NON-VARIATION No addition to or variation, consensual cancellation or novation of this agreement and no waiver of any right arising from this agreement or its breach or termination shall be of any force or effect unless reduced to writing and signed by all the parties or their duly authorised representatives.
Price Variation 2.7.1 For each Relevant Year commencing on and from 1 April 2019, the Indexed Figures shall be adjusted in accordance with paragraph 2.7.2.
Variations No variation of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and is signed by or on behalf of each of the parties to this Agreement.
WAIVER AND VARIATION 13. No waiver or variation of this Parent Agreement shall be of any force unless such waiver or variation is agreed upon in writing and signed by an authorised representative of each of the Parties.
Classification of Goods The classification of goods in trade between the Parties shall be in conformity with the Harmonized System.
Variation of the contract The parties undertake not to vary or modify the Clauses. This does not preclude the parties from adding clauses on business related issues where required as long as they do not contradict the Clause. Clause 11