Tenant’s Right to Audit Basic Operating Costs Sample Clauses

Tenant’s Right to Audit Basic Operating Costs. Provided that (i) no Event of Default is then occurring hereunder, nor (ii) is any event occurring which with the giving of notice or the passage of time, or both, would constitute an Event of Default, then in the event that Basic Operating Costs allocated to the Building increases by more than ten percent (10%) in any Computation Year as compared to the immediately preceding Computation Year (or the Base Year in the case of the initial Computation Year) Tenant, at its sole expense, shall have the right, exercisable within sixty (60) days after the end of the Computation Year or the receipt of a reconciliation statement for the Computation Year (if applicable), to review and audit Landlord’s books and records regarding such increase in Basic Operating Costs with respect to such Computation Year for the sole purpose of determining the accuracy thereof. Such review or audit shall be performed by a nationally recognized accounting firm that calculates its fees with respect to hours actually worked (as opposed to a calculation based upon percentage of recoveries or other incentive or contingency fee arrangement), shall take place during business hours in the office of Landlord or Landlord’s property manager and shall be completed within sixty (60) days after Tenant’s delivery to Landlord of notice of its election to conduct such audit. If Tenant does not so review or audit Landlord’s books and records, the Basic Operating Costs for a particular Computation Year shall be final and binding upon Tenant. In the event that such audit of Xxxxxxxx’s books and records reveals that the amount of Basic Operating Costs paid by Tenant pursuant to Section 3.4, as adjusted pursuant to Section 3.4 above, for the period covered by such audit is less than or greater than the actual amount properly payable by Tenant under the terms of this Lease, Tenant shall promptly pay any deficiency to Landlord or, if Landlord concurs with the results of such audit, Landlord shall promptly refund any excess payment to Tenant, as the case may be. Without limiting the foregoing, in the event that such audit reveals an overstatement of Basic Operating Costs charged to Tenant in excess of seven percent (7%), then subject to Landlord’s right to review and/or contest the audit results, Landlord shall reimburse Tenant for the reasonable cost of said audit in addition to refunding any excess payment to Tenant as provided above. Tenant shall keep any information gained from its review of Landlord’s ...
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Related to Tenant’s Right to Audit Basic Operating Costs

  • Tenant’s Right to Audit During the sixty (60)-day period after receipt of any Landlord’s Statement (the “Review Period”), Tenant may, upon prior notice to Landlord, inspect and audit Landlord’s records relevant to the cost and expense items reflected in such Landlord’s Statement at a reasonable time mutually agreeable to Landlord and Tenant during Landlord’s usual business hours at the management office where such records are maintained. Tenant shall be entitled to retain an independent company or certified public accountant to review Landlord’s relevant records to determine if the proper amount of Additional Rent was charged to Tenant for such period, provided that such company or accountant must be employed on a regular fee for services basis and not a contingent fee basis. Each Landlord’s Table of Contents Statement shall be conclusive and binding upon Tenant unless within sixty (60) days after receipt of such Landlord’s Statement Tenant shall have completed such inspection and audit and shall notify Landlord that it disputes the correctness of Landlord’s Statement, specifying the respects in which Landlord’s Statement is claimed to be incorrect. If such audit or review reveals that Landlord has overcharged Tenant, then within fifteen (15) days after the results of such audit are made available to Landlord, Landlord shall reimburse Tenant the amount of such overcharge. If the audit reveals that Tenant was undercharged, then within fifteen (15) days after the results of the audit are made available to Tenant, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord the amount of such undercharge. If Landlord desires to contest such audit results, Landlord may do so by submitting the results of the audit to arbitration pursuant to Section 13.9 of the Lease within sixty (60) days of receipt of the results of the audit, and the arbitration shall be final and binding upon Landlord and Tenant. Tenant agrees to pay the cost of such audit, provided that, if the audit reveals that Landlord’s determination of such Additional Rent as set forth in any statement sent to Tenant was in error in Landlord’s favor by more than five percent (5%), Landlord shall pay the reasonable cost of such audit. Pending the determination of such dispute as hereinafter provided, Tenant shall pay Additional Rent in accordance with the applicable Landlord’s Statement, and such payment shall be without prejudice to Tenant’s position. All inspections and audits of Landlord’s books and records and any arbitration shall be subject to a confidentiality agreement reasonably acceptable to Landlord.

