SUBMISSION OF BID. INFLIBNET Centre invites online e-Tenders under Two Bid System i.e. Technical Bid (Annexure T-I) and Financial Bid (BOQ), in the prescribed Tender Document available on Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP) (URL: xxxxx:// for the above cited subject. Tenderer must submit their bids well within the stipulated date & time and no opportunity shall be given to Tenderer to withdraw any offer at any stage after the submission of the bids. 1.4.1 The tender document can be downloaded from Central Public Procurement Portal (URL: xxxxx:// Besides, Tender document reference can also be seen at INFLIBNET website (xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/tenders/). Prospective tenderers who have not enrolled/registered with aforesaid portal shall have to enroll/register themselves before participating through the website Central Public Procurement Portal (URL:xxxxx:// The authorized signatory of the tenderer shall possess Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for submission of tender documents. The DSC holder/authorized signatory signing the tender shall state in what capacity he is/they are, signing the tender for e.g., as sole proprietor of the firm, or as a Secretary/Manager/Director etc. 1.4.2 Any incomplete and conditional bids received shall not be considered and will be summarily rejected in the very first instance without any recourse to the bidder and shall not be evaluated. All entries in the bid form should be legible and filled clearly, otherwise the bid is likely to be rejected. If the space for furnishing information is insufficient, a separate sheet duly signed by the authorized signatory may be attached. The cuttings, if any, in the bid/bid application must be initialed by the person authorized to sign the bid. 1.4.3 All supporting documents mentioned in Annexure T-I have to be scanned, encrypted and uploaded in Technical Bid at the requisite places in the CPP Portal system (URL:xxxxx:// 1.4.4 Bids for this tender will be accepted through online mode only. Manual bids will not be accepted under any circumstances.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Annual Rate Contract for Printing & Supply of Publications
SUBMISSION OF BID. INFLIBNET Centre invites 13.1 Submission of bids only through online process is mandatory for this Tender. Bids sent by Post, FAX or e-Tenders under Two Bid System i.e. Technical Bid mail or presented in person will not be considered.
13.2 The Bidder should get himself registered on procurement portal (Annexure T-Ixxxxx:// and Financial create users and assign roles on this portal. Further to this, bidder shall download Notice Inviting Bids (NIB) and copy of Bid (BOQ), in the prescribed Tender Document available on Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP) (URL: xxxxx:// for the above cited subject. Tenderer must submit their bids well within the stipulated date & time and no opportunity shall be given to Tenderer to withdraw any offer at any stage after the submission of the bidsfrom this site.
1.4.1 The tender document 13.3 To participate in online bidding process, Bidders must procure a Digital Signature Certificate as per Information Technology Act-2000 using which they can be downloaded digitally sign their electronic bids. Bidders can procure the same from Central Public Procurement Portal (URL: xxxxx:// CCA approved certifying agency, i.e. TCS, safecrypt, Ncode, etc. Besides, Tender document reference can also be seen at INFLIBNET website (xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/tenders/). Prospective tenderers Bidders who already have not enrolled/registered with aforesaid portal shall have to enroll/register themselves before participating through the website Central Public Procurement Portal (URL:xxxxx:// The authorized signatory of the tenderer shall possess a valid Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) need not procure a new DSC.
13.4 Bidder (authorised signatory) shall submit their offer on-line in Electronic formats both for submission of tender documentstechnical and financial bid. The DSC holdertechnical bid should also contain scanned copy of DD/authorized signatory BC/BG for Cost of Bid Form, e-tender Processing Fee &Bid Security. However, DD/BC/BG for Cost of Bid Form, e-tender Processing Fee & Bid Security. should be submitted physically at the following address of JMRC by the scheduled date and time as per NIB.
13.5 JMRC will not be responsible for delay in online submission due to any reason. For this, bidders are requested to upload the complete bid well advance in time so as to avoid last minute issues like slow speed; choking of web site due to heavy load or any other unforeseen problems.
13.6 Utmost care be taken to name the files /documents to be uploaded on portal. There should not be any special character or space in the name of file, only underscores are permissible.
