Contractor Name Business License #: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Telephone: Facsimile: Email: * If you are an independent contractor you are required to obtain a business license with the City of Thousand Oaks. Contractor certifies under penalty of perjury that Contractor is a Sole Proprietor Corporation Limited Liability Company Partnership Nonprofit Corporation Other [describe: ]
Website, Email Address and Toll-Free Number The Administrator will establish and maintain and use an internet website to post information of interest to Class Members including the date, time and location for the Final Approval Hearing and copies of the Settlement Agreement, Motion for Preliminary Approval, the Preliminary Approval, the Class Notice, the Motion for Final Approval, the Motion for Class Counsel Fees Payment, Class Counsel Litigation Expenses Payment and Class Representative Service Payment, the Final Approval and the Judgment. The Administrator will also maintain and monitor an email address and a toll-free telephone number to receive Class Member calls, faxes and emails.
Company Name The Members may change the name of the Company or operate under different names, provided a majority of the Members agree and the name complies with Section 00-00-000 of the Act.
CONTRACTOR NAME CHANGE An amendment is required to change the Contractor's name as listed on this Agreement. Upon receipt of legal documentation of the name change the State will process the amendment. Payment of invoices presented with a new name cannot be paid prior to approval of said amendment.
Print Name Date: ………………
Identification Cards Identification (“ID”) cards are issued by Us for identification purposes only. Possession of any ID card confers no right to services or benefits under this Contract. To be entitled to such services or benefits, Your Premiums must be paid in full at the time that the services are sought to be received.
Your Member Identification Card Your BCBSRI member ID card is your key to getting healthcare coverage. It shows your healthcare provider that you’re part of the nation’s most trusted health plan. All BCBSRI members receive ID cards, which provide important information about your coverage. This card is for identification only, and you must show it whenever you receive healthcare services. Please note you must be a current member to receive covered services. Tips for keeping your card safe: • Carry it with you at all times. • Keep it in a safe location, just as you would with a credit card or money. • Let BCBSRI know right away if it is lost or stolen.
Formation; Name The Company was formed by the filing of the Certificate. The Company shall be operated as a limited liability company pursuant to this Agreement and the Act. Whenever the terms of this Agreement conflict with any provision of the Act, the terms of this Agreement shall control except to the extent any provision of the Act cannot be waived or altered by a limited liability company operating agreement. The Company shall be operated under the name “General Cable Overseas Holdings, LLC.” The Member or an authorized Person shall file such other certificates and documents as are necessary to qualify the Company to conduct business in any jurisdiction in which the Company conducts business.
Legal Name Enter the legal name of the U.S. nonprofit organization or government entity applying for indemnity as it appears in the current IRS 501(c)(3) status letter or in the official document that identifies the organization as a unit of state or local government, or as a federally recognized tribal community or tribe. If an exhibition is being shown at several venues, one organization should apply on behalf of all participants. The Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities requires that the applicant must have previously organized at least one museum-caliber exhibition containing objects borrowed from one or more public and/or private collections.
Email Address (For delivery of Documents to Seller) (For delivery of Documents to Buyer)