Evaluations Sample Clauses
Evaluations. A. District management shall direct the evaluation of all permanent bargaining unit members no less than once every two years and probationary bargaining unit members no less than twice per year. Bargaining unit members who have been employed with VUSD for at least ten (10) years and whose previous evaluation rated the employee as meeting or exceeding standards, may be evaluated at least every five (5) years, if the administrative evaluator and certificated employee being evaluated agree. The certificated employee or the administrative evaluator may withdraw consent of this agreement at any time (EC 44664 (a) (3)).
B. The written procedures for evaluations that are currently in effect shall be maintained by the District until the bargaining unit negotiates and ratifies new procedures. The present procedures are in Appendix A. They include:
1. The evaluator shall be an immediate supervisor or any other management or supervisory employee, who is designated by District management.
2. Bargaining unit members may utilize peer review in lieu of management evaluation with principal approval.
3. Those bargaining unit members who are regularly scheduled to be evaluated will be notified by the evaluator no later than October 1st of each school year. Such notice will contain a brief explanation as to the procedures for evaluations
4. One-half of the permanent staff will be formally evaluated each year.
a. Pre-Conference Guidelines (for Temporary, Probationary and Permanent Bargaining Unit Members)
1. A pre-conference for bargaining unit members to be evaluated will be held by October 31. The purpose of the pre-conference is to review the Standards for Bargaining Unit Members assignment and to determine the evaluation focus. At that time the evaluator and the bargaining unit member may agree that some elements of the standards are not applicable (NA) to the employee’s assignment and may mark them NA at that time.
2. If there is disagreement about which of the elements is not applicable (NA), the parties may invite the Assistant Superintendent of Certificated Human Resources to assist in resolving the differences. The Assistant Superintendent shall recommend alternatives to the unit member and evaluator.
Evaluations. Formal written performance evaluations of each employee shall be carried out during the probationary period and not less than annually thereafter.
Evaluations. By requesting an Evaluation Subscription, you represent that you will be using the Subscription Services for Evaluation Purposes only and you understand that Red Hat is relying on the accuracy of your representation in providing you with access to the Evaluation Subscription(s). If you use the Red Hat Evaluation Subscription(s) for any other purposes, you are in violation of this Agreement and are required to pay the applicable subscription fees in accordance with Sections 1.1 and 1.2 above, in addition to any and all other remedies available to Red Hat under applicable law. Examples of such violations include, but are not limited to, using the Subscription Services provided under an Evaluation Subscription for Production Purposes, offering support services to third parties, or complementing or supplementing third party support services with Subscription Services received through an Evaluation Subscription.
Evaluations. Pursuant to federal and state law and policy, the School is responsible for implementing principal and teacher evaluation systems that are based on efficiency, ability, contribution to student learning, and growth. The School may elect to implement the State-developed educator evaluation system or to develop and implement its own educator evaluation system that meets the criteria outlined by the Commission, as may be amended from time to time.
Evaluations. Red Hat may offer Evaluation Subscriptions for evaluation and not for production purposes. Evaluation Subscriptions may be provided with limited or no support or subject to other limitations.
Evaluations. Pursuant to Board of Education Policy 2055, the School is responsible for implementing principal and teacher evaluation systems that are based on efficiency, ability, contribution to student learning and growth. The School may elect to implement the State- developed educator evaluation system or to develop and implement its own educator evaluation system that meets the criteria outlined in BOE Policy 2055, as may be amended from time to time.
Evaluations. Formal written evaluations will be made each school year by the administration (Appendix J). Three (3) copies of each evaluation are to be made. The teacher is to sign all copies to indicate that he/she has examined them. One copy is kept in the principal's files; the second copy is sent to the office of the Superintendent; and the third copy is retained by the teacher. The teacher being evaluated has the opportunity to write a rebuttal to any item in the evaluation or to the complete evaluation. Said rebuttal shall be written on or attached to all copies of the evaluation. Said evaluations shall be completed, conferences held, and forms filed no later than January 21 and again by April 1 for teachers whose limited contracts are expiring and who have been in the district less than three (3) years; by April 1 for other teachers whose limited contracts are expiring; and by May 31 for all other teachers in years when they are scheduled for evaluation. Teachers with more than three (3) years’ service need not be evaluated except in years when their contract will expire. Teachers with continuing contracts need not be evaluated more than once every third year. However, if the administration has concerns about the performance of an experienced teacher, that teacher may be evaluated in any school year, provided that the teacher receives prior notice of the performance concerns. Any teacher scheduled to be evaluated shall be notified in writing by his/her building principal prior to November 1 unless unusual circumstances occur after November 1 which necessitate an evaluation. Unless waived by the teacher, evaluations shall not take place at less than a twenty- five (25) day interval. Upon the teacher's request, each teacher's evaluation will be discussed with him/her in a teacher–principal conference. A teacher shall be made aware of deficiencies noted in the evaluation. Deficiencies shall be defined as Needs Improvement (NI) or Unsatisfactory (U) on the appraisal report form (Appendix J). Any appraisal report which includes deficiencies shall also include the specific recommendations regarding any improvements needed in the performance of the teacher being evaluated and regarding the means by which the teacher has been recommended to obtain assistance in making such improvement for continued employment in the district. For purposes of determining the number of evaluations, a teacher transferred to another building shall not be considered a new teacher.
Evaluations. 17.1 No evaluation of any employee shall be placed in any personnel file without an opportunity for discussion between the employee and the evaluator. No evaluation shall be made based on hearsay statements but shall be based upon the direct observation and knowledge of the evaluator. Any negative evaluation shall include specific recommendations for improvements and provisions for assisting the employee in implementing any recommendations made. The employee shall have the right to review and respond to any derogatory evaluation.
17.2 Employees may be evaluated at any time but at least once annually.
Evaluations. 13.01.1 The employer and the union agree that a primary purpose of evaluations is to improve the quality of teaching by assisting the employee to develop their teaching skills. An evaluation of an employee’s work and/or performance which does not conform to the provisions of this article shall be null and void.
Evaluations. The Employer shall maintain an evaluation system which provides for employee evaluations on a probationary and annual basis. No evaluation will be entered into an employee's file until the employee has had an opportunity to read, comment on and sign it. Upon request, the Employer shall provide an employee a copy of the completed evaluation.