Slough and Slides Sample Clauses

Slough and Slides. 1. Slough and Slides may be left in place provided surface drainage is adequately provided and at least 12 feet of width is available for vehicle passage. 2. Purchaser may reposition or ramp over Slides and Slough when the Traveled Way is less than 12 feet providing the material is capable of supporting vehicles. Limit Outslope to no more than six percent. 3. Reposition Slough or Slide materials, which are not capable of supporting a vehicle, on the roadbed to provide the 12 feet width. When directed by Forest Service, Slough or Slide material will be removed under Section T-8320 Slide, Slump, and Erosion Repair.
Slough and Slides. Slough and slides may be left in place when surface drainage is provided and at least 12 feet of width is available for vehicle passage.
Slough and Slides a. Slough and slides may be left in place, provided surface drainage is provided and at least 12 feet of width is available for vehicle passage. b. Purchaser/Contractor may reposition or ramp over slides and slough when the traveled way width is less than 12 feet, providing the material is capable of supporting vehicles. Limit outslope to no more than six percent. c. Reposition slough or slide materials on the roadbed which are not capable of supporting a vehicle to provide the 12-foot width. When directed by the Contracting Officer, slough or slide material shall be removed under Section T-832.
Slough and Slides. 1. Slough and Slides may be left in place provided surface drainage is adequately provided and at least 12 feet of width is available for vehicle passage. 2. Purchaser may reposition or ramp over Slides and Slough when the Traveled Way is less than 12 feet providing the material is capable of supporting vehicles. Limit Outslope to no more than six percent. 3. Reposition Slough or Slide materials, which are not capable of supporting a vehicle, on the roadbed to provide the 12 feet width. When directed by Forest Service, Slough or Slide material will be removed under Section T-8320 Slide, Slump, and Erosion Repair. 1. Drain the roadbed immediately upgrade of Slumps and longitudinal cracks to prevent water from entering Slump area. 2. Slumps and longitudinal cracks at the edge of the roadbed shall not be considered a part of the usable width. Usable width may be reduced to ten feet in the area of the Slump. 3. Unless Forest Service agrees to material being placed on Slumps, ramp the Slumps on both ends into undisturbed roadbed to provide at least ten feet usable width. Use removed materials to guide vehicles to the ramp location or to aid in draining the area. 4. Eroded areas/washouts may be filled with suitable material and compacted by operating equipment over the fill area.

Related to Slough and Slides

  • WILD AND SCENIC RIVERS The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.S.C. § 1271, et seq.) as amended, particularly sections 7(b) and (c) (16 U.S.C. § 1278(b) and (c)). AIR QUALITY The Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. § 7401, et seq.) as amended, particularly sections 176(c) and (d) (42 U.S.C. §7506(c) and (d)). Determining Conformity of Federal Actions to State or Federal Implementation Plans (Environmental Protection Agency-40 C.F.R. Parts 6, 51, and 93).

  • Generelt Apple-softwaren kan give adgang til Apples iTunes Store, App Store, iCloud, Kort og andre tjenester og websteder fra Apple og tredjeparter (under et kaldet “tjenester”). Denne tjeneste findes evt. ikke på alle sprog eller i alle lande. Brug af disse tjenester kræver internetadgang, og brug af visse tjenester kræver evt. et Apple-id, accept af yderligere betingelser og betaling af ekstra gebyrer. Ved at bruge denne software i forbindelse med en iTunes Store-konto, et Apple-id eller en anden Apple-tjeneste erklærer licenstager sig indforstået med de relevante betingelser for brug af den pågældende tjeneste, f.eks. de nyeste vilkår og betingelser for Apples medietjenster, der kan ses på xxxxx:// legal/internet-services/itunes/.

  • Moonlighting Employment as a physician in a professional capacity outside of what is outlined in this Agreement, whether temporary special medical activity (“TSMA”) or external moonlighting, must be approved in writing, in advance, by the Departmental Chair, Program Director and Director of Graduate Medical Education (or designee). Even if approved, professional and general liability insurance as outlined in Section 5.4 is not provided to Trainee engaged in external moonlighting. Trainee acknowledges he or she has the responsibility to obtain insurance for such engagement. TSMA and external moonlighting must be included and reported as part of Trainee's hours spent on clinical experience and education. Trainee shall not be required to engage in any outside work.

