Conclusion Sample Clauses
Conclusion. We hope you find this FAQ useful to your understanding of the Relationship Disclosure Form. Please be informed that if the event of a conflict or inconsistency between this FAQ and the requirements of the applicable ordinance or law governing relationship disclosures, the ordinance or law controls. Also, please be informed that the County Attorney’s Office is not permitted to render legal advice to an applicant or any other outside party. Accordingly, if the applicant or an outside party has any questions after reading this FAQ, he/she is encouraged to contact his/her own legal counsel. This lobbying expenditure form shall be completed in full and filed with all application submittals. This form shall remain cumulative and shall be filed with the department processing your application. Forms signed by a principal’s authorized agent shall include an executed Agent Authorization Form. This is the initial Form: This is a Subsequent Form: Name and Address of Principal (legal name of entity or owner per Orange County tax rolls): Name and Address of Principal’s Authorized Agent, if applicable: List the name and address of all lobbyists, Contractors, contractors, subcontractors, individuals or business entities who will assist with obtaining approval for this project. (Additional forms may be used as necessary.) 1. Name and address of individual or business entity: Are they registered Lobbyist? Yes or No 2. Name and address of individual or business entity: Are they registered Lobbyist? Yes or No 3. Name and address of individual or business entity: Are they registered Lobbyist? Yes or No 4. Name and address of individual or business entity: Are they registered Lobbyist? Yes or No 5. Name and address of individual or business entity: Are they registered Lobbyist? Yes or No 6. Name and address of individual or business entity: Are they registered Lobbyist? Yes or No 7. Name and address of individual or business entity: Are they registered Lobbyist? Yes or No 8. Name and address of individual or business entity: Are they registered Lobbyist? Yes or No For this report, an "expenditure" means money or anything of value given by the principal and/or his/her lobbyist for the purpose of lobbying, as defined in section 2-351, Orange County Code. This may include public relations expenditures including, but not limited to, petitions, fliers, purchase of media time, cost of print and distribution of publications. However, the term "expenditure" does not include: ●Contribut...
Conclusion. Defendant understands that this Agreement will be filed with the Court, will become a matter of public record, and may be disclosed to any person.
Conclusion. We hope you find this FAQ useful to your understanding of the SPR. Please be informed that in the event of a conflict or inconsistency between this FAQ and the requirements of the applicable ordinance governing specific project expenditure reports, the ordinance controls. Also, please be informed that the County Attorney’s Office is not permitted to render legal advice to a principal, his/her authorized agent, or any other outside party. Accordingly, if after reading this FAQ the principal, his/her authorized agent or an outside party has any questions, he/she is encouraged to contact his/her own legal counsel.
Conclusion. We hope you find this FAQ useful to your understanding of the SPR. Please be informed that in the event of a conflict or inconsistency between this FAQ and the requirements of the applicable ordinance governing specific project expenditure reports, the ordinance controls. Also, please be informed that the County Attorney’s Office is not permitted to render legal advice to a principal, his/her authorized agent, or any other outside party. Accordingly, if after reading this FAQ the principal, his/her authorized agent or an outside party has any questions, he/she is encouraged to contact his/her own legal counsel. I/We, (Print Bidder name) , Do hereby authorize (print agent’s name), , to act as my/our agent to execute any petitions or other documents necessary to affect the CONTRACT approval PROCESS more specifically described as follows, (IFB NUMBER AND TITLE) , and to appear on my/our behalf before any administrative or legislative body in the county considering this CONTRACT and to act in all respects as our agent in matters pertaining TO THIS CONTRACT. Signature of Bidder Date STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of ☐ physical presence, or ☐ online notarization, this day of , 20 , by [TYPE OF AUTHORITY,… e.g. officer, trustee, etc.)] for [NAME OF PARTY ON BEHALF OF WHOM INSTRUMENT WAS EXECUTED]. ☐ Personally Known; OR ☐ Produced Identification. Type of identification produced: . [CHECK APPLICABLE BOX TO SATISFY IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENT OF FLA. STAT. §117.05] Notary Public My Commission Expires: (Printed, typed or stamped commissioned name of Notary Public) I affirm that an employee leasing company provides my workers’ compensation coverage. I further understand that my contract with the employee leasing company limits my workers’ compensation coverage to enrolled worksite employees only. My leasing arrangement does not cover un-enrolled worksite employees, independent contractors, uninsured sub-contractors or casual labor exposure. I hereby certify that 100% of my workers are covered as worksite employees with the employee leasing company. I certify that I do not hire any casual or uninsured labor outside the employee leasing arrangement. I agree to notify the County in the event that I have any workers not covered by the employee leasing workers’ compensation policy. In the event that I have any workers not subject to the employee leasing arrangement, I agree to obtain a separate workers’ compensat...
