TERM OF APPROVAL. The Network is approved to operate DSST COLLEGE VIEW HIGH SCHOOL through June 30, 2022, subject to any action of the District to revoke the authority of the Network to operate the School. Pursuant to DPS Board Resolution #3920 this Contract may be extended two years and will terminate on June 30, 2024 if DPS determines that the School has met the performance conditions, stated in Resolution #3920.
TERM OF APPROVAL. The Network is approved to operate HIGHLINE ACADEMY SOUTHEAST through June 30, 2020, subject to any action of the District to revoke the authority of the Network to operate the School. Pursuant to DPS Board Resolution #3753 this Contract may be extended for two years and terminate on June 30, 2022 if DPS determines that the School has met the performance conditions, stated in Resolution #3753.
TERM OF APPROVAL. The Network is approved to operate DSST XXXXX HIGH SCHOOL through June 30, 2020, subject to any action of the District to revoke the authority of the Network to operate the School.
TERM OF APPROVAL. The Network is approved to operate HIGHLINE ACADEMY SOUTHEAST through June 30, 2027, subject to any action of the District to revoke the authority of the Network to operate the School.
TERM OF APPROVAL a) An approved Application shall be valid for a period of two years from midnight of the last day of the month of issuance unless sooner revoked or surrendered.
b) Renewal of approval for the ensuing two year period may be obtained by the Applicant to whom the approval was issued upon submission of a revised Application and MOA to MassDOT. MassDOT will review any revised Application as described in Section 2) Application and Approval.
c) This MOA shall take effect upon the approval of an Application and shall be coterminous with an approved Application. Unless extended in accordance with this MOA, in no event shall this MOA be valid for a period greater than two (2) years from midnight of the last day of the month in which an approved Application is issued. Further, this MOA shall expire immediately upon the revocation or surrender of an approved Application. In accordance with 2(g) of this MOA, a Participant may elect to opt-out of this MOA at any time.
TERM OF APPROVAL. The Network is approved to operate ROCKY MOUNTAIN PREP CREEKSIDE through June 30, 2017, subject to any action of the District to revoke the authority of the Network to operate the School. Pursuant to DPS Board Resolution #3575 this Contract may be extended for two years and will terminate on June 30, 2019 in DPS determines that the School has met the performance conditions, stated in Resolution #3575.
TERM OF APPROVAL. The Network is approved to operate ROCKY MOUNTAIN PREP SOUTHWEST through June 30, 2019, subject to any action of the District to revoke the authority of the Network to operate the School.
TERM OF APPROVAL. The Network is approved to operate HIGHLINE AT GREEN VALLEY RANCH through June 30, 2018, subject to any action of the District to revoke the authority of the Network to operate the School.
TERM OF APPROVAL. The Network is approved to operate GALS High School through June 30, 2018, subject to any action of the District to revoke the authority of the Network to operate the School.