  • Přetrvající platnost This Section 3 “

  • Přetrvávající platnost Tento odstavec 1.3 “Zdravotní záznamy a Studijní data a údaje” zůstane závazný i v případě zániku platnosti či vypršení platnosti této Smlouvy.

  • Respectful Workplace a. The Employer is committed to taking appropriate measures to create and maintain a workplace that is respectful and free from inappropriate workplace behavior for all Agency employees pursuant to the statewide policy titled ‘Maintaining a Professional Workplace Policy’ (50.010.03). b. If an Agency employee believes an Agency employee, supervisor or manager has violated the statewide policy titled ‘Maintaining a Professional Workplace’ (50.010.03), the employee shall submit a complaint pursuant to the process outlined in the policy. The Agency complaint form will be accessible to all employees both online and through the Agency’s Human Resources Office. c. The employee may have a Union representative present during regular work hours when reporting inappropriate workplace behavior and through the process outlined in this section. d. The Agency shall investigate the complaint and shall provide a written response to the employee filing the complaint within thirty (30) calendar days of the complaint being filed. When circumstances warrant it, the Agency may take additional time to complete the investigation in blocks of additional thirty (30) calendar days with notice to the Union. The response will include whether the complaint was substantiated and any relevant non confidential information pertaining to the remedial steps taken, if any. Repeated behavior or conduct shall be reported to the Agency Human Resource Office. e. For purposes of this Section, the grievance procedure in Subsection 6 replaces the grievance procedure outlined in the local agreement. (1) If the employee who filed the complaint believes that the Agency did not respond to the complaint or the complaint process was not followed, the Union, on behalf of the employee, may file a grievance directly with the Agency Head. The Agency Head or designee shall respond to the grievance within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of receipt of the grievance. (2) If the employee continues to believe the Agency did not respond to the complaint or did not follow the complaint process, the Union, on behalf of the employee may, within fifteen (15) calendar days of the Agency Head or designee’s response, file the grievance with the Department of Administrative Services Labor Relations Unit. The grievance will be investigated and a response provided within thirty (30) calendar days from the date the grievance was appealed to the Department of Administrative Services. (3) If the Department of Administrative Services Labor Relations Unit’s response did not respond to the complaint or did not address whether the complaint process was followed, the Union may, within fifteen (15) calendar days, file an arbitration request with the Department of Administrative Services and send a copy to the Employment Relations Board asking for a list of seven

  • Vlastnictví Zdravotnické zařízení si ponechá a bude uchovávat Zdravotní záznamy. Zdravotnické zařízení a Zkoušející převedou na Zadavatele veškerá svá práva, nároky a tituly, včetně práv duševního vlastnictví k Důvěrným informacím (ve smyslu níže uvedeném) a k jakýmkoli jiným Studijním datům a údajům.