13.7 All pages of the bid document and the addendums/amendments uploaded by the JMRC on the website xxxxx:// shall be deemed to have been initialed and accepted by the persons signing the tender shall state in what capacity he is/bid when they are, signing the tender for e.g., as sole proprietor of the firm, or as a Secretary/Manager/Director etc.
1.4.2 Any incomplete and conditional bids received shall not be considered and will be summarily rejected in the very first instance without any recourse to the bidder and shall not be evaluated. All entries in the bid form should be legible and filled clearly, otherwise the bid is likely to be rejected. If the space for furnishing information is insufficient, a separate sheet duly signed by the authorized signatory may be attached. The cuttings, if any, in the bid/bid application must be initialed by the person authorized to sign the submit their electronic bid.
1.4.3 13.8 The documents listed in ITT clause along with the addendum‟s uploaded till the date of bid of submission, shall be filled by the bidder to bind the bidder to the contract. All supporting the pages of the bid to documents mentioned in Annexure Tshall be digitally signed.
13.9 The uploaded documents for e-I have bidding cannot be changed after closing date of bid and same documents are to be scanned, encrypted and uploaded produced in Technical Bid at the requisite places original physical form in the CPP Portal system (URL:xxxxx:// whenever asked to do so.
1.4.4 13.10 All Bids for this tender will in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or which have been vitiated by errors in calculations, totaling or other discrepancies or which contain tempering of BOQ templates, may be accepted through online mode only. Manual bids liable to rejection.
13.11 Any bid after the deadline of time, will not be accepted under any circumstancesreceived on website.
13.12 A single-stage two envelope selection procedure shall be adopted. The Bid shall contain:
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Customer Facilitation and Watch & Ward Services Agreement
SUBMISSION OF BID. INFLIBNET Centre invites online e-Tenders under Two Bid Bids System i.e. i.e., Technical Bid (Annexure T-I) and Financial Bid (BOQ), in the prescribed Tender Document available on Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP) (URL: xxxxx:// for the above cited subject. Tenderer must submit their bids well within the stipulated date & time and no opportunity shall be given to Tenderer to withdraw any offer at any stage after the submission of the bids.
1.4.1 The tender Tender document can be downloaded from Central Public Procurement Portal (URL: xxxxx:// Besides, Tender document reference can also be seen at INFLIBNET website (xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/tenders/). Prospective tenderers who have not enrolled/registered with aforesaid portal shall have to enroll/register themselves before participating through the website Central Public Procurement Portal (URL:xxxxx:// The authorized signatory of the tenderer Tenderer shall possess Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for submission of tender documents. The DSC holder/authorized signatory signing the tender shall state in what capacity he is/they are, signing the tender for e.g., as sole proprietor of the firm, or as a Secretary/Manager/Director etc.
1.4.2 Any incomplete and conditional bids received shall not be considered and will be summarily rejected in the very first instance without any recourse to the bidder and shall not be evaluated. All entries in the bid form should be legible and filled clearly, otherwise the bid is likely to be rejected. If the space for furnishing information is insufficient, a separate sheet duly signed by the authorized signatory may be attached. The cuttings, if any, in the bid/bid Bid/ Bid application must be initialed by the person authorized to sign the bid.
1.4.3 All supporting documents mentioned in Annexure T-I I, except tender document have to be scanned, encrypted and uploaded in Technical Bid at the requisite places in the CPP Portal system (URL:xxxxx://
1.4.4 Bids for this tender will be accepted through online mode only. Manual bids will not be accepted under any circumstances.
Appears in 1 contract
SUBMISSION OF BID. INFLIBNET Centre invites 13.1 Submission of bids only through online process is mandatory for this Tender. Bids sent by Post, FAX or e-Tenders under Two Bid System i.e. Technical Bid mail or presented in person will not be considered.
