Ownership & License You agree that Credit Union retains all ownership and proprietary rights in the Services, associated content, technology, and website(s). Your use of the Services is subject to and conditioned upon your complete compliance with this Agreement. Without limiting the effect of the foregoing, any breach of this Agreement immediately terminates your right to use the Services. Without limiting the restriction of the foregoing, you may not use the Services (i) in any anti-competitive manner, (ii) for any purpose which would be contrary to Credit Union’s business interest, or (iii) to Credit Union’s actual or potential economic disadvantage in any aspect. You may use the Services only for non-business, personal use in accordance with this Agreement. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute or create derivative works from the content and agree not to reverse engineer or reverse compile any of the technology used to provide the Services.
Sponsorship As required by section 286.25, F.S., if the Provider is a non-governmental organization which sponsors a program financed wholly or in part by State funds, including any funds obtained through this Contract, it shall, in publicizing, advertising, or describing the sponsorship of the program state: “Sponsored by (Provider's name) and the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families”. If the sponsorship reference is in written material, the words “State of Florida, Department of Children and Families” shall appear in at least the same size letters or type as the name of the organization.
Sponsorship Benefits 3.1 INREV agrees to grant the Sponsor the above chosen and described sponsorship benefits.
Membership List The District will provide to the Federation no later than the third week of each semester a membership list of all employees in the unit. The list will include names, home addresses, work location, classification, phone numbers (if any), and whether the employee has elected to be a member of the Federation or agency fee payer.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop Software Subscriptions Software Subscriptions for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktops and Workstations are subject to the parameters set forth in Table 6 below. Each Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop and Workstation Software Subscription includes one Red Hat Network system entitlement and one Smart Management Module, each to be used solely with a single Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop or Workstation System. Production Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop subscriptions is limited to web-based support only for your helpdesk support personnel. Red Hat is not obligated to support your end users directly.
UNIT MEMBERSHIP LIST A. The City shall provide the Union with a list of Unit employees in alphabetical order with the following information in compliance with State law for each employee on said list:
Unbundled Copper Loop – Designed (UCL-D) The UCL-D will be provisioned as a dry copper twisted pair (2- or 4-wire) Loop that is unencumbered by any intervening equipment (e.g., filters, load coils, range extenders, digital loop carrier, or repeaters).
Sub-loop Elements 2.8.1 Where facilities permit, BellSouth shall offer access to its Unbundled Sub-Loop (USL) elements as specified herein.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server Add-Ons Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server Subscriptions may be purchased with one or more add-on options (“Add-On(s)”). Add-Ons require a separate paid and active Software Subscriptions for each Unit that deploys, installs, uses or executes such Add-On. Each Unit of Add- Ons must match the Support Level (Standard and/or Premium), Unit of Measure and capacity as the underlying Red Hat Enterprise Linux Unit. Add-Ons are not supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Subscriptions with a Self-support service level except Smart Management Add-Ons. The Add-Ons include: High Availability, Load Balancer, Resilient Storage, Scalable File System, Smart Management, Extended Update Support, Extended Life Cycle Support and High Performance Network.
Unbundled Copper Loop – Non-Designed (UCL-ND The UCL–ND is provisioned as a dedicated 2-wire metallic transmission facility from BellSouth’s Main Distribution Frame (MDF) to a customer’s premises (including the NID). The UCL-ND will be a “dry copper” facility in that it will not have any intervening equipment such as load coils, repeaters, or digital access main lines (DAMLs), and may have up to 6,000 feet of bridged tap between the End User’s premises and the serving wire center. The UCL-ND typically will be 1300 Ohms resistance and in most cases will not exceed 18,000 feet in length, although the UCL-ND will not have a specific length limitation. For Loops less than 18,000 feet and with less than 1300 Ohms resistance, the Loop will provide a voice grade transmission channel suitable for Loop start signaling and the transport of analog voice grade signals. The UCL-ND will not be designed and will not be provisioned with either a DLR or a test point.