Conclusion. Applicants assert that, for the reasons summarized above, the requested exemptions are appropriate in the public interest and consistent with the protection of investors and the purposes fairly intended by the policy and provisions of the 1940 Act.
Conclusion. We hope you find this FAQ useful to your understanding of the Relationship Disclosure Form. Please be informed that if the event of a conflict or inconsistency between this FAQ and the requirements of the applicable ordinance or law governing relationship disclosures, the ordinance or law controls. Also, please be informed that the County Attorney’s Office is not permitted to render legal advice to an applicant or any other outside party. Accordingly, if the applicant or an outside party has any questions after reading this FAQ, he/she is encouraged to contact his/her own legal counsel.
Conclusion i. Table summary of total area and types of wetlands and other regulated waters.
ii. A map showing each location where a Wetland Data Form was completed.
iii. Statement regarding the need for permits.
iv. Caution that final authority rest with the appropriate agencies.
Conclusion. Applicants assert that, for the reasons summarized above, the requested exemptions are appropriate in the public interest and consistent with the protection of investors and the purposes fairly intended by the policy and provisions of the 1940 Act. 37 For the Commission, by the Division of Investment Management, pursuant to delegated authority. Templeton Variable Products Series Fund, et al. File No. 812-11698 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Release No. IC-24079 1999 SEC LEXIS 2177 October 13, 1999 ACTION: Order Granting Exemptions TEXT: Templeton Variable Products Series Fund ("Templeton Trust"), Franklin Xxxxxxxxx Variable Insurance Products Trust ("VIP Trust"), Xxxxxxxxx Funds Annuity Company ("TFAC") or any successor to TFAC, and any future open-end investment company for which TFAC or any affiliate is the administrator, sub-administrator, investment manager, adviser, principal underwriter, or sponsor ("Future Funds") filed an application on July 14, 1999, and an amendment on September 17, 1999 seeking an amended order of the Commission pursuant to Section 6(c) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 ("1940 Act") exempting them from the provisions of Sections 9(a), 13(a), 15(a) and 15(b) of the 1940 Act and Rules 6e-2(b)(15) and 6e-3(T)(b)(15). The prior order (Rel. No. IC-19879) granted exemptive relief to permit shares of the Templeton Trust to be sold to and held by variable annuity and variable life insurance separate accounts of both affiliated and unaffiliated life insurance companies. The proposed relief would amend the prior order to add as parties to that order the VIP Trust and any Future Funds and to permit shares of the Templeton Trust, the VIP Trust, and Future Funds to be issued to and held by qualified pension and retirement plans outside the separate account context. A notice of the filing of the application was issued on September 17, 1999 (Rel. No. IC-24018). The notice gave interested persons an opportunity to request a hearing and stated that an order granting the application would be issued unless a hearing should be ordered. No request for a hearing has been filed, and the Commission has not ordered a hearing. The matter has been considered, and it is found that granting the requested exemptions is appropriate in the public interest and consistent with the protection of investors and the purposes intended by the policy and provisions of the 1940 Act. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Section 6(c) of the 1940 Act, that the r...
