Techniques. Framework agreement: Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system
Techniques. Framework agreement: Maximum number of participants: 1 Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system
Techniques. Framework agreement: Information about the dynamic purchasing system Electronic auction:
Techniques. Framework agreement: Maximum number of participants: 1
Techniques. Framework agreement: Maximum number of participants: 1 Information about the dynamic purchasing system Electronic auction:
Techniques. Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system
Techniques. To the extent possible and cost effective, and where feasible, agencies must use advanced technologies and material recycling techniques that reduce the cost of maintaining and rehabilitating the streets and highways, and that exhibit reduced levels of greenhouse gas emissions through material choice and construction method.
Techniques. Notification of C.P.R. classes will be sent to all employees via DOECAST, and schedules will be posted on the DOE intranet. The names of all current employees who have received C.P.R. Training shall be posted and annually updated electronically so as to insure proper employee awareness.
Techniques. Procedures;
Techniques. Framework agreement: Framework agreement, with reopening of competition Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system Electronic auction: no Review organisation: The High Court of Ireland Organisation executing the payment: Dublin City Council, Dublin City Council XXX eSender: European Dynamics S.A. 6. Results