Substance Abuse Testing The Parties agree that it is in the best interest of all concerned to promote a safe working environment. The Union has no objection to pre-employment substance abuse testing when required by the Employer and further, the Union has no objection to voluntary substance abuse testing to qualify for employment on projects when required by a project owner. The cost and scheduling of such testing shall be paid for and arranged by the Employer. The Union agrees to reimburse the Employer for any failed pre-access Alcohol and Drug test costs.
Loop Testing/Trouble Reporting Telepak Networks will be responsible for testing and isolating troubles on the Loops. Telepak Networks must test and isolate trouble to the BellSouth portion of a designed/non-designed unbundled Loop (e.g., UVL-SL2, UCL-D, UVL-SL1, UCL-ND, etc.) before reporting repair to the UNE Customer Wholesale Interconnection Network Services (CWINS) Center. Upon request from BellSouth at the time of the trouble report, Telepak Networks will be required to provide the results of the Telepak Networks test which indicate a problem on the BellSouth provided Loop. Once Telepak Networks has isolated a trouble to the BellSouth provided Loop, and had issued a trouble report to BellSouth on the Loop, BellSouth will take the actions necessary to repair the Loop if a trouble actually exists. BellSouth will repair these Loops in the same time frames that BellSouth repairs similarly situated Loops to its End Users. If Telepak Networks reports a trouble on a non-designed or designed Loop and no trouble actually exists, BellSouth will charge Telepak Networks for any dispatching and testing (both inside and outside the CO) required by BellSouth in order to confirm the Loop’s working status. In the event BellSouth must dispatch to the end-user’s location more than once due to incorrect or incomplete information provided by Telepak Networks (e.g., incomplete address, incorrect contact name/number, etc.), BellSouth will xxxx Xxxxxxx Networks for each additional dispatch required to repair the circuit due to the incorrect/incomplete information provided. BellSouth will assess the applicable Trouble Determination rates from BellSouth’s FCC or state tariffs.
Child Abuse Reporting Requirement Grantee will: a. comply with child abuse and neglect reporting requirements in Texas Family Code Chapter 261. This section is in addition to and does not supersede any other legal obligation of the Grantee to report child abuse. b. develop, implement and enforce a written policy that includes at a minimum the System Agency’s Child Abuse Screening, Documenting, and Reporting Policy for Grantees/Providers and train all staff on reporting requirements. c. use the System Agency Child Abuse Reporting Form located at xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/Contact Us/report abuse.asp as required by the System Agency. d. retain reporting documentation on site and make it available for inspection by the System Agency.
Child Abuse Reporting Requirements A. Grantees shall comply with child abuse and neglect reporting requirements in Texas Family Code Chapter 261. This section is in addition to and does not supersede any other legal obligation of the Grantee to report child abuse. B. Grantee shall use the Texas Abuse Hotline Website located at xxxxx:// as required by the System Agency. Grantee shall retain reporting documentation on site and make it available for inspection by the System Agency.
Drug Testing (A) The state and the PBA agree to drug testing of employees in accordance with section 112.0455, F.S., the Drug-Free Workplace Act. (B) All classes covered by this Agreement are designated special risk classes for drug testing purposes. Special risk means employees who are required as a condition of employment to be certified under Chapter 633 or Chapter 943, F.S. (C) An employee shall have the right to grieve any disciplinary action taken under section 112.0455, the Drug-Free Workplace Act, subject to the limitations on the grievability of disciplinary actions in Article 10. If an employee is not disciplined but is denied a demotion, reassignment, or promotion as a result of a positive confirmed drug test, the employee shall have the right to grieve such action in accordance with Article 6.
Testing Requirements 12.1. Workplaces - 12.2. On workplaces where the value of the Commonwealth’s contribution to the project that includes the building work is at least $5,000,000, and represents at least 50% of the total construction project value or the Commonwealth’s contribution to the project that includes the building work is at least $10,000,000 (irrespective of its proportion of the total construction project value) the following minimum testing requirements must be adhered to.
Alcohol Testing Alcohol testing will be conducted by using an evidential breath testing device (EBT) approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Non-EBT devices may be used for initial screening tests. A screening test will be conducted first. If the result is an alcohol concentration level of less than 0.02, the test is considered a negative test. If the alcohol concentration level is 0.02 or more, a second confirmation test will be conducted. Levels of .04 or greater on the confirmation test will be considered positive.
Random Drug Testing All employees covered by this Agreement shall be subject to random drug testing in accordance with Appendix D.
Quality Assurance Requirements There are no special Quality Assurance requirements under this Agreement.
Meteorological Data Reporting Requirement (Applicable to wind generation facilities only)