SURVIVING SPOUSE OF FIREFIGHTER. If a firefighter dies before retirement, the firefighter's surviving spouse is entitled to receive an immediate monthly benefit from the fund of 75 percent of the service retirement benefit that the firefighter would have received if the firefighter had retired on the date of death, but not less than 75 percent of the monthly payment the decedent would have received based on 20 years of service credit.
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  • How do the RMD Rules Impact my Designated Beneficiary or Beneficiaries The RMD rules provide for the determination of your designated beneficiary or beneficiaries as of September 30 of the year following your death. Consequently, any beneficiary may be eliminated for purposes of calculating the RMD by the distribution of that beneficiary’s benefit, through a valid disclaimer between your death and the end of September following the year of your death, or by dividing your IRA account into separate accounts for each of several designated beneficiaries you may have designated.

  • Designation of Beneficiary The depositor may designate a beneficiary or beneficiaries to receive benefits from the custodial account in the event of the depositor’s death. In the event the depositor has not designated a beneficiary, or if all beneficiaries shall predecease the depositor, the following persons shall take in the order named:

  • Duration of Benefits Eligibility for Income Protection benefits will cease upon the earliest of the following dates:

  • Limitation of Benefits (a) Anything in this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, in the event it shall be determined that any benefit, payment or distribution by the Company to or for the benefit of the Executive (whether payable or distributable pursuant to the terms of this Agreement or otherwise) (a "Payment") would, if paid, be subject to the excise tax imposed by Section 4999 of the Code (the "Excise Tax"), then the Payment shall be reduced to the extent necessary to avoid the imposition of the Excise Tax. The Executive may select the Payments to be limited or reduced.

  • Integration of Benefits If you are disabled, the monthly payments under this plan will be reduced by the amount of any Periodic Payments you are entitled to apply for and receive with respect to the disability under any Workplace Safety & Insurance Act, the Canada Pension Plan or the Quebec Pension Plan. The amounts deducted will not include any additional benefits payable for children or subsequent cost of living increases.

  • Restoration of Benefits The correction method should restore the plan to the position it would have been in had the failure not occurred, including restoration of current and former participants and beneficiaries to the benefits and rights they would have had if the failure had not occurred.

  • Spouse The spouse of an eligible employee (if legally married under Minnesota law). For the purposes of health insurance coverage, if that spouse works full-time for an organization employing more than one hundred (100) people and elects to receive either credits or cash (1) in place of health insurance or health coverage or (2) in addition to a health plan with a seven hundred and fifty dollar ($750) or greater deductible through his/her employing organization, he/she is not eligible to be a covered dependent for the purposes of this Article. If both spouses work for the State or another organization participating in the State's Group Insurance Program, neither spouse may be covered as a dependent by the other, unless one spouse is not eligible for a full Employer Contribution as defined in Section 3A. Effective January 1, 2015 if both spouses work for the State or another organization participating in the State’s Group Insurance Program, a spouse may be covered as a dependent by the other.

  • Public Benefit It is Reaction Retail’s understanding that the commitments it has agreed to herein, and actions to be taken by Reaction Retail under this Settlement Agreement, would confer a significant benefit to the general public, as set forth in Code of Civil Procedure § 1021.5 and Cal. Admin. Code tit. 11, § 3201. As such, it is the intent of Reaction Retail that to the extent any other private party initiates an action alleging a violation of Proposition 65 with respect to Reaction Retail’s failure to provide a warning concerning exposure to DEHP prior to use of the Products it has manufactured, distributed, sold, or offered for sale in California, or will manufacture, distribute, sell, or offer for sale in California, such private party action would not confer a significant benefit on the general public as to those Products addressed in this Settlement Agreement, provided that Reaction Retail is in material compliance with this Settlement Agreement.

  • Survivor’s Benefits Benefits for the surviving family members of individuals who have died from COVID–19, including cash assistance to widows, widowers, or dependents of individuals who died of COVID–19.

  • Are There Distribution Rules That Apply After Death Special rules apply in the case of the divorce or death of a beneficiary of a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account. In particular, any balances to the credit of a beneficiary must, within 30 days of death, be either: (i) rolled over to another beneficiary’s Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account according to the requirements of Section (4) (in which case the distribution will not be subject to tax) or (ii) distributed to a death beneficiary or the beneficiary’s estate (in which case the distribution will be subject to tax).

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