switching definition
switching means, upon a consumer's request, transferring from one payment service provider to another the information about all or some standing orders for credit transfers, recurring direct debits and recurring incoming credit transfers executed on a payment account, with or without transferring the positive account balance from one payment account to the other or closing the former account;
switching means, upon a digital euro user’s request, transferring from one payment service provider to another either the information about all or some digital euro payment services, including recurring payments, executed on a digital euro payment account, or the digital euro holdings from one digital euro payment account to the other, or both, with or without closing the former digital euro payment account, while maintaining the same account identifier;
switching means the exchange of Shares of one Fund for Shares of another Fund (whether of the same or a different Share Class)
More Definitions of switching
switching or ‘switching service’ means, upon a consumer’s request, transferring from one payment service provider to another either the information about all or some standing orders for credit transfers, recurring direct debits and recurring incoming credit transfers executed on a payment account, or any positive payment account balance from one payment account to the other, or both, with or without closing the former payment account;
switching means the process involving a source provider of data processing services, a customer of a data processing service and a destination provider of data processing services, whereby the customer of a data processing service changes from using one data processing service to using another data processing service of the same service type, or other service, offered by a different provider of data processing services, including through extracting, transforming and uploading the data;
switching means the process where a data processing service customer changes from using one data processing service to using a second equivalent or other service offered by a different provider of data processing services, including through extracting, transforming and uploading the data, involving the source provider of data processing services, the customer and the destination provider of data processing services;
switching means the exchange of Shares of one Fund for Shares of another Fund
switching means, upon a consumer's request, transferring from one payment service provider to another the information about all or some standing orders for credit transfers, recurring direct debits and recurring incoming credit transfers executed on a payment account, with or without transferring the positive account balance from one payment account to the other or closing the former account. Switching does not imply the transfer of the contract from the transferring payment provider to the receiving payment service provider;
switching means the act of a customer changing supplier;