Summarised Forecast Financial Statements. A full set of forecast financial statements for the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority is provided in the Appendix to this Ownership Agreement. A summary of those forecasts is as follows: Operating Statement 2009/10 Budget $ 2008/9 Estimated Actual $ Revenue 17,950,000 15,778,858 Operating Expenses 17,950,000 15,532,347 Net Surplus/Deficit 0 246,511 Balance Sheet As at 30 June 2010 Budget $ As at 30 June 2009 Forecast $ Assets 106,333,757 115,063,172 Liabilities 86,000,000 84,669,308 Net Worth 20,333,757 30,393,864 Statement of Cash Flows 2009/10 Budget $ 2008/9 Estimated Actual $ Net cash flows from operating activities 652,328 (1,060,476) Net cash flows from investing activities (4,119,689) (594,778) Net cash flows from financing activities (10,023,733) 3,976,716
Summarised Forecast Financial Statements. A full set of forecast financial statements for Cayman Islands Airports Authority is provided in the Appendix to this Ownership Agreement. OPERATING STATEMENT 2014/15 TARGET $ 000's 2013/14 FORECAST $ 000's REVENUE 28,524,393 27,124,936 OPERATING EXPENSES 20,592,325 21,877,468 NET SURPLUS/DEFICIT 7,932,068 5,247,468 BALANCE SHEET AS AT JUNE 2015 $ 000's AS AT JUNE 2014 $ 000's ASSETS 84,536,904 76,953,692 LIABILITIES 8,087,003 8,801,175 NET WORTH 76,449,905 70,435,527 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW 2014/15 TARGET $ 000's 2013/14 FORECAST $ 000's CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVIITES 9,328,573 7,098,086 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVIITES -2,977,055 -1,159,268 CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVIITES -35,764 -33,020
Summarised Forecast Financial Statements. A full set of forecast financial statements for Cayman Airways Limited is provided in the Appendix to this Ownership Agreement. OPERATING STATEMENT 2014/15 TARGET $ 000's 2013/14 FORECAST $ 000's REVENUE 73,917,378 72,172,149 OPERATING EXPENSES -73,906,814 -74,617,190 NET SURPLUS/DEFICIT 10,564 -2,445,041 BALANCE SHEET AS AT JUNE 2015 $ 000's AS AT JUNE 2014 $ 000's ASSETS 21,303,673 20,522,105 LIABILITIES 72,449,544 76,528,540 NET WORTH -51,145,871 -56,006,435 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW 2014/15 TARGET $ 000's 2013/14 FORECAST $ 000's CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVIITES 2,773,876 3,580,438 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVIITES -1,500,526 -372,055 CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVIITES 223,280 -2,038,709 Detailed below is information about specific financial transaction required to be included in the Ownership Agreement by the Public Management and Finance Law (2013 Revision). TRANSACTION AMOUNT FOR 2014/15 $ Equity Investments into Cayman Airways Limited 4,850,000 Capital Withdrawals from Cayman Airways Limited. 0 Dividend or Profit Distributions to be made by Cayman Airways Limited. 0 Government Loans to be made to Cayman Airways Limited. 0 Government Guarantees to be issued in relation to Cayman Airways Limited. Up to CI$19M for CIG approved borrowing to address informal debt (possible) Related Party Payments (Non Remuneration) made to Key Management Personnel 0 Remuneration payments made to key Management Personnel 0 Remuneration Payments made to Senior Management 1,280,000 NUMBER FOR 2014/15 Number of Key Management Personnel 6 Number of Senior Management 14
Summarised Forecast Financial Statements. A full set of forecast financial statements for Cayman Islands National Insurance Company Ltd. is provided in the Appendix to this Ownership Agreement. A summary of those forecasts is as follows. Operating Statement 2004/5 $ 2003/4 $ Revenue 16,733,385 504,161 Operating Expenses (16,618,187) (1,683,751) Net Surplus/Deficit 115,198 (1,179,590) Balance Sheet As at 30 June 2005 $ As at 30 June 2004 $ Assets 6,951,423 3,000,000 Liabilities (2,736,225) 0 Net Worth 4,215,198 3,000,000 Statement of Cash Flows 2004/5 $ 2003/4 $ Net cash flows from operating activities 2,851,423 (1,179,590) Net cash flows from investing activities 0 (250,000) Net cash flows from financing activities 1,100,000 4,179,590
Summarised Forecast Financial Statements. A full set of forecast financial statements for Auditors Oversight Authority is provided in the Appendix to this Ownership Agreement. OPERATING STATEMENT 2014/15 TARGET $ 000's 2013/14 FORECAST $ 000's REVENUE 325,000 315,000 OPERATING EXPENSES 340,000 310.200 NET SURPLUS/DEFICIT (15,000) 4,800 BALANCE SHEET AS AT JUNE 2015 $ 000's AS AT JUNE 2014 $ 000's ASSETS 258,500 273,500 LIABILITIES 8,000 8,000 NET WORTH 250,500 265.500 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW 2014/15 TARGET $ 000's 2013/14 FORECAST $ 000's CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVIITES (15,000) (18,100) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVIITES CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVIITES
