Student Transfers and Exits Sample Clauses

Student Transfers and Exits. The Charter School will comply with the Tennessee Department of Education’s student transfer and exit reporting requirements and shall provide information to the Authorizer upon request. The Charter School shall enact a discipline policy that complies with Authorizer’s policies as well as federal, state, and local laws and may not counsel out enrolled students.
Student Transfers and Exits. The Charter School will comply with the 7HQQHVVHH 'HSDUWPHQW RI (GXFDWLRQȇV VWXGHQW WUDQVI shall provide information to the Authorizer upon request. The Charter School shall enact a GLVFLSOLQH SROLF\ WKDW FRPSOLHV ZLWK $XWKRUL]HUȇV laws and may not counsel out enrolled students.
Student Transfers and Exits. ‌ Any student exit out of the School shall be documented by an exit form signed by the student’s parent or guardian, which affirmatively states the reason for the transfer or exit and that the student’s transfer or exit is voluntary. The School shall collect and report to the Commission, in a format required or approved by the Commission, exit data on all students transferring from or otherwise exiting the school for any reason (other than graduation), voluntary or involuntary. Such exit data shall identify each departing student by name and shall document the date of and reason(s) for each student departure. In the event that the School is unable to document the reasons for a voluntary withdrawal, the School shall notify the Commission and provide evidence that it made reasonable efforts to obtain the documentation described in this section.
Student Transfers and Exits. Any student transfer out of the Charter School shall be documented by a transfer form signed by the student’s parent/guardian, which affirmatively states that the student’s transfer is voluntary. The Charter School shall annually collect and report to SED, in a format required or approved by SED, exit data on all students transferring from or otherwise exiting the school for any reason (other than graduation), voluntary or involuntary. Such exit data shall identify each departing student by name and shall document the date of and reason(s) for each student departure.
Student Transfers and Exits. Any student exit out of the School will be documented by the school. The School will collect and report to the Authorizer, in a format required or approved by the Authorizer, exit data on all students transferring from or otherwise exiting the school for any reason (other than matriculation), voluntary or involuntary. Parents may formally withdraw their student by filling out the school’s “Intent to Withdraw” form or by having another school request their student’s records.
Student Transfers and Exits. The Charter School will comply with the

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