Termination for continuing Force Majeure Event Either Party may, by written notice to the other, terminate this Framework Agreement if a Force Majeure Event endures for a continuous period of more than one hundred and twenty (120) Working Days.
Termination for Default The Commonwealth may terminate this Agreement by notice where it reasonably believes the Grantee: (a) has breached this Agreement; or (b) has provided false or misleading statements in their application for the Grant; or (c) has become bankrupt or insolvent, entered into a scheme of arrangement with creditors, or come under any form of external administration.
SUSPENSION & TERMINATION FOR DEFAULT Enterprise Services may suspend Contractor’s operations under this Contract immediately by written cure notice of any default. Suspension shall continue until the default is remedied to Enterprise Services’ reasonable satisfaction; Provided, however, that, if after thirty (30) calendar days from such a suspension notice, Contractor remains in default, Enterprise Services may terminate Contractor’s rights under this Contract. All of Contractor’s obligations to Enterprise Services and Purchasers survive termination of Contractor’s rights under this Contract, until such obligations have been fulfilled.
Termination for Force Majeure 15.5.1. The License Agreement may be terminated for Force Majeure Reasons as specified in Article -14.
Erroneous Termination for Default If, after notice of termination of Vendor’s right to proceed under the provisions of this clause, it is determined for any reason that the contract was not in default, or that the delay was excusable under the provisions of the prior paragraph (Excuse for Nonperformance or Delayed Performance), the rights and obligations of the parties shall be the same as if the notice of termination had been one of termination for convenience.
Termination Notice for Force Majeure Event 21.7.1 If a Force Majeure Event subsists for a period of 60 (sixty) days or more within a continuous period of 120 (one hundred and twenty) days, either Party may in its discretion terminate this Agreement by issuing a Termination Notice to the other Party without being liable in any manner whatsoever, save as provided in this Article 21, and upon issue of such Termination Notice, this Agreement shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, stand terminated forthwith; provided that before issuing such Termination Notice, the Party intending to issue the Termination Notice shall inform the other Party of such intention and grant 15 (fifteen) days time to make a representation, and may after the expiry of such 15 (fifteen) days period, whether or not it is in receipt of such representation, in its sole discretion issue the Termination Notice.
Termination for Catastrophe In event of Catastrophic Damage, this contract may be modified un- der B8.32, following rate redetermination under B3.32, or terminated under this Subsection. Such termination shall not be considered a termination under B8.34.
Termination Due to Force Majeure Event If the period of Force Majeure continues or is in the reasonable judgment of the Parties likely to continue beyond a period of 120 (one hundred and twenty) Days, the Parties may mutually decide to terminate this Agreement or continue this Agreement on mutually agreed revised terms. If the Parties are unable to reach an agreement in this regard, the Affected Party shall after the expiry of the said period of 120 (one hundred and twenty ) Days be entitled to terminate the Agreement in which event, the provisions of Articles 16 and 17 shall, to the extent expressly made applicable, apply.
TERMINATION FOR CAUSE BY CONTRACTOR 4.06.1 Contractor may terminate its performance under this Agreement only if the City defaults and fails to cure the default after receiving written notice of it. Default by the City occurs if the City fails to perform one or more of its material duties under this Agreement. If a default occurs and Contractor wishes to terminate the Agreement, then Contractor must deliver a written notice to the Director describing the default and the proposed termination date. The date must be at least 30 days after the Director receives the notice. Contractor, at its sole option, may extend the proposed termination date to a later date. If the City cures the default before the proposed termination date, then the proposed termination is ineffective. If the City does not cure the default before the proposed termination date, then Contractor may terminate its performance under this Agreement on the termination date
Termination for Cause with Notice to Cure Requirement Contractor may terminate this contract for the Department’s failure to perform any of its duties under this contract after giving the Department written notice of the failure. The written notice must demