Sightseeing, Excursions and Special Activities on Cruise Sample Clauses

Sightseeing, Excursions and Special Activities on Cruise. (a) Sightseeing: Sightseeing in many historic towns and cities can only be undertaken by walking tours as motorcoach access is not possible.

Related to Sightseeing, Excursions and Special Activities on Cruise

  • Completion of Concrete Pours and Emergency Work (a) Except as provided in this sub-clause an Employee shall nor work or be required to work in the rain. (b) Employees shall not be required to start a concrete pour in Inclement Weather. (c) Where a concrete pour has been commenced prior to the commencement of a period of Inclement Weather Employees may be required to complete such concrete pour to a practical stage and for such work shall be paid at the rate of double time calculated to the next hour, and in the case of wet weather shall be provided with adequate wet weather gear. (d) If an Employee’s clothes become wet as a result of working in the rain during a concrete pour the Employee shall, unless the Employee has a change of dry working clothes available, be allowed to go home without loss of pay. (e) The provisions of clauses 32.7(c) and 32.7(d) hereof shall also apply in the case of emergency work where the Employees concerned and their delegates agree that the work is of an emergency nature and can start and/or proceed.


  • Information Systems Acquisition Development and Maintenance a. Client Data – Client Data will only be used by State Street for the purposes specified in this Agreement.

  • Lobbying Activities - Standard Form - LLL No response Do not upload this form unless Vendor has reportable lobbying activities. There are Attributes entitled, “2 CFR Part 200 or Federal Provision - Xxxx Anti-Lobbying Amendment – Continued.” Properly respond to those Attributes and only upload this form if applicable/instructed. If upload is required based on your response to those Attributes, the Disclosure of Lobbying Activities – Standard Form - LLL must be downloaded from the “Attachments” section of the IonWave eBid System, reviewed, properly completed, and uploaded to this location.

  • Implementation of and Reporting on the Project A. The Grantee shall implement and complete the Project in accordance with Exhibit A and with the plans and specifications contained in its Grant Application, which is on file with the State and is incorporated by reference. Modification of the Project shall require prior written approval of the State. B. The Grantee shall submit to the State written progress reports until the completion of the Project. These reports shall be submitted upon request by the State and shall contain such detail of progress or performance on the Project as is requested by the State.

  • Project Background 6.1.1. Brief description of Contracting Agency’s project background and/or situation leading to this Project

  • PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL IMPROVEMENT A. The Board of Education agrees to pay the actual tuition costs of courses taken by a teacher at accredited colleges or universities up to three courses per two (2) year fiscal periods from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2008 and July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2010 respectively, except as follows: 1. No teacher may be reimbursed for courses taken during the first year of teaching in Vineland. 2. Teachers taking courses in the second and third years of employment in Vineland will not receive remuneration until tenure has been secured. The remuneration will then be retroactive and will be paid to the teacher in a lump sum within sixty (60) days after the teacher has secured tenure. 3. All courses must be pre-approved by the Superintendent or his designee subject to the following requirements: (a) A teacher must provide official documentation that he/she has obtained a grade of B or better; (b) Reimbursement shall be paid only for courses directly related to teacher’s teaching field which increase the teacher’s content knowledge and are related to the teacher’s current certification, as determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee in his/her sole discretion; no reimbursement shall be paid for courses leading to a post graduate or professional degree in a field other than education or teaching. Further, effective September 1, 2010, all newly hired teachers shall not be eligible for reimbursement until they are tenured, and they shall not be eligible for retroactive reimbursement upon gaining tenure for courses taken prior to being tenured. (c) The maximum total payments to be made by the Board shall not exceed $130,000.00. Courses shall be applied for no earlier than the following dates: Summer Session - April 1 Fall/Winter Session - June 1 Spring Session - October 1 Courses must, as set forth hereinabove in this sub-article 18.A.3, be pre-approved by the Superintendent or his designee, prior to the teacher commencing the course(s); and (d) Teacher taking courses shall sign a contract requiring them to reimburse the Board for all tuition paid for a course if the teacher shall voluntarily leave the employ of the Board within one (1) full school/academic year of completion of said course, except that reimbursement shall not be required when the teacher shall voluntarily leave the employ of the Board due to a significant, documented life change. 4. Tuition reimbursement costs shall be a sum not to exceed the actual cost of college credits charged in an accredited public State college/University of the State of New Jersey. B. When the Superintendent initiates in-service training courses, workshops, conferences and programs designed to improve the quality of instruction, the cooperation of the Vineland Education Association will be solicited. Notwithstanding the above, the initiation of in-service training courses, workshops, conferences and programs shall be determined solely at the discretion of the Board. C. One professional leave day may be granted to a teacher upon request, according to the following guidelines: 1. The professional day may be for attendance at a workshop, seminar or visit to another school for the expressed purpose of self professional improvement for the job. 2. The request shall arrive in the office of the Superintendent of Schools at least ten (10) working days prior to the date requested and shall be reviewed by the immediate supervisor prior to submission. The Board reserves the right to deny a professional leave day before or immediately following a holiday or on a day which by its nature suggests a hardship for providing a substitute. 3. No more than two teachers from any one elementary school or from any one department in the secondary schools may be granted a professional leave for a given day. 4. The teacher may be required to submit a report to the Superintendent of Schools, Assistant Superintendent, supervisor (s), principal and staff regarding the activity of the professional day. 5. Costs incurred by the teacher for the professional day authorized under this Section shall be the teacher’s responsibility. 6. A maximum of 90 professional leave days may be authorized for the school year which shall be apportioned as follows: elementary, 35; grades seven and eight, 20; and high school, 35. D. If the Board initiates a teacher’s attendance at a professional workshop, seminar or visit, the expenses shall be the responsibility of the Board. Further, this day shall not be subtracted from the 90 professional leave days granted to teachers of the Association. E. The Board agrees to pay the full cost of courses taken by secretaries related to skills and knowledge improvement when such courses are required and approved by the Board. F. The Board and the Association agree that it is important to communicate when developing and implementing current and future learning technologies, including but not limited to distance and on-line learning.

