STATE OFFICERS a. If a member of OAPSE Local #357 is elected to the position of OAPSE State President, State Vice-President, State Secretary, or State Executive Board Member, or alternates to these positions, that person shall be granted up to fifteen (15) days of unpaid leave per year, to conduct official union business. The employee shall provide a copy of the written meeting notice or e-mail in advance to his/her immediate supervisor.
STATE OFFICERS. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx.


  • Requirements of the State of Kansas 1. The contractor shall observe the provisions of the Kansas Act against Discrimination (Kansas Statutes Annotated 44-1001, et seq.) and shall not discriminate against any person in the performance of work under the present contract because of race, religion, color, sex, disability, and age except where age is a bona fide occupational qualification, national origin or ancestry; 2. In all solicitations or advertisements for employees, the contractor shall include the phrase, "Equal Opportunity Employer", or a similar phrase to be approved by the "Kansas Human Rights Commission"; 3. If the contractor fails to comply with the manner in which the contractor reports to the "Kansas Human Rights Commission" in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 1976 Supp. 44-1031, as amended, the contractor shall be deemed to have breached this contract and it may be canceled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part by the contracting agency; 4. If the contractor is found guilty of a violation of the Kansas Act against Discrimination under a decision or order of the "Kansas Human Rights Commission" which has become final, the contractor shall be deemed to have breached the present contract, and it may be canceled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part by the contracting agency; 5. The contractor shall include the provisions of Paragraphs 1 through 4 inclusive, of this Subsection B, in every subcontract or purchase so that such provisions will be binding upon such subcontractor or vendor.

  • Registered Office and Resident Agent The Registered Office and Resident Agent of the Company shall be as designated in the initial Articles of Organization/Certificate of Organization or any amendment thereof. The Registered Office and/or Resident Agent may be changed from time to time. Any such change shall be made in accordance with the Statutes, or, if different from the Statutes, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. If the Resident Agent shall ever resign, the Company shall promptly appoint a successor agent.