Switching Sample Clauses
Switching. All of the negotiated rates, terms and conditions set forth in this Section pertain to the provision of local and tandem switching.
Switching. 7.1 You acknowledge that any switching or exchange of your Fund Investments may only be effected in accordance with the terms of the Fund Offering Documents.
7.2 If you instruct us to effect a switch of any Fund Investments, we will subscribe for the Fund Investments required by you only after the confirmation and completion of the redemption of the relevant existing Fund Investments which are being switched.
Switching. The Utility may charge a switching fee in accordance with its tariff when you change your natural gas supplier to Constellation. If the Utility charges a switching fee when you change your natural gas supplier to Constellation in accordance with this Agreement, Constellation agrees to pay such switching fee. Constellation will not separately charge a switching fee. If you voluntarily return to the Utility after switching to a competitive supplier, you may be charged a price other than the Utility’s regulated sales service rate.
Switching. 27.5.1 Each Party shall, through its Controlling Authority, develop a written protocol that establishes the conditions for, and the coordination of, switching in respect of equipment under its control.
Switching. The switching of existing securities with the security which is going to be issued.
Switching. If you switch your electricity supplier, your local utility may apply a switching fee. If you return to your local utility after switching to an electricity supplier, you may or may not be served under the same rates, terms and conditions that apply to other customers served by your local utility.
Switching. The network today consists of a centralized switching topology connected to access nodes via transmission facilities. This topology is expected to gradually evolve to a more distributed switching architecture whereby many former access nodes become service nodes.
(a) The building blocks formerly referred to as switches, and perhaps several of the Hubs, will become Integrated Core Service Nodes ("ICSNs"). The ICSN may contain many of the same network elements as it did before, however it will now be configured and integrated in a manner such that the provisioning of service and utilization of transmission and access facilities will become more efficient and seamless relative to the voice, data and video services provided. Also, it is anticipated that there will be more than a single ICSN in a particular market, which will offer additional efficiencies via more localized, multiple interconnect facilities to other carrier networks.
(b) Hubs that do not qualify as ICSNs because of traffic density or operating costs will become Integrated Edge Service Nodes ("IESNs"). The IESN will be much like the ICSN, but it will not have direct interconnect facilities to other carrier networks and the switching functionality will be less sophisticated.
Switching. The voice network today consists of Lucent 5ESS switches, typically deployed one per city and operated as the centralized switching platform for the entire market. All switches provide local service through interconnect arrangements with the incumbent LEC. All WinStar switches provide long distance service to WinStar local customers and most switches provide long distance services to WinStar switched access long distance customers. The data network consists of Newbridge 36170 ATM switches and Cascade 9000 frame relay switches in the Central Office.
Switching. 7.1 Subject to the terms and conditions set out in the trust deed and the Prospectus of the relevant Unit Trust and as may be permitted by the Bank, the Customer may only switch units between opened-ended funds managed by the same Issuer. Switching of funds denominated in foreign currency is subject to the relevant Issuer’s approval.
7.2 Switching is subject to the Issuer’s terms and conditions. In the event where switching is permitted and the Customer chooses to switch, the Customer acknowledges that:
(a) the Customer will not receive any refund of initial sales charges in relation to the purchase agreement in respect of the original Unit Trust ;
(b) it is not certain whether the Customer would be in a better or worse position if the Customer switches Unit Trust (as opposed to cancelling);
(c) the Customer may incur switching related fees (which vary depending on the applicable Issuer); and
(d) the Customer will not have the right to cancel in respect of any Unit Trust that he switches into if the application to switch is submitted by the Customer to the Bank after the relevant cut- off time notified by the Bank.
Switching. 6.1 The parties currently intend to implement the Acquisition by way of a Scheme. However, PPL shall be entitled, with the consent of the Panel , to implement the Acquisition by way of a Takeover Offer rather than the Scheme (such election being a "Switch") if:
6.1.1 Egdon gives prior written consent to the Switch (an "Agreed Switch"), in which case Clause 6.2 and Clause 6.3 shall apply;
6.1.2 a Competing Proposal is announced by a third party (or an announcement in respect of a Competing Proposal is made by the Panel); or
6.1.3 a Egdon Board Adverse Recommendation Change occurs.
6.2 In the event of any Agreed Switch, unless otherwise agreed between Egdon and PPL or the Panel requires otherwise:
6.2.1 the Acceptance Condition shall be set at 90 per cent, of Egdon Shares to which the Takeover Offer relates (or such lesser percentage as may be agreed between Egdon and PPL in writing after, to the extent necessary, consultation with the Panel, subject in any case to the minimum acceptance condition set out in Rule 10 of the Takeover Code);
6.2.2 PPL shall consult with Egdon in a timely manner as to the form and content and timing of publication of any announcements (and the related form of acceptance) relating to the Agreed Switch and its implementation and any proposed changes to the timetable in relation to the implementation of the Agreed Switch;
6.2.3 PPL shall prepare the Offer Document and shall consult reasonably with Egdon in relation thereto and shall allow Egdon a reasonable opportunity to consider the draft Offer Document for review and comment, and shall consider in good faith comments proposed by Egdon and/or its legal advisers;
6.2.4 PPL agrees to seek Egdon’s approval of the contents of the information on Egdon, or for which Egdon or the Egdon Directors are taking responsibility, contained in the Offer Document before it is published, and to afford Egdon a reasonable opportunity to consider such document in order to give its approval of such information;
6.2.5 if at any time following the publication of the Offer Document it is reasonably expected that any outstanding Condition is not likely to be satisfied or waived (if capable of waiver) prior to the last date permitted under Rule 31.1 of the Takeover Code, PPL shall, before the 30th day after the publication of the Offer Document (or such later day as Egdon may agree), consult with Egdon and the Panel as to whether the offer timetable should be suspended in accordance with Rule 31.4(a) or, i...