  • Certification Regarding Prohibition of Boycotting Israel (Tex Gov. Code 2271)

  • LAY-OFFS AND RECALLS (a) Both parties recognize that job security shall increase in proportion to length of seniority. Therefore, in the event of a lay-off, employees shall be laid off in the reverse order of their bargaining unit-wide seniority. (b) The employer shall meet with the union executive prior to a lay-off to review the seniority list and to discuss the order of lay-off. In addition, the parties will look to identify and implement all reasonable alternatives to the proposed lay-off Note: Where a proposed lay-off results in the subsequent displacement of any member(s) of the bargaining unit, the original notice to the union provided in (a) above shall be considered notice to the union of any subsequent lay-off. 12.02 Employees shall be recalled in the order of their seniority. 12.03 New employees shall not be hired until those laid off have been given an opportunity to recall. 12.04 An employee who accepts lay-off or exercises her/his bumping rights or otherwise secures alternate employment within the Agency following a notice of lay-off shall retain the right to be reinstated in his/her former job if such becomes available within nine (9) months of his/her original notice of lay-off. 12.05 An employee shall be given the right to continue their benefit coverage following lay-off. The employer shall continue to pay its share of such insured benefit premiums for a laid off employee for a period of six (6) months following lay-off, or until the employee has found other employment which includes benefit coverage prior to the end of the six (6) month period. (a) An employee shall have the opportunity of recall from lay-off in order of seniority to the final subsequent vacancy after the job posting provision has been exhausted providing he/she has the ability to perform the work within a reasonable time period, and is qualified. (b) An employee recalled to work in a different classification from which he/she was laid off shall have the privilege of returning to the classification held prior to the lay-off should it become vacant within six (6) months of being recalled. (c) The employer shall notify the employee of recall opportunity by registered mail, addressed to the last address on the record with the employer (which notification shall be deemed to be received on the second day following the date of mailing). The notification shall state the job to which the employee is eligible to be recalled and the date and time at which the employee shall report for work. The employee is solely responsible for his/her proper address being on record with the employer. (d) Employees on lay-off shall be given preference for temporary vacancies, which are expected to exceed ten (10) working days. An employee who has been recalled to such temporary vacancy shall not be required to accept such recall and may instead remain on lay-off. Further such employee recalled to a temporary vacancy is not entitled to any notice of lay-off at the end of the temporary assignment.

  • Grievance on Layoffs and Recalls Grievances concerning layoffs and recalls shall be initiated at Step 2 of the grievance procedure.