Conclusion. Based on my review, nothing has come to my attention that causes me to believe that the accompanying interim financial information is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with Thai Accounting Standard No. 34 “Interim Financial Reporting”. Dharmniti Auditing Company Limited Bangkok, Thailand August 13, 2021 In Thousand Baht Consolidated Financial Statements Separate Financial Statements As at June As at December As at June As at December Notes 30, 2021 31, 2020 30, 2021 31, 2020 CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents 5 70,631 89,785 29,447 2,248 Trade and other current receivables 4, 6 592,794 283,298 182,513 138,010 Unbilled receivables 7, 22 1,796,381 1,117,635 693,671 314,182 Accounts receivable - retention under construction contracts 4, 7 280,666 271,170 111,231 125,197 Advances paid to subcontractors under construction contracts 4 431,776 498,303 69,948 175,760 Construction in progress 22 185,426 329,386 73,570 182,858 Inventories 8 22,005 1,676 1,608 1,608 Short-term loans to related parties 4 750 - 400 50 Withholding tax deducted at source 199,211 173,259 147,286 123,410 Other current assets 61,746 44,558 13,683 14,326 Total current assets 3,641,386 2,809,070 1,323,357 1,077,649 NON-CURRENT ASSETS Restricted deposits at banks 9 3,071 32,198 221 29,350 Long-term loans to related parties 4 - - - - Investments in subsidiaries 10 - - 476,498 476,198 Investments in associates 11 - - - - Investments in joint ventures 12 123,256 123,584 102,376 102,376 Property, plant and equipment 13 630,337 618,357 591,880 578,351 Right-of-use assets 14 27,142 29,622 16,527 14,485 Intangible assets 12,237 13,273 11,995 13,067 Deferred tax assets 40,865 49,703 19,593 15,144 Other non-current assets 4,173 3,430 1,668 1,681 Total non-current assets 841,081 870,167 1,220,758 1,230,652 TOTAL ASSETS 4,482,467 3,679,237 2,544,115 2,308,301 Notes to interim financial statements form an integral part of these statements. CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank overdrafts and short-term loans In Thousand Baht
Conclusion. We hope you find this FAQ useful to your understanding of the SPR. Please be informed that in the event of a conflict or inconsistency between this FAQ and the requirements of the applicable ordinance governing specific project expenditure reports, the ordinance controls. Also, please be informed that the County Attorney’s Office is not permitted to render legal advice to a principal, his/her authorized agent, or any other outside party. Accordingly, if after reading this FAQ the principal, his/her authorized agent or an outside party has any questions, he/she is encouraged to contact his/her own legal counsel. Attachment F FAQS OC CE FORM 2P Date Submitted FOR PROCUREMENT-RELATED ITEMS (November 5, 2010) Date Updated FOR USE WITH PROCUREMENT ITEMS, EXCEPT THOSE WHERE THE COUNTY IS THE PRINCIPAL OR PRIMARY APPLICANT For procurement items that will come before the Board of County Commissioners for final approval, this form shall be completed by the bidder, offerer, quoter or respondent and shall be submitted to the Procurement Division by the bidder, offerer, quoter or respondent. In the event any information provided on this form should change, the applicant must file an amended form on or before the date the item is considered by the appropriate board or body. INFORMATION ON APPLICANT (BIDDER, OFFEROR, QUOTER, PROPOSER, OR RESPONDENT): Legal Name of Applicant: Business Address (Street/P.O. Box, City and Zip Code): Business Phone ( ) Facsimile ( ) INFORMATION ON APPLICANT’S AUTHORIZED AGENT, IF APPLICABLE: (Agent Authorization Form also required to be attached) Name of Applicant’s Authorized Agent: Business Address (Street/P.O. Box, City and Zip Code): Business Phone ( ) Facsimile ( ) OC CE FORM 2P Date Submitted FOR PROCUREMENT-RELATED ITEMS (November 5, 2010) Date Updated Company Name: Part II If you responded “YES” to any of the above questions, please state with whom and explain the relationship: (Use additional sheets of paper if necessary) OC CE FORM 2P Date Submitted FOR PROCUREMENT-RELATED ITEMS (November 5, 2010) Date Updated Company Name: Part III ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND NOTARIZATION REQUIRED I hereby certify that information provided in this relationship disclosure form is true and correct based on my knowledge and belief. If any of this information changes, I further acknowledge and agree to amend this relationship disclosure form prior to any meeting at which the above-referenced project is scheduled to be heard. In accordance with s. 837.06, F...