Scope of Interconnection Service 1.3.1 The NYISO will provide Energy Resource Interconnection Service and Capacity Resource Interconnection Service to Interconnection Customer at the Point of Interconnection. 1.3.2 This Agreement does not constitute an agreement to purchase or deliver the Interconnection Customer’s power. The purchase or delivery of power and other services that the Interconnection Customer may require will be covered under separate agreements, if any, or applicable provisions of NYISO’s or Connecting Transmission Owner’s tariffs. The Interconnection Customer will be responsible for separately making all necessary arrangements (including scheduling) for delivery of electricity in accordance with the applicable provisions of the ISO OATT and Connecting Transmission Owner’s tariff. The execution of this Agreement does not constitute a request for, nor agreement to, provide Energy, any Ancillary Services or Installed Capacity under the NYISO Services Tariff or any Connecting Transmission Owner’s tariff. If Interconnection Customer wishes to supply or purchase Energy, Installed Capacity or Ancillary Services, then Interconnection Customer will make application to do so in accordance with the NYISO Services Tariff or Connecting Transmission Owner’s tariff.
Staggered Settlement If upon advice of counsel with respect to applicable legal and regulatory requirements, including any requirements relating to Dealer’s commercially reasonable hedging activities hereunder, Dealer reasonably determines that it would not be practicable or advisable to deliver, or to acquire Shares to deliver, any or all of the Shares to be delivered by Dealer on any Settlement Date for the Transaction, Dealer may, by notice to Counterparty on or prior to any Settlement Date (a “Nominal Settlement Date”), elect to deliver the Shares on two or more dates (each, a “Staggered Settlement Date”) as follows: (i) in such notice, Dealer will specify to Counterparty the related Staggered Settlement Dates (each of which will be on or prior to such Nominal Settlement Date) and the number of Shares that it will deliver on each Staggered Settlement Date; (ii) the aggregate number of Shares that Dealer will deliver to Counterparty hereunder on all such Staggered Settlement Dates will equal the number of Shares that Dealer would otherwise be required to deliver on such Nominal Settlement Date; and (iii) if the Net Share Settlement terms or the Combination Settlement terms set forth above were to apply on the Nominal Settlement Date, then the Net Share Settlement terms or the Combination Settlement terms, as the case may be, will apply on each Staggered Settlement Date, except that the Shares otherwise deliverable on such Nominal Settlement Date will be allocated among such Staggered Settlement Dates as specified by Dealer in the notice referred to in clause (i) above.
Goal Setting a. Defining goals b. Personal goals vs. family and societal goals c. Personal history of achieving or not achieving goals d. Components of a well-developed goal e. The relationship between short-, mid-, and long-range goals f. Setting goals g. Barriers to goals
Required Procurement Procedures for Obtaining Goods and Services The Grantee shall provide maximum open competition when procuring goods and services related to the grant- assisted project in accordance with Section 287.057, Florida Statutes.
Switching and Tagging Rules The Developer and Connecting Transmission Owner shall each provide the other Party a copy of its switching and tagging rules that are applicable to the other Party’s activities. Such switching and tagging rules shall be developed on a nondiscriminatory basis. The Parties shall comply with applicable switching and tagging rules, as amended from time to time, in obtaining clearances for work or for switching operations on equipment.
Purpose of Interconnection Facilities Except as may be required by Applicable Laws and Regulations, or as otherwise agreed to among the Parties, the Interconnection Facilities shall be constructed for the sole purpose of interconnecting the Large Generating Facility to the Participating TO’s Transmission System and shall be used for no other purpose.
Under-Frequency and Over Frequency Conditions The New York State Transmission System is designed to automatically activate a load- shed program as required by the NPCC in the event of an under-frequency system disturbance. Developer shall implement under-frequency and over-frequency relay set points for the Large Generating Facility as required by the NPCC to ensure “ride through” capability of the New York State Transmission System. Large Generating Facility response to frequency deviations of predetermined magnitudes, both under-frequency and over-frequency deviations, shall be studied and coordinated with the NYISO and Connecting Transmission Owner in accordance with Good Utility Practice. The term “ride through” as used herein shall mean the ability of a Generating Facility to stay connected to and synchronized with the New York State Transmission System during system disturbances within a range of under-frequency and over-frequency conditions, in accordance with Good Utility Practice and with NPCC Regional Reliability Reference Directory # 12, or its successor.
Switching System Hierarchy and Trunking Requirements For purposes of routing PNG traffic to Verizon, the subtending arrangements between Verizon Tandem Switches and Verizon End Office Switches shall be the same as the Tandem/End Office subtending arrangements Verizon maintains for the routing of its own or other carriers’ traffic (i.e., traffic will be routed to the appropriate Verizon Tandem subtended by the terminating End Office serving the Verizon Customer). For purposes of routing Verizon traffic to PNG, the subtending arrangements between PNG Tandem Switches and PNG End Office Switches shall be the same as the Tandem/End Office subtending arrangements that PNG maintains for the routing of its own or other carriers’ traffic.
Originating Switched Access Detail Usage Data A category 1101XX record as defined in the EMI Telcordia Practice BR-010-200- 010.