  • STAFF ORIENTATION 4101 The Employer shall provide an appropriate orientation program for nurses newly employed. The orientation program shall include such essential information as policies, nursing procedures, the location of supplies and equipment, fire, safety and disaster plans. Where necessary, orientation shall be provided for nurses moving to a new area of practice. 4102 The Employer shall provide a program of inservice education for nurses pertinent to patient care. 4103 The Employer shall provide, access to reference materials as is required in relation to maintaining current knowledge of general nursing care. Licensed Practical Nurse 2015 Hourly 25.198 26.022 26.836 27.825 28.732 29.745 30.804 31.420 Monthly 4,231.164 4,369.528 4,506.212 4,672.281 4,824.582 4,994.681 5,172.505 5,275.942 Annual 50,773.970 52,434.330 54,074.540 56,067.375 57,894.980 59,936.175 62,070.060 63,311.300 Nurse II 2015 Hourly 32.917 34.066 35.218 36.419 37.593 38.811 39.587 Monthly 5,527.313 5,720.249 5,913.689 6,115.357 6,312.491 6,517.014 6,647.317 Annual 66,327.755 68,642.990 70,964.270 73,384.285 75,749.895 78,204.165 79,767.805 Nurse II (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 33.575 34.747 35.923 37.148 38.345 39.587 Monthly 5,637.802 5,834.600 6,032.070 6,237.768 6,438.765 6,647.317 Annual 67,653.625 70,015.205 72,384.845 74,853.220 77,265.175 79,767.805 Nurse III 2015 Hourly 34.168 35.321 36.523 37.697 38.787 39.975 41.201 42.025 Monthly 5,737.377 5,930.985 6,132.820 6,329.955 6,512.984 6,712.469 6,918.335 7,056.698 Annual 68,848.520 71,171.815 73,593.845 75,959.455 78,155.805 80,549.625 83,020.015 84,680.375 Nurse III (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 34.851 36.027 37.254 38.451 39.563 40.775 42.025 Monthly 5,852.064 6,049.534 6,255.568 6,456.564 6,643.287 6,846.802 7,056.698 Annual 70,224.765 72,594.405 75,066.810 77,478.765 79,719.445 82,161.625 84,680.375 Nurse IV 2015 Hourly 35.340 36.649 37.959 39.387 41.024 42.612 44.273 45.158 Monthly 5,934.175 6,153.978 6,373.949 6,613.734 6,888.613 7,155.265 7,434.175 7,582.781 Annual 71,210.100 73,847.735 76,487.385 79,364.805 82,663.360 85,863.180 89,210.095 90,993.370 Nurse IV (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 36.047 37.382 38.718 40.175 41.844 43.464 45.158 Monthly 6,052.892 6,277.061 6,501.398 6,746.052 7,026.305 7,298.330 7,582.781 Annual 72,634.705 75,324.730 78,016.770 80,952.625 84,315.660 87,579.960 90,993.370 Nurse V 2015 Hourly 37.305 38.733 40.369 41.957 43.690 45.388 47.157 48.100 Monthly 6,264.131 6,503.916 6,778.628 7,045.280 7,336.279 7,621.402 7,918.446 8,076.792 Annual 75,169.575 78,046.995 81,343.535 84,543.355 88,035.350 91,456.820 95,021.355 96,921.500 Nurse V (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 38.051 39.508 41.177 42.797 44.564 46.296 48.100 Monthly 6,389.397 6,634.052 6,914.305 7,186.330 7,483.038 7,773.870 8,076.792 Annual 76,672.765 79,608.620 82,971.655 86,235.955 89,796.460 93,286.440 96,921.500 Nurse Practitioner 2015 Hourly 42.515 45.635 47.511 49.385 51.408 52.437 Monthly 7,138.977 7,662.877 7,977.889 8,292.565 8,632.260 8,805.046 Annual 85,667.725 91,954.525 95,734.665 99,510.775 103,587.120 105,660.555 Nurse Practitioner (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 43.365 46.548 48.461 50.373 52.437 Monthly 7,281.706 7,816.185 8,137.410 8,458.466 8,805.046 Annual 87,380.475 93,794.220 97,648.915 101,501.595 105,660.555 Weekend Worker - Licensed Practical Nurse 2015 Hourly 28.977 29.925 30.861 31.999 33.042 34.206 35.425 36.133 Monthly 4,865.721 5,024.906 5,182.076 5,373.165 5,548.303 5,743.758 5,948.448 6,067.333 Annual 58,388.655 60,298.875 62,184.915 64,477.985 66,579.630 68,925.090 71,381.375 72,807.995 Weekend Worker - Nurse II 2015 Hourly 37.855 39.176 40.501 41.882 43.232 44.633 45.526 Monthly 6,356.485 6,578.303 6,800.793 7,032.686 7,259.373 7,494.625 7,644.574 Annual 76,277.825 78,939.640 81,609.515 84,392.230 87,112.480 89,935.495 91,734.890 Weekend Worker - Nurse II (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 38.612 39.959 41.311 42.720 44.097 45.526 Monthly 6,483.598 6,709.782 6,936.805 7,173.400 7,404.621 7,644.574 Annual 77,803.180 80,517.385 83,241.665 86,080.800 88,855.455 91,734.890 Weekend Worker - Nurse III 2015 Hourly 39.293 40.619 42.002 43.352 44.605 45.971 47.381 48.329 Monthly 6,597.950 6,820.607 7,052.836 7,279.523 7,489.923 7,719.297 7,956.060 8,115.245 Annual 79,175.395 81,847.285 84,634.030 87,354.280 89,879.075 92,631.565 95,472.715 97,382.935 Weekend Worker - Nurse III (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 40.079 41.431 42.842 44.219 45.497 46.891 48.329 Monthly 6,729.932 6,956.955 7,193.886 7,425.107 7,639.705 7,873.780 8,115.245 Annual 80,759.185 83,483.465 86,326.630 89,101.285 91,676.455 94,485.365 97,382.935 Weekend Worker - Nurse IV 2015 Hourly 40.641 42.146 43.653 45.295 47.177 49.003 50.914 51.932 Monthly 6,824.301 7,077.016 7,330.066 7,605.785 7,921.805 8,228.420 8,549.309 8,720.248 Annual 81,891.615 84,924.190 87,960.795 91,269.425 95,061.655 98,741.045 102,591.710 104,642.980 Weekend Worker - Nurse IV (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 41.454 42.989 44.526 46.201 48.121 49.983 51.932 Monthly 6,960.818 7,218.570 7,476.658 7,757.918 8,080.318 8,392.979 8,720.248 Annual 83,529.810 86,622.835 89,719.890 93,095.015 96,963.815 100,715.745 104,642.980 Weekend Worker - Nurse V 2015 Hourly 42.900 44.543 46.425 48.251 50.244 52.196 54.230 55.315 Monthly 7,203.625 7,479.512 7,795.531 8,102.147 8,436.805 8,764.578 9,106.121 9,288.310 Annual 86,443.500 89,754.145 93,546.375 97,225.765 101,241.660 105,174.940 109,273.450 111,459.725 Weekend Worker - Nurse V (20 Year Scale) 2015 Hourly 43.758 45.434 47.353 49.216 51.249 53.240 55.315 Monthly 7,347.698 7,629.126 7,951.358 8,264.187 8,605.561 8,939.883 9,288.310 Annual 88,172.370 91,549.510 95,416.295 99,170.240 103,266.735 107,278.600 111,459.725 1 Eligibility for the 20 Year increment is determined in accordance w ith Article 2105.

