Switching All of the negotiated rates, terms and conditions set forth in this Section pertain to the provision of local and tandem switching.
Tandem Switching 4.5.1 The Tandem Switching capability Network Element is defined as: (i) trunk-connect facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between trunk termination at a cross-connect panel and switch trunk card; (ii) the basic switch trunk function of connecting trunks to trunks; and (iii) the functions that are centralized in the Tandem Switches (as distinguished from separate end office switches), including but not limited to call recording, the routing of calls to operator services and signaling conversion features. 4.5.2 Where <<customer_short_name>> utilizes portions of the BellSouth network in originating or terminating traffic, the Tandem Switching rates are applied in call scenarios where the Tandem Switching Network Element has been utilized. Because switch recordings cannot accurately indicate on a per call basis when the Tandem Switching Network Element has been utilized for an interoffice call originating from a UNE port and terminating to a BellSouth, Independent Company or Facility-Based CLEC office, BellSouth has developed, based upon call studies, a melded rate that takes into account the average percentage of calls that utilize Tandem Switching in these scenarios. BellSouth shall apply the melded Tandem Switching rate for every call in these scenarios. BellSouth shall utilize the melded Tandem Switching Rate until BellSouth has the capability to measure actual Tandem Switch usage in each call scenario specifically mentioned above, at which point the rate for the actual Tandem Switch usage shall apply. The UNE Local Call Flows set forth on BellSouth's website, as amended from time to time and incorporated herein by this reference, illustrate when the full or melded Tandem Switching rates apply for specific scenarios.
Local Circuit Switching Capability, including Tandem Switching Capability 4.2.1 Local circuit switching capability is defined as: (A) line-side facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between a loop termination at a main distribution frame and a switch line card; (B) trunk-side facilities, which include, but are not limited to, the connection between trunk termination at a trunk-side cross-connect panel and a switch trunk card; (C) switching provided by remote switching modules; and (D) all features, functions, and capabilities of the switch, which include, but are not limited to: (1) the basic switching function of connecting lines to lines, line to trunks, trunks to lines, and trunks to trunks, as well as the same basic capabilities made available to BellSouth’s customers, such as a telephone number, white page listings, and dial tone; and (2) all other features that the switch is capable of providing, including but not limited to customer calling, customer local area signaling service features, and Centrex, as well as any technically feasible customized routing functions provided by the switch. Any features that are not currently available but are technically feasible through the switch can be requested through the BFR/NBR process. 4.2.2 Notwithstanding BellSouth’s general duty to unbundle local circuit switching, BellSouth shall not be required to unbundle local circuit switching for Louisville Telephone when Louisville Telephone serves an end-user with four (4) or more voice-grade (DS-0) equivalents or lines served by BellSouth in one of the following MSAs: Atlanta, GA; Miami, FL; Orlando, FL; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill, NC; Greensboro-Winston Salem-High Point, NC; Nashville, TN; and New Orleans, LA, and BellSouth has provided non- discriminatory cost based access to the Enhanced Extended Link (EEL) throughout Density Zone 1 as determined by NECA Tariff No. 4 as in effect on January 1, 1999. 4.2.3 In the event that Louisville Telephone orders local circuit switching for an end user with four (4) or more DS0 equivalent lines within Density Zone 1 in an MSA listed above, BellSouth shall charge Louisville Telephone the market based rates in Exhibit B for use of the local circuit switching functionality for the affected facilities.
Switching System Hierarchy and Trunking Requirements For purposes of routing PNG traffic to Verizon, the subtending arrangements between Verizon Tandem Switches and Verizon End Office Switches shall be the same as the Tandem/End Office subtending arrangements Verizon maintains for the routing of its own or other carriers’ traffic (i.e., traffic will be routed to the appropriate Verizon Tandem subtended by the terminating End Office serving the Verizon Customer). For purposes of routing Verizon traffic to PNG, the subtending arrangements between PNG Tandem Switches and PNG End Office Switches shall be the same as the Tandem/End Office subtending arrangements that PNG maintains for the routing of its own or other carriers’ traffic.
