergency services. In respect of all other Services, the Customer is not able to use the Service to access the national emergency call answering services.
S.I. ZiE.c-......
S.I. No. 337 of 2011 (European Communities (Electronic Communications Networks and Services) (Universal Service and Users’ Rights) Regulations 2011 (Ireland): (i) The Customer is able to use all Voice Services provided to access the national emergency call answering services by dialling 999 or 112. However for some Voice Services the Customer acknowledges that the ability to make 999 or 112 emergency calls cannot be guaranteed. If the Customer uses the Service to make emergency calls, the location information received by the emergency services may be limited to the installation address of the primary telephone line, which may not be the location from which the call originate and hence the Voice Service may not be capable of correctly identifying the caller’s location to the emergency service. Emergency calls may fail if there is a power failure or broadband connection failure. Wherever possible
S.I. На (i + 1)-м шаге Si+1 добавляется к правилу q0. При этом образуется биграмма vSi+1. Если она ранее не встречалась, переходим к следующему шагу. Если в грамматике есть правило qk → vSi+1, правило q0 → uvSi+1 меняется на q0 → uqk. Если такого правила нет, а биграмма vSi+1 в грамматике где-то есть, вводится новое правило типа qj → vSi+1 и оба вхождения vSi+1 заменяются на qj. После проведения такой замены правило P1 выполняется, но может нарушиться P2. Если какой-то нетерминал A остался в единственном числе (в правых частях правил вывода), его вхождение меняется на соответствующую правую часть правила A → w, а само правило исключается из грамматики. Например, для первых 9 символов последовательности S = abcdbcabcd получена грамматика G = (Σ = {a,b,c,d}, Q = {q0, A, B}, P = {q0→ BdAB; A→bc; B→aA}. Тогда 10- й шаг процесса построения грамматики выглядит следующим образом: 10 abcdbcabcd S→ BdABd A→bc B→aA Bd встречается дважды S→CAC A→bc B→aA C→Bd нарушается Р2 B встречается один раз S→ CAC A→bc C→aAd Сложность этой грамматики равна 8. Возможности метода иллюстрируются на естественно-языковых [98], музыкальных текстах и ДНК-последовательностях [99], но идеология подхода (построение иерархии повторов [100]) применима к текстам любой языковой природы. Авторы делают упор на выявление иерархической структуры текста, однако отмечают и высокий компрессионный потенциал метода. На основе грамматической сложности построены такие алгоритмы сжатия ДНК(РНК)-последовательностей как DNASequitur [101] и RNACompress [102].
S.I. jIsIId6l3sIuMDIçÙfu
S.I. Ai∗ . For j i(i i∗), it holds that e(σi,j, g)e(hj, Ri) = e(gai g−ri gn+1−i+jR vj , g)e(gjgvj , Ri) = e(gai g−ri gn+1−i+j, g)e(gj, Ri) = e(gai g−ri gn+1−i+j, g)e(gj, gri g−1 ) = ai −ri ri −1 ai n+1−i e(g , g)e(gj gn+1−i+j, g)e(g, gj gn+1−i+j ) = e(g , g) = e(g, g)ai d=xx X . Hence, for all j ƒ= i(i ∈ {1, · · · , n}), we have that
S.I. S. and its staff will abide by all the safety rules when my child is being transported in a vehicle. I also give my child permission to play outside the building in a safe and supervised environment.
S.I si , si where si Sbd and si .dec = 0.
S.I. Sjj of subsets of Π s.t. each two consecutive sets of the sequence differ from each other in at most one node and each set of the sequence is ƒ= S. We sketch how to construct the desired graphs i of the sequence in three phases.
S.I. S. staff will provide medical care as permitted by Basic First Aid Certification. There will always be at least one staff member present at all times trained in Basic First Aid and CPR. A First Aid kit is available to staff at all times. In the event of an injury your child will be treated with first aid and the incident/accident will be documented and reported to the parent at the end of the day. In the event of a medical emergency, staff members will contact an ambulance and then contact the child’s parent and doctor. If it is necessary to transport your child to the hospital, a staff member will remain with your child at all times.