Summarised Forecast Financial Statements. A full set of forecast financial statements for Cayman Islands Monetary Authority is provided in the Appendix to this Ownership Agreement. A summary of those forecasts is as follows. Operating Statement 2004/5 $ 2003/4 $ Revenue 11,279,502 10,381,100 Operating Expenses 9,562,062 8,457,944 Net Surplus/Deficit 1,717,440 1,923,156 Balance Sheet As at 30 June 2005 $ As at 30 June 2004 $ Assets 67,975,217 67,583,933 Liabilities 51,390,482 51,431,605 Net Worth 16,584,735 16,152,327 Statement of Cash Flows 2004/5 $ 2003/4 $ Net cash flows from operating activities 1,844,724 2,337,110 Net cash flows from investing activities -1,033,356 -2,404,562 Net cash flows from financing activities -1,068,979 -811,802 Detailed below is information about specific financial transaction required to be included in the Ownership Agreement by the Public Management and Finance Law 2001. Transaction Amount for 2004/5 $ Equity Investments into Cayman Islands Monetary Authority 525,000 Capital Withdrawals from Cayman Islands Monetary Authority. 0 Dividend or Profit Distributions to be made by Cayman Islands Monetary Authority. 1,810,032 Government Loans to be made to Cayman Islands Monetary Authority. 0 Government Guarantees to be issued in relation to Cayman Islands Monetary Authority. 0 Related Party Payments (Non Remuneration) made to Key Management Personnel5 Remuneration6 Payments made to Key Management Personnel 604,111 Remuneration Payments made to Senior Management 755,200 Number for 2004/5 No of Key Management Personnel 11 No of Senior Management 7 5 Key Management Personnel as defined by International Public Accounting Standards No 20, eg Minister, Board Member and Senior Management Team 6 Remuneration as defined by International Public Accounting Standards No 20 Par 34(a)
Summarised Forecast Financial Statements. A full set of forecast financial statements for Cayman Islands Airports Authority is provided in the Appendix to this Ownership Agreement. A summary of those forecasts is as follows: Operating Statement 2010/11 Budget 2009/10 Forecast $ $ Revenue $22,463,000 $21,803,461 Operating Expenses $18,623,247 $17,256,320 Net Surplus/Deficit $3,839,753 $4,474,283 Balance Sheet As at 30 June As at 30 June 2011 2010 $ $ Assets $61,029,019 $57,623,266 Liabilities $8,166,225 $8,600,225 Net Worth $52,862,794 $49,023,041 Statement of Cash Flows 2010/11 Budget 2009/10 Forecast $ $ Net cash flows from operating activities ($1,435,247) ($1,126,718) Net cash flows from investing activities ($1,117,832) $6,281,437 Net cash flows from financing activities ($459,000) ($7,464,580)
Summarised Forecast Financial Statements. A full set of forecast financial statements for Cayman Islands Airports Authority is provided in the Appendix to this Ownership Agreement. A summary of those forecasts is as follows: Operating Statement 2011/12 Target $ 2010/11 Forecast $ Revenue 22,944,448 22,397,258 Operating Expenses 19,234,631 18,493,258 Net Surplus/Deficit 3,654,817 4,326,578 Balance Sheet As at 30 June 2012 $ As at 30 June 2011 $ Assets 66,062,372 62,348,253 Liabilities 10,095,527 10,036,225 Net Worth 55,966,845 52,312,028 Statement of Cash Flows 2011/12 Target $ 2010/11 Forecast $ Net cash flows from operating activities 9,100,374 10,036,225 Net cash flows from investing activities (6,252,300) (7,117,832) Net cash flows from financing activities 0 0 31 2011/12 Ownership Agreements
Summarised Forecast Financial Statements. A full set of forecast financial statements for Cayman Airways Limited is provided in the Appendix to this Ownership Agreement. A summary of those forecasts is as follows. Operating Statement 2005/6 $ 2004/5 $ Revenue 52,814,000 38,316,000 Operating Expenses 57,655,000 51,980,000 Net Surplus/Deficit (6,303,000) (13,664,000) Balance Sheet As at 30 June As at 30 June 2006 2005 $ $ Assets 16,881,000 19,381,000 Liabilities 51,851,000 48,050,000 Net Worth (34,970,000) (28,669,000) Statement of Cash Flows 2005/6 $ 2004/5 $ Net cash flows from operating activities (3,582,000) (12,491,000) Net cash flows from investing activities (4,971,000) (1,933,000) Net cash flows from financing activities 4,022,000 15,256,000
Summarised Forecast Financial Statements. A full set of forecast financial statements for CAL is provided in the Appendix to this Ownership Agreement. OPERATING STATEMENT 2024 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2024 $000’s 2025 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2025 $000’s 2023 12-Month Forecast $000’s REVENUE 81,330 83,437 78,582 OPERATING EXPENSES 94,417 95,532 88,964 NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) (13,087) (12,095) (10,382) BALANCE SHEET 2024 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2024 $000’s 2025 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2025 $000’s 2023 12-Month Forecast $000’s ASSETS 38,994 29,498 45,254 LIABILITIES 62,796 56,794 68,569 NET WORTH (24,302) (27,296) (23,315) STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW 2024 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2024 $000’s 2025 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2025 $000’s 2023 12-Month Forecast $000’s CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES (2,497) (4,420) (4,022) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES (3,244) (1,168) (2,940) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES 3,167 3,342 3,769