13.2 The Bidder should get himself registered on state procurement portal (Annexure T-Ixxxxx:// and Financial create users and assign roles on this portal. Further to this, bidder shall download Notice Inviting Bids (NIB) and copy of Bid (BOQ), in the prescribed Tender Document available on Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP) (URL: xxxxx:// for the above cited subject. Tenderer must submit their bids well within the stipulated date & time and no opportunity shall be given to Tenderer to withdraw any offer at any stage after the submission of the bidsfrom this site.
1.4.1 The tender document 13.3 To participate in online bidding process, Bidders must procure a Digital Signature Certificate as per Information Technology Act-2000 using which they can be downloaded upload their electronic bids. Bidders can procure the same from Central Public Procurement Portal (URL: xxxxx:// CCA approved certifying agency, i.e. TCS, safecrypt, Ncode, etc. Besides, Tender document reference can also be seen at INFLIBNET website (xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/tenders/). Prospective tenderers Bidders who already have not enrolled/registered with aforesaid portal shall have to enroll/register themselves before participating through the website Central Public Procurement Portal (URL:xxxxx:// The authorized signatory of the tenderer shall possess a valid Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) need not procure a new DSC.
13.4 Bidder (authorized signatory) shall submit their offer on-line in Electronic formats both for submission of tender documentstechnical and financial bid. The DSC holdertechnical bid should also contain scanned copy of DD/authorized signatory BC/BG (Cost of Bid Form, E-tender Processing Fee & Bid Security). However, DD/BC/BG for Cost of Bid Form, E-tender Processing Fee & Bid Security should be submitted physically at the following address of JMRC by the scheduled date and time as per NIB.
13.5 JMRC will not be responsible for delay in online submission due to any reason. For this, bidders are requested to upload the complete bid well advance in time so as to avoid last minute issues like slow speed; choking of web site due to heavy load or any other unforeseen problems.
13.6 Utmost care be taken to name the files /documents to be uploaded on portal. There should not be any special character or space in the name of file, only underscores are permissible.
13.7 All pages of the bid document and the addendums/amendments uploaded by the JMRC on the website xxxxx:// shall be deemed to have been initialed and accepted by the persons signing the tender shall state in what capacity he is/bid when they are, signing the tender for e.g., as sole proprietor of the firm, or as a Secretary/Manager/Director etc.
1.4.2 Any incomplete and conditional bids received shall not be considered and will be summarily rejected in the very first instance without any recourse to the bidder and shall not be evaluated. All entries in the bid form should be legible and filled clearly, otherwise the bid is likely to be rejected. If the space for furnishing information is insufficient, a separate sheet duly signed by the authorized signatory may be attached. The cuttings, if any, in the bid/bid application must be initialed by the person authorized to sign the submit their electronic bid.
1.4.3 13.8 The documents listed in ITT clause along with the addendum‟s uploaded till the date of bid of submission, shall be filled by the bidder to bind the bidder to the contract. All supporting the pages of the bid to documents mentioned in Annexure Tshall be digitally signed.
13.9 The uploaded documents for e-I have bidding cannot be changed after closing date of bid and same documents are to be scanned, encrypted and uploaded produced in Technical Bid at the requisite places original physical form in the CPP Portal system (URL:xxxxx:// whenever asked to do so.
1.4.4 13.10 All Bids for this tender will be accepted through online mode only. Manual bids in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or which have been vitiated by errors in calculations, totaling or other discrepancies or which contain tempering of BOQ templates, may BE LIABLE FOR REJECTION.
13.11 Any bid after the deadline of time, will not be accepted under any circumstancesreceived on website.
13.12 A single-stage two envelope selection procedure shall be adopted. The Bid shall contain:
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Ticket Vending Services Bid
SUBMISSION OF BID. INFLIBNET Centre invites online e-Tenders under Two Bid System i.e. Technical Bid (Annexure T-I) To view the tender notice & detailed time schedule for this Tender, kindly visit GeM portal.
1. The response to the bid should be submitted along with legible, appropriately indexed, duly filled information sheets and Financial Bid (BOQ)sufficient documentary evidence as per checklist provided in this RFP. Responses with illegible, incomplete Information sheets or insufficient documentary evidence shall be rejected.