Teaching Load 11-1 The parties recognize that the number of students, the number of preparations, and the amount of planning time are related to student performance. 11-2 CLASS SIZE 11-2-1 The parties recognize that class size is related to economics and that reduction of class size is faced with fiscal constraints. The parties further recognize that it is not feasible at this time to set general numerical limitations upon class size because of physical space available, special programs, special student needs, attendance area variances, differences in scheduling systems, busing, and because of other variable causes affecting class size. Nevertheless, the parties shall make reasonable effort to maintain class size at reasonable, workable, and educationally effective levels in all situations. 11-3 TEACHER LOAD 11-3-1 Teaching load shall be defined as the number of separate class preparations that a teacher has per school day as delineated in the course description guide.
CLEC OUTAGE For a problem limited to one CLEC (or a building with multiple CLECs), BellSouth has several options available for restoring service quickly. For those CLECs that have agreements with other CLECs, BellSouth can immediately start directing traffic to a provisional CLEC for completion. This alternative is dependent upon BellSouth having concurrence from the affected CLECs. Whether or not the affected CLECs have requested a traffic transfer to another CLEC will not impact BellSouth's resolve to re-establish traffic to the original destination as quickly as possible.
TEACHING HOURS AND TEACHING LOAD Section 1 Work Day For the applicable agreement period, the normal work day will be seven and one-quarter (7 ¼) hours including arrival time fifteen (15) minutes before and departure time (15) minutes after the students’ school day. The normal work day will include uninterrupted prep time. The Building Principal, as authorized by the Superintendent, upon request of a teacher or group of teachers, may waive the requirement to remain fifteen (15) minutes after the school day for a specific day or days. It is recognized; however, that the proper performance of their duties may, on occasion, require these persons to work longer than the normal work day, i.e. for conferences, faculty meetings, department meetings, etc. Therefore, “mandatory meetings will occur two times per month and be no longer than 90 minutes in length, inclusive of the additional 15 minutes beyond the scheduled student school day. A schedule of the meetings will be distributed by June 30th of the previous school year, but may be changed at the discretion of the Principal with 48 hours’ notice.” Teachers will also remain at school after the fifteen (15) minutes described above, during one (1) day each calendar week for such periods of time as is necessary to provide students extra help, and/or to meet with parents or guardians, concerning the progress of their children or wards. No teacher shall be required to work more than a normal seven and one- quarter (7 ¼) hour day, including fifteen (15) minutes before and (15) minutes after the students’ school day, which will include uninterrupted prep time; this provision does not apply to other contractually agreed upon time and meetings. Should state law require a longer instructional day, or more days, the teachers shall work the added time and the parties shall immediately commence impact bargaining on the issue. This article does not purport to cover the arrival and departure time of teachers involved in special assignments. Section 2 Other Personnel Personnel other than classroom teachers will work at their assigned tasks for the length of the regular teachers' work day. The exact daily schedule will be worked out on an individual basis between the Administration and the employee with notification to the Association. Instructional Coaches are required to work an additional five (5) days at their per diem rate, beyond the work year for a total of 189 days. These days will be determined prior to the start of the new school year and at the discretion of the Superintendent and the Chief Academic Officer.
Shared Transport The Shared Transport Network Element (“Shared Transport”) provides the collective interoffice transmission facilities shared by various Carriers (including Qwest) between end-office switches and between end-office switches and local tandem switches within the Local Calling Area. Shared Transport uses the existing routing tables resident in Qwest switches to carry the End User Customer’s originating and terminating local/extended area service interoffice Local traffic on the Qwest interoffice message trunk network. CLEC traffic will be carried on the same transmission facilities between end- office switches, between end-office switches and tandem switches and between tandem switches on the same network facilities that Qwest uses for its own traffic. Shared Transport does not include use of tandem switches or transport between tandem switches and end-office switches for Local Calls that originate from end users served by non- Qwest Telecommunications Carriers (“Carrier(s)”) which terminate to QLSP End Users.
Interconnection Customer Compensation If the CAISO requests or directs the Interconnection Customer to provide a service pursuant to Articles 9.6.3 (Payment for Reactive Power) or 13.5.1 of this LGIA, the CAISO shall compensate the Interconnection Customer in accordance with the CAISO Tariff.
Mileage Measurement Where required, the mileage measurement for LIS rate elements is determined in the same manner as the mileage measurement for V&H methodology as outlined in NECA Tariff No. 4.