Your child or “student” means the student/s being enrolled and named as the student in this Agreement and the Application for Enrolment
Your child means the child named on the Parent Contract.
Examples of Your child in a sentence
Your child is included in an obligatory personal accident insurance scheme, the charge for which is included in the fees.
Your child could be avoiding school for a number of reasons – difficulties with school work, bullying, friendship problems, family difficulties.
Tick One Yes No If yes to either or both of the above, please sign to confirm that: Your child does not receive more than 20 hours of 20 Hours ECE per week across all services.
Your child can attend a maximum of two childcare sites in a single day.
Your child may become upset that he/she cannot participate in activities.
More Definitions of Your child
Your child or “Student” means the student/s being enrolled and named as the student in this Agreement and the Application for Enrolment
Your child means any of the following:
Your child. (separate page for each child, please copy or ask us for additional pages) Preferred name/nickname: Please circle the words that best describe your child: calm, shy, excitable, happy, sensitive, cheerful, loud, quiet, easily angered, stubborn, curious, active, aggressive, on task, destructive, gives in easily, temper tantrums, loving, jealous, shares well, hyperactive, unfocused, bright, slow learner, busy, contented, other: How does your child get along with other children? How does your child express feelings? What behavior do you find most difficult to handle? What method of discipline do you find works best with your child? What are your child’s favorite activities? Least favorite?
Your child. (separate page for each child, please copy or ask us for additional pages) Preferred name/nickname:_ Please check the words that best describe your child: calm shy excitable happy sensitive cheerful loud easily angered stubborn curious active aggressive on task destructive gives in easily temper tantrums loving jealous shares well hyperactive unfocused bright slow learner busy contented other: How does your child get along with other children? How does your child express feelings? What behavior do you find most difficult to handle? What method of discipline do you find works best with your child? What are your child’s favorite activities? Least favorite? Would you like your child to work on homework at the program?
Your child is unable to use the Bus Service, for example as a result of absence from school due to illness
Your child means the child as specified in this document.
Your child means the child for whom the Experience is booked.