  • Safety Glasses Section 1. The City shall supply prescription safety glasses with plastic lenses to employees who are required to wear safety glasses and who are members of the classifications contained in Appendix C to this contract. Safety glasses which are authorized must be industrial grade safety glasses which meet or exceed the requirements of ANSI Specification Z87. 1. All employees who are required to wear safety glasses shall also be required to wear side xxxxxxx, either permanent or snap-on, whenever an eye hazard exists. Solid tinted glasses will not be approved unless required by prescription. Photogray, progressive, scratch coating and/or anti-glare lenses may be considered for those employees who primarily work outdoors or as prescribed. In the event that additional classes are identified as needing either prescription safety glasses or protective eyewear, such classes may be added to the classification list in Appendix C upon approval of PAGE and the City. Section 2. The City agrees to pay the full cost of required prescription safety glasses, with frames not to exceed $75.00. This excludes the cost of the eye examination which will be the responsibility of the employee. The effected employees will be allowed one (1) replacement of safety glasses every two (2) years. In the event the safety glasses become lost, unserviceable, or broken on the job, the employee must present a written request for replacement to the Department Head and Human Resources Director. If the employee breaks his safety glasses while on the job, the Department shall replace the glasses at no cost to the employee. The replacement of lost glasses or glasses that are broken off the job will be at the discretion of the Department Head and Human Resources Director. If an employee has been provided safety glasses by the City, the employee shall be permitted to retain possession of the glasses after separation from the City without reimbursing the City for any costs associated with the glasses. Section 3. An employee who is required to wear prescription safety glasses must present a written request to his department head or designated representative. Section 4. The employee must obtain a current prescription and the employee is authorized the use of sick leave not to exceed two (2) hours to accomplish this examination. The employee will obtain a purchase order from the Department Head prior to ordering the safety glasses. The employee will present the purchase order to the appropriate vendor when ordering. The vendor will contact the appropriate Department Head when the glasses are ready for delivery. The Department Head will then notify the employee who will present himself at the vendor for fitting and pickup. Section 5. In the event a probationary employee has been issued safety glasses and terminates his employment with the City for any reason during the probationary period, he shall be required to reimburse the City for any expenses incurred in the purchase of safety glasses.

  • Packaging and Shipping All shipping containers shall be packed and packaged to: (i) ensure safe arrival to final destination; (ii) secure the lowest transportation costs;(iii) comply with requirements of common carriers; (iv) meet Buyer's written instructions; and (v) meet the requirements of all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.