Supplementary Terms Other Contributions
REGISTRATION STATEMENT QUESTIONNAIRE In connection with the preparation of the Registration Statement, please provide us with the following information:
SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES For preambles see "Specifications of materials and methods to be used - PW 371" 1 Panes not exceeding 0,1 m2 m2 3 SMD2 Bill No. 11 GLAZING Item No Quantity Rate Amount SECTION 3 BILL NO. 12 PAINTWORK SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES For preambles see "Specifications of materials and methods to be used - PW 371" ON FIBRE-CEMENT Prepare and brush to remove all loose contaminations, apply one coat primer and two coats PVA emulsion paint: 1 On fascias and barge boards m2 7 ON WOOD Undercoat and minimum 2 coat gloss enamel: 2 On doors (Internal) m2 7 3 On doors (External) m2 7 ON METAL Undercoat and minimum 2 coat gloss enamel: 4 On door frames m2 1 5 On gates (Measured over the full flat area of both sides) m2 8 6 On gutters and down pipes m 10 Spot prining defects in prime surface with zinc chromate primer and apply one universal undercoat and two coats EPWP, golden brown gloss enamel paint on steel: 7 On windows with burglar bars m2 3 Carried Forward to Summary of Section No. 3 Section No. 3 SMD2 Bill No. 12 PAINTWORK BVI CONSULTING ENGINEERS R SECTION SUMMARY - SMD2 1 EARTHWORKS 60 2 CONCRETE,FORMWORK AND REINFORCEMENT 62 3 MASONRY 65 4 WATERPROOFING 66 5 ROOF COVERINGS 68 6 CARPENTRY AND JOINERY 70 7 IRONMONGERY 72 8 METALWORK 73 9 PLASTERING 74 10 PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE 77 12 PAINTWORK 79 Carried to Final Summary Section No. 3 SMD2 BVI CONSULTING ENGINEERS Amount R No SECTION 4 BILL NO.1 EARTHWORKS (PROVISIONAL) SUPPLEMENTARY PREAMBLES For preambles see "Specifications of materials and methods to be used - PW 371" SITE CLEARANCE 1 Digging up and removing rubbish, debris, vegetation, xxxxxx, shrubs,xxxx and trees not exceeding 200mm girth, etc. m2 103 2 Stripping average 100mm thick layer of top soil and stockpiling on site m2 103 EXCAVATION,FILLING, ETC Excavation in earth not exceeding 2m deep: 3 Trenches m3 24 4 Pit m3 42 5 For aprons thickenning m3 5 Extra over trench and hole excavations in earth for excavation: 6 Soft rock m3 71 7 Hard rock m3 71 Extra over all excavations for carting away: 8 Surplus material from excavations and/or stock piles on site to a dumping site to be alocated by the Contractor m3 53 Carried Forward Section No. 4 MD6 Xxxx Xx. 1 EARTHWORKS BVI CONSULTING ENGINEERS R 9 Sides of trench and hole excavation not exceeding 1,5m deep. m2 112 10 Keeping excavations free of water other than subterranean water Item Earth filling obtained from the excavations and/or prescribed stock piles on site compacted to 93% ModAASHTO density: 11 Under floors, steps, pavings, etc. m3 12 12 Backfilling to trenches, holes, etc. m3 13 13 Compaction of ground surface under floors etc including scarifying for a depth of 150mm, breaking down oversize material, adding suitable material where necessary and compacting to 93% Mod AASHTO density m2 39 14 Compaction of ground surface to pits etc including scarifying for a depth of 150mm, breaking down oversize material, adding suitable material where necessary and compacting to 93% Mod AASHTO density m2 33 15 Compaction of ground surface to aprons etc including scarifying for a depth of 150mm, breaking down oversize material, adding suitable material where necessary and compacting to 93% Mod AASHTO density m2 54 16 Modified AASHTO Density tests No 5 Section No. 4 MD6 Bill No. 1 EARTHWORKS 17 Under floors etc including forming and poisoning shallow furrows against foundation walls etc, filling in furrows and ramming. m2 39 18 To bottom of concrate aprons m2 54 19 To bottoms and sides of trenches, etc. m2 92 MD6 Bill No. 1 EARTHWORKS
Supplementary labour (a) If the Employer wishes to engage supplementary labour to perform work performed by its Employees under this Agreement, the Employer must first consult in good faith with the affected Employees. (b) Following consultation and subject to this clause, the decision whether to engage supplementary labour is a decision of the Employer alone. Any dispute as to the application of this clause will be dealt with under the disputes settlement procedure under clause 10 of this Agreement. The Employer will ensure that all supplementary labour is engaged on lawful terms and conditions.