2. Commissioner, Animal Husbandry, Maharashtra State, Aundh, Pune-67 will evaluate the bidder‟s proposal based on its clarity, relevance and the directness of its response to the requirements of the project as outlined in this RFP.
3. Bidders shall furnish the required information on their technical proposals in the prescribed Tender Document available enclosed formats only. In case of any deviations in the format, the bid will be liable for rejection.
4. The following points need to be considered while submitting the bids:
i. The tender notice/ regular communications shall be uploaded / released on Central Public Procurement Portal GeM portal.
ii. All the bids (CPPPPre-Qualification, Technical as well as Financial) (URL: xxxxx:// shall have to be submitted online.
iii. The date and time for online submission shall be communicated on the above cited subjectGeM portal. Tenderer must submit The bidders should ensure that their bids well within tender is prepared online before the stipulated expiry of the scheduled date & and time and no opportunity then submitted online before the expiry of the scheduled date and time. No delay on account of any cause will be entertained. Offers not submitted online will not be entertained.
iv. Commissioner, Animal Husbandry, Maharashtra may, at its own discretion, extend the date for submission of bids. In such a case, all rights and obligations of Commissioner, Animal Husbandry, Maharashtra State, Aundh, Pune-67 and the bidders shall be given applicable to Tenderer to withdraw the extended time frame.
v. The bids submitted as documents, by telex/telegram/fax/Email or any offer at any stage after the submission manner other than specified in point „iv‟ of this section, will not be considered. No correspondence will be entertained on this matter.
vi. Printed terms and conditions of the bidders will not be considered as forming part of their bid.
vii. Any further amendments to the RFP will be uploaded only on the GeM portal. Such amendments should be taken into consideration by the bidders while preparing their bids.
1.4.1 5. The entire bid shall be strictly as per the format specified in this Request for Proposal. Bids with deviation from this format shall be rejected.
6. Complete bidding process will be online (e-tendering) and under cover system. All the notification & detailed terms and conditions regarding, this tender document notice hereafter will be published online on web site:
7. The bid can be downloaded from Central Public Procurement Portal (URL: xxxxx:// in electronic format on the website within the deadline as specified in Bid Control Sheet of the RFP.
8. BesidesTechnical bids will be opened online on the GeM portal.
9. Time and date of opening of financial bids will be informed by email to only technically qualified bidders.
10. The Bidders should take into account any Corrigendum to this RFP document that may have been published before submitting their Bids.
11. The bids should contain the following submission for on the GeM Portal. However, Tender document reference can also be seen at INFLIBNET website (xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/tenders/). Prospective tenderers who have this is not enrolled/registered with aforesaid portal shall have an exhaustive list, bidder is expected to enroll/register themselves before participating go through the website Central Public Procurement Portal (URL:xxxxx:// and provide documents as necessary.
12. The authorized signatory of Bidders shall furnish the tenderer shall possess Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for submission of tender documentsrequired information in the enclosed formats only. The DSC holder/authorized signatory signing Any deviations in format may make the tender shall state in what capacity he is/they are, signing the tender liable for e.g., as sole proprietor of the firm, or as a Secretary/Manager/Director etcrejection.
1.4.2 Any incomplete and conditional bids received shall not be considered and will be summarily rejected in the very first instance without any recourse to the bidder and shall not be evaluated. All entries in the bid form should be legible and filled clearly, otherwise the bid is likely to be rejected. If the space for furnishing information is insufficient, a separate sheet duly signed by the authorized signatory may be attached. The cuttings, if any, in the bid/bid application must be initialed by the person authorized to sign the bid.
