Table of Forms Sample Clauses

Table of Forms. S. No. Particulars Page No. 1 Contractor’s Bid 24 2 Qualification Information 25 3 Letter of Acceptance 31 4 Notice To Proceed With The Work 32 5 Agreement Form 33 Contractor's Bid Description of the Works: Restructuring and modernization of Distribution System of Xxxxxx Tank. To : The Chief Engineer, Chambal Betwa Basin, Water Resources Department, GENTLEMEN, Having examined the bidding documents including addendum, we offer to execute the Works described above in accordance with the Conditions of Contract, Specifications, Drawings and Bill of Quantities accompanying this Bid for the Contract Price of ( ) [in letters]. The advance Payment required is: Rupees . We accept the appointment of as the Adjudicator. [in figures] We do not accept the appointment of as the Adjudicator and propose instead that be appointed as Adjudicator whose daily fees and biographical data are attached. This Bid and your written acceptance of it shall constitute a binding contract between us. We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you receive. We hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that no person acting for us or on our behalf will engage in bribery. We also undertake that, in competing for (and, if the award is made to us, in executing) the above contract, we will strictly observe the laws against fraud and corruption in force in India namely “Prevention of Corruption Act 1988”. Commissions or gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid by us to agents relating to this Bid, and to contract execution if we are awarded the contract, are listed below : Name and address of agent Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx of Commission or gratuity (if none, state “none”) We hereby confirm that this Bid complies with the Eligibility, Bid Validity and Bid Security required by the Bidding documents. Yours faithfully, Authorized Signature: Name & Title of Signatory: Name of Bidder : Address : The information to be filled in by the Bidder in the following pages will be used for purposes of post qualification as provided for in Clause 4 of the Instructions to Bidders. This information will not be incorporated in the Contract.
Table of Forms. S. No. Particulars Page No. 1 Contractor’s Bid 25 2 Qualification Information 26 3 Letter of Acceptance 32 4 Notice To Proceed With The Work 33 5 Agreement Form 34 Contractor's Bid Description of the Works: RESTRUCTURING AND MODERNIZATION OF HEAD WORKS AND CANALS OF XXXXXXX XXX AND TINONIA TANK To : The Chief Engineer, Chambal Betwa Basin, Water Resources Department, GENTLEMEN, Having examined the bidding documents including addendum, we offer to execute the Works described above in accordance with the Conditions of Contract, Specifications, Drawings and Bill of Quantities accompanying this Bid for the Contract Price of ( ) [in letters]. The advance Payment required is: Rupees . We accept the appointment of as the Adjudicator.
Table of Forms. S. No. Particulars Page No. 1 Contractor’s Bid 25 2 Qualification Information 26 3 Letter of Acceptance 32 4 Notice To Proceed With The Work 33 5 Agreement Form 34 Contractor's Bid Description of the Works: Restructuring and Modernization of balance work of Khirawali Tank and its Canal System GENTLEMEN, Having examined the bidding documents including addendum, we offer to execute the Works described above in accordance with the Conditions of Contract, Specifications, Drawings and Bill of Quantities accompanying this Bid for the Contract Price of ( ) [in letters]. The advance Payment required is: Rupees . We accept the appointment of as the Adjudicator.
Table of Forms. S. No. Particulars Page No. 1 Contractor’s Bid 25 2 Qualification Information 26 3 Letter of Acceptance 32 4 Notice To Proceed With The Work 33 5 Agreement Form 34 Contractor's Bid Description of the Works: RESTRUCTURING & MODERNIZATION OF HEAD WORKS AND CANALS OF JASTAKHEDI TANK To : The Chief Engineer, Narmada-Tapti Basin, Water Resources Department, 36/2 Old Palasia, Indore (M. P.) GENTLEMEN, Having examined the bidding documents including addendum, we offer to execute the Works described above in accordance with the Conditions of Contract, Specifications, Drawings and Bill of Quantities accompanying this Bid for the Contract Price of ( ) [in letters]. The advance Payment required is: Rupees . We accept the appointment of as the Adjudicator.
Table of Forms. Letter of Tender
Table of Forms. Notification of Intention to Award Request for Review Letter of Award Contract Agreement Performance Security Advance Payment Security Beneficial Ownership Disclosure
Table of Forms. S. No. Particulars Page No. 1 Contractor’s Bid 25 2 Qualification Information 26 3 Letter of Acceptance 32 4 Notice To Proceed With The Work 33 5 Agreement Form 34 Contractor's Bid To : GENTLEMEN, GENTLEMEN, Having examined the bidding documents including addendum, we offer to execute the Works described above in accordance with the Conditions of Contract, Specifications, Drawings and Bill of Quantities accompanying this Bid for the Contract Price of ( ) [in letters]. The advance Payment required is: Rupees . We accept the appointment of as the Adjudicator.
Table of Forms. Letter of Acceptance 34 b. The lettr of Bid 35 c. the Performance Security Guarantee 36