Floor Plans. The Design Professional shall prepare floor plans showing spaces by name, number, actual net area of each space, structural module, mechanical spaces, equipment, chases and circulation area. The Design Professional shall also prepare site plans (which show utilities), plumbing, electrical, mechanical, and structural plans, and equipment layouts, lists and schedules. Drawings shall show overall building dimensions and major lines of dimension.
Floor Plans. All dimensions and locations cited in literature and/or shown on floor plans are believed, but are not warranted, to be accurate. THE CONFERENCE GROUP reserves the right to make such modifications as may be necessary to meet the needs of the conference, the exhibitors, and exhibit program. Exhibits shall be arranged as to not obstruct the general view or hide the exhibits of others. Demonstration areas on the aisle line of the display that will result in traffic congestion in the aisle must be avoided. Any part of the exhibit which does not lend itself to an attractive appearance, such as unfinished side or end panels must be draped at the exhibitor’s expense. THECONFERENCE GROUP reserves the right to have such finishing done and the exhibitor will be billed for all charges incurred. The exhibitor expressly agrees to do all installation and dismantling of exhibits during the time specified. No Exhibit may be dismantled before the official closing time. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to arrange for materials to be delivered to the exhibit hall by the specified deadlines. Should the exhibitor fail to remove the exhibit, removal will be arranged by THE CONFERENCE GROUP at the expense of the exhibitors. The exhibitor must surrender rental space in the same condition as it was in at commencement of occupation. The exhibitor or his/her agents shall not injure or deface the walls, columns, or floors of the exhibit facilities, the booths,or the equipment or furniture of the booths. When such damage appears, the exhibitor shall be liable to the owners of the property damaged.of the exhibit which does not lend itself to an attractive appearance, such as unfinished side or end panels must be
Floor Plans. Tabletops within a floor plan are typically assigned on a first-come, first-served, basis during the move-in phase of the event for most on-site technology expos. NCSI, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to assign, move or relocate the Vendor’s space to a new location in the interest of a better showing of the exhibit, for the betterment of the overall exposition, to accommodate the Government sponsor, or for any other reason deemed necessary.
Floor Plans. The Design Builder shall prepare floor plans showing spaces by name, number, actual net area of each space, structural module, mechanical spaces, equipment, chases and circulation area. The Design Builder shall also prepare site plans (which show utilities), plumbing, electrical, mechanical, and structural plans, and equipment layouts, lists and schedules. Drawings shall show overall building dimensions and major lines of dimension.
Floor Plans. 1. Floor plans demonstrating access compliance, including restrooms, elevators, wheelchair lifts, stairs, ramps, door clearances, door swings, doors with panic hardware, casework, fixed furniture, equipment and all other required accessibility features. ..........................................................................
2. Enlarged floor plans of restrooms, elevators, stairs, ramps, lifts and specialty areas such as science labs, kitchens, auditoriums, etc. .................................................................................................
3. Distance of travel from elevator location to top and bottom nosing of all stairways demonstrated to be less than 200 feet. .............................................................................................................................
4. Accessible egress systems identified and detailed. ................................................................................
5. Room and occupied area labels, indicating use and total occupants. Load factor used for occupant load calculations identified (net or gross). ..............................................................................................
6. Net or gross floor area totals for each room or occupant area indicated. ................................................
7. An exit analysis provided, indicating exit widths and cumulative loads at exits, including exit discharge paths and widths. ...................................................................................................................
8. Fire-resistance-rated walls and smoke barriers identified and cross referenced to partition schedules and details. Wall types, wall function, assemblies and assembly design number references noted.....................................................................................................................................
9. A detailed bleacher seating layout, identifying accessible seating and remaining floor area occupant load calculations (required in initial submittal even for projects where bleachers are identified as a deferred submittal). ................................................................................................................................
10. Way-finding and signage plans with legends and/or schedules cross-referenced to details. ...................
11. Dedicated egress provided within a new addition, unless the existing adjacent structure providing egress is of equal or greater liv...
Floor Plans. Energy Efficiency Graph
Floor Plans. These vary by venue. CEDIA makes every effort to group manufacturers that share reps in generally the same area.
Floor Plans. A floor plan (including if multiple pages) of the property may be submitted.
Floor Plans. Any floor plan or other plan, drawing or sketch which is attached to or made part of this Lease, such as Exhibit "A", is used solely for the purpose of a reasonable approximate identification and location of the demised Premises, and any markings, measurements, dimensions or notes of any kind contained therein shall be subordinate to any specific terms contained in this Lease. Attached to the construction plans for the tenant improvements shall be a specification sheet stating in detail the finishes to be used in the demised premises. Both Landlord and Tenant shall initial the construction plans and specifications indicating this approval of the terms contained therein. Construction of the tenant improvements by contract shall be the responsibility of the Landlord and any cost in excess of the Tenant Improvement Allowance shall be the Tenant's responsibility. If Tenant requests any Change Orders that create cost over and above the original scope of work then Tenant shall be responsible for that additional cost. Tenant has inspected the Premises and the Building and has verified the dimensions thereof to the satisfaction of the Tenant; and the Tenant has inspected and is familiar with the condition of the elevators, stairways, halls, air conditioning system and facilities; and sanitary facilities of the Building and the Tenant agrees to accept the Premises.
Floor Plans. N/A N Y Dimensioning: Dimensions throughout drawings, including locating structural, must add up by strings of dimensions locating all walls and partitions with an overall. N/A N Y Doors: Major entrances to have vestibules (7'-0" minimum depth for handicapped). N/A N Y Indicate swing--special thought to toilet rooms; traffic flow; code requirements; etc. (Coordinate with electrical light switches.). N/A N Y Coordinate with finish hardware schedule. Assure hardware compatibility with adjacent Unit hardware. N/A N Y Hoods and canopies for all exterior doors (especially opening outward). N/A N Y Windows: Detail membrane waterproofing at xxxxx, jambs and heads to eliminate water penetrations. N/A N Y Special provisions for security. N/A N Y Louvers: Selected to prevent water penetration. Indicate security measures utilized. N/A N Y Provide for under-floor space and access for utility and 20' pipe or pump replacements. N/A N Y Access panels for cut-offs, clean-outs, and electrical items. N/A N Y Access to above ceiling mechanical or other equipment. N/A N Y Indicate security method used on all building envelope openings and access panels. N/A N Y Rooms and/or spaces: N/A N Y Name and number on each room or space, in Architectural and MEP floor plans. N/A N Y Verify wall thickness and chase net sizes for Mechanical. N/A N Y Walls and partitions highlighted. N/A N Y Materials and wall heights indicated. N/A N Y Demolition highlighted or shaded. N/A N Y Drainage indicated. N/A N Y Emergency overflow scuppers indicated. N/A N Y Required slopes for roof membrane warranty. N/A N Y Roof mounted items and penetrations indicated: N/A N Y Maintenance walkway to and around equipment N/A N Y Equipment (maintenance access to roof mounted equipment). N/A N Y Screening of equipment and exhaust stacks. N/A N Y Access to roof. N/A N Y Lighting fixture layout, ceiling registers, and return air grilles, exhaust grilles, security camera mounting locations, access panels, skylights, sprinkler heads, smoke sensors, etc.