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Paperwork Reduction Act The collection of information in this final rule has been reviewed and, pending receipt and evaluation of public comments, approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under 44 U.S.C. 3507 and assigned control number 1545-1675. The collection of information in this regulation is in Sec. 1.860E-1(c)(5)(ii). This information is required to enable the IRS to verify that a taxpayer is complying with the conditions of this regulation. The collection of information is mandatory and is required. Otherwise, the taxpayer will not receive the benefit of safe harbor treatment as provided in the regulation. The likely respondents are businesses and other for-profit institutions. Comments on the collection of information should be sent to the Office of Management and Budget, Attn: Desk Officer for the Department of the Treasury, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Xxxxxxxxxx, XX, 00000, with copies to the Internal Revenue Service, Attn: IRS Reports Clearance Officer, W:CAR:MP:FP:S, Xxxxxxxxxx, XX 00000. Comments on the collection of information should be received by September 17, 2002. Comments are specifically requested concerning: Whether the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Internal Revenue Service, including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the estimated burden associated with the collection of information (see below); How the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected may be enhanced; How the burden of complying with the collection of information may be minimized, including through the application of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and Estimates of capital or start-up costs and costs of operation, maintenance, and purchase of service to provide information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid control number assigned by the Office of Management and Budget. The estimated total annual reporting burden is 470 hours, based on an estimated number of respondents of 470 and an estimated average annual burden hours per respondent of one hour. Books or records relating to a collection of information must be retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any internal revenue law. Generally, tax returns and tax return information are confidential, as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.
Interest Questionnaire - Form CIQ No response Do not upload this form unless you have a reportable conflict with TIPS. There is an Attribute entitled “Conflict of Interest Questionnaire Requirement” immediately followed by an Attribute entitled “Conflict of Interest Questionnaire Requirement – Form CIQ – Continued.” Properly respond to those Attributes and only upload this form if applicable/instructed. If upload is required based on your response to those Attributes, the Conflict of Interest Questionnaire – Form CIQ must be downloaded from the “Attachments” section of the IonWave eBid System, reviewed, properly completed, and uploaded at this location.
Supplementary Agreement The parties stipulate and agree that the escrow provisions in this Section 6(b) (Escrow Establishment) of Attachment B (Facility Owned by Seller) and the Source Code Escrow Agreement and Proceeds Escrow Agreement are "supplementary agreements" as contemplated in Section 365(n)(1)(B) of the Code. In any voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy proceeding involving Seller, failure by Company to assert its rights to "retain its rights" to the intellectual property encompassed by the Source Code or the funds in the Proceeds Escrow, pursuant to Section 365(n)(1)(B) of the Code, under an executory contract rejected in a bankruptcy proceeding, shall not be construed as an election to terminate the contract by Company under Section 365(n)(1)(A) of the Code.
SUPPLEMENTARY INDEX Exhibit A-Local Church Vote Certification Exhibit B-Bill of Sale Exhibit C-Deed(s) Exhibit D-FIRPTA Schedule 3.2-Other Liabilities Schedule 3.4-Financial Statements Schedule 4.3-Subsidiaries Schedule 4.7-Leases & Land Schedule 4.8-Personal Property
Conflict of Interest Questionnaire Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code requires contractors contracting or seeking to contract with H-GAC to file a conflict of interest questionnaire (CIQ) if they have an employment or other business relationship with an H-GAC officer or an officer’s close family member. The required questionnaire and instructions are located on the H-GAC website or at the Texas Ethics Commission website xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/forms/CIQ.pdf. H-GAC officers include its Board of Directors and Executive Director, who are listed on this website. Respondent must complete and file a CIQ with the Texas Ethics Commission if an employment or business relationship with H-GAC office or an officer’s close family member as defined in the law exists.
Supplementary Card a card which is issued by the Bank to the client and/or other person nominated by the client and which is linked to the existing card account of the client;