  • Limit on Operating Expenses The Advisor hereby agrees to limit the Fund’s current Operating Expenses to an annual rate, expressed as a percentage of the Fund’s average daily net assets for the month, to the amounts listed in Appendix A (the “Annual Limit”). In the event that the current Operating Expenses of the Fund, as accrued each month, exceed its Annual Limit, the Advisor will pay to the Fund, on a monthly basis, the excess expense within the first ten days of the month following the month in which such Operating Expenses were incurred (each payment, a “Fund Reimbursement Payment”).

  • Operating Costs Tenant shall pay to Landlord the Tenant’s Percentage of Operating Costs (as hereinafter defined) incurred by Landlord in any calendar year. Tenant shall remit to Landlord, on the first day of each calendar month, estimated payments on account of Operating Costs, such monthly amounts to be sufficient to provide Landlord, by the end of the calendar year, a sum equal to the Operating Costs, as reasonably estimated by Landlord from time to time. The initial monthly estimated payments shall be in an amount equal to 1/12th of the Initial Estimate of Tenant’s Percentage of Operating Costs for the Calendar Year. If, at the expiration of the year in respect of which monthly installments of Operating Costs shall have been made as aforesaid, the total of such monthly remittances is greater than the actual Operating Costs for such year, Landlord shall promptly pay to Tenant, or credit against the next accruing payments to be made by Tenant pursuant to this subsection 4.2.3, the difference; if the total of such remittances is less than the Operating Costs for such year, Tenant shall pay the difference to Landlord within twenty (20) days from the date Landlord shall furnish to Tenant an itemized statement of the Operating Costs, prepared, allocated and computed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Any reimbursement for Operating Costs due and payable by Tenant with respect to periods of less than twelve (12) months shall be equitably prorated.

  • Landlord's Costs Tenant shall, within thirty (30) days after receipt of an invoice from Landlord, pay the reasonable costs, expenses, and fees of any architect or engineer employed by Landlord to review any plans and specifications and to supervise and approve any construction, or for any services rendered by such architect or engineer to Landlord as contemplated by any of the provisions of this Agreement, or for any services performed by Landlord's attorneys in connection therewith; provided, however, that Landlord will consult with Tenant and notify Tenant of the estimated amount of such expenses.

  • Common Area Operating Expenses Lessee shall pay to Lessor during the term hereof, in addition to the Base Rent, Lessee's Share (as specified in Paragraph 1.6(b)) of all Common Area Operating Expenses, as hereinafter defined, during each calendar year of the term of this Lease, in accordance with the following provisions:

  • Tenant’s Repairs and Maintenance Tenant covenants and agrees that, from and after the date that possession of the Premises is delivered to Tenant and until the end of the Lease Term, Tenant will keep neat and clean and maintain in good order, condition and repair the Premises and every part thereof, excepting only for those repairs for which Landlord is responsible under the terms of Article VII of this Lease and damage by fire or casualty and as a consequence of the exercise of the power of eminent domain. Tenant shall not permit or commit any waste, and Tenant shall be responsible for the cost of repairs which may be made necessary by reason of damages to common areas in the Building or Prudential Center by Tenant, Tenant’s agents, employees, contractors, sublessees, licensees, concessionaires or invitees. Tenant shall maintain all its equipment, furniture and furnishings in good order and repair. If repairs are required to be made by Tenant pursuant to the terms hereof, Landlord may demand that Tenant make the same forthwith, and if Tenant refuses or neglects to commence such repairs and complete the same with reasonable dispatch after such demand, Landlord may (but shall not be required to do so) make or cause such repairs to be made and shall not be responsible to Tenant for any loss or damage that may accrue to Tenant’s stock or business by reason thereof. If Landlord makes or causes such repairs to be made, Tenant agrees that Tenant will forthwith on demand, pay to Landlord as Additional Rent the cost thereof together with interest thereon at the rate specified in Section 16.21, and if Tenant shall default in such payment, Landlord shall have the remedies provided for non-payment of rent or other charges payable hereunder.