1.4.3 All supporting documents mentioned in Annexure T-I have to be scanned, encrypted and uploaded in Technical Bid at the requisite places in the CPP Portal system (URL:xxxxx://
1.4.4 Bids for this tender will be accepted through online mode only. Manual bids will not be accepted under any circumstances.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Rate Contract
SUBMISSION OF BID. INFLIBNET Centre invites online a) Bid shall be submitted along with the tender documents and dully filled with all sections/Appendices, etc. the online/e-Tenders under Two Bid System i.e. Technical Bid (Annexure T-I) and Financial Bid (BOQ), in the prescribed Tender Document available on Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP) (URL: xxxxx:// for the above cited subject. Tenderer must submit their bids well within the stipulated date & time and no opportunity mode offer shall be given to Tenderer to withdraw any offer at any stage after the submission signed with valid Digital Signature of the bidsbidder/ bidder’s authorized representative. Physical supporting document shall be signed by the bidder/ bidder’s authorized representative.
1.4.1 b) The tender document can be downloaded from Central Public Procurement Portal (URL: xxxxx:// Besides, Tender document reference can also be seen at INFLIBNET website (xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xx.xx/tenders/). Prospective tenderers who have not enrolled/registered with aforesaid portal bidder shall have to enroll/register themselves before participating through the website Central Public Procurement Portal (URL:xxxxx:// The authorized signatory of the tenderer shall possess have/ obtained valid Class III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for submission (with signing and encryption) issued from Licensed Certifying Authorities operating under Root Certifying Authority of tender documentsIndia (RCAI), Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) in India. The DSC holder/authorized signatory signing the tender shall state in what capacity he is/they are, signing the tender for e.g., as sole proprietor details of the firmLicense CA’s are available on wherein the details have been mentioned.
c) The bidders shall be required to register on the e-portal so as to have a valid user id for accessing e- tendering/e-auction portal of MMTC.
d) For minimum system requirements clients/bidders should be asked to refer to home page of the url xxxxx:// under tab Downloads/Minimum System Requirement-V2.0.
e) Internet connectivity and other paraphernalia requirements shall have to be ensured by bidders themselves. In order to xxxx-off such contingent situation like internet connectivity failure, or as a Secretary/Manager/Director power failure etc.
1.4.2 Any incomplete , bidders are requested to make all the necessary arrangements / alternatives whatever required so that they are able to circumvent such situation and conditional still be able to participate in the e-tender/ e-Auction successfully. However, the bidders are requested not to wait till the last moment to quote their bids received to avoid any such complex situations. It is to be noted that either MMTC LIMITED or MMTC LIMITED’S SERVICE PROVIDER shall not be considered responsible for these unforeseen circumstances.
f) Bidders are advised to print and save bid submission receipt on submission of bids.
g) Bidder shall carefully examine the bid specification and shall independently fully inform and satisfy itself as to all the conditions and matters which may, in any way affect the work specified in the tender document or cost thereof. Failure to furnish all information required as per tender document or to submit a bid not substantially responsive to the tender document in every respect will be summarily rejected at the bidder’s risk and may result in the very first instance without any recourse to rejection of the bidder Bid.
h) Each & every page of the tender document as prescribed must be signed & stamped and submitted in token of complete acceptance thereof. The information submitted shall not be evaluatedcomplete in itself. All entries in the bid form should tender shall be legible written in English. The use of Erasers and filled clearly, otherwise over writing are not allowed. Such the bid is likely tender shall be liable for rejection at MMTC Limited’s sole discretion.
i) Technical Bid portion along with Participation fee of Rs. 1000/- in original to be rejected. If submitted in e-mode, Bidder must fill all the space for furnishing schedules and submit all the prescribed information is insufficient, a separate sheet duly signed by as per the authorized signatory may be attached. The cuttings, if any, instructions given in the bid/bid application must be initialed by tender document. j) Bidder shall submit their price Bid within the person authorized to sign time-period indicated in NIT on the bide-tendering platform.
1.4.3 All supporting documents mentioned in Annexure T-I have to be scanned, encrypted and uploaded in Technical Bid at the requisite places in the CPP Portal system (URL:xxxxx://
1.4.4 Bids for this tender will be accepted through online mode only. Manual bids will not be accepted under any circumstances.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (Camc) for Fire Detection and Protection System