  • Operating Expenses During the term of this Lease Tenant shall pay to Landlord as additional rent all ad valorem taxes and operating expenses and other charges of every kind and nature (“Operating Expenses”) incurred or paid by Landlord in connection with the maintenance, repair, operation, management, or ownership of the Premises. If requested, Tenant agrees to pay Landlord on the first day of each calendar month, together with the payment of rent, such amount as Landlord estimates from time to time as necessary to pay such expenses. Landlord shall xxxx Tenant annually after the end of each year for such expenses. In the event the aggregate of Tenant’s installments during the year shall be less than the amount of Operating Expenses due from Tenant, such deficiency shall be paid to Landlord within ten (10) days after demand therefore. In the event the aggregate of Tenant’s installments during the year shall be more than the amount of Operating Expenses due from Tenant, such overpayment shall be applied to Tenant’s next monthly installment of Operating Expenses and Rent. As used herein, the term “Operating Expenses” shall include the cost of maintaining casualty and public liability insurance covering the Premises, real estate ad valorem taxes and all costs of managing, operating and maintaining the Premises, including but not limited to: costs of constructing, maintaining and repairing on site and off-site traffic controls; decorating, painting, lighting, sanitary control, and removal of trash, garbage and other refuse; maintenance, repair and replacement of utility systems serving any common areas, including water, sanitary sewer and storm water lines and other utility lines, pipes and conduits; costs of utilities, including water, sewer, electricity, and gas; janitorial, sweeping and cleaning services, trash bin rentals, trash pickup fees, licenses, permits and inspection fees; parking lot painting and restriping; planting, irrigating, gardening and landscaping; signs and markers; parking control and security guards and fire protection or detection service; all general maintenance and repair; other general operation and maintenance costs and expenses; all labor and supplies required by the foregoing; and administrative costs directly attributable thereto.

  • Rent and Operating Expenses Section 4.1 Basic Rent Section 4.2 Operating Expenses Section 4.3

  • Landlord’s General Conditions for Tenant’s Agents and Tenant Improvement Work Tenant’s and Tenant’s Agent’s construction of the Tenant Improvements shall comply with the following: (i) the Tenant Improvements shall be constructed in strict accordance with the Approved Working Drawings; (ii) Tenant’s Agents shall submit schedules of all work relating to the Tenant’s Improvements to Contractor and Contractor shall, within five (5) business days of receipt thereof, inform Tenant’s Agents of any changes which are necessary thereto, and Tenant’s Agents shall adhere to such corrected schedule; and (iii) Tenant shall abide by all rules made by Landlord’s Building manager with respect to the use of freight, loading dock and service elevators, storage of materials, coordination of work with the contractors of other tenants, and any other matter in connection with this Tenant Work Letter, including, without limitation, the construction of the Tenant Improvements.

  • Statement of Actual Direct Expenses and Payment by Tenant Landlord shall give to Tenant within five (5) months following the end of each Expense Year, a statement (the “Statement”) which shall state the Direct Expenses incurred or accrued for such preceding Expense Year, and which shall indicate the amount of Tenant’s Share of Direct Expenses. Upon receipt of the Statement for each Expense Year commencing or ending during the Lease Term, Tenant shall pay, with its next installment of Base Rent due that is at least thirty (30) days thereafter, the full amount of Tenant’s Share of Direct Expenses for such Expense Year, less the amounts, if any, paid during such Expense Year as “Estimated Direct Expenses,” as that term is defined in Section 4.4.2, below, and if Tenant paid more as Estimated Direct Expenses than the actual Tenant’s Share of Direct Expenses, Tenant shall receive a credit in the amount of Tenant’s overpayment against Rent next due under this Lease. The failure of Landlord to timely furnish the Statement for any Expense Year shall not prejudice Landlord or Tenant from enforcing its rights under this Article 4. Even though the Lease Term has expired and Tenant has vacated the Premises, when the final determination is made of Tenant’s Share of Direct Expenses for the Expense Year in which this Lease terminates, Tenant shall immediately pay to Landlord such amount, and if Tenant paid more as Estimated Direct Expenses than the actual Tenant’s Share of Direct Expenses, Landlord shall, within thirty (30) days, deliver a check payable to Tenant in the amount of the overpayment. The provisions of this Section 4.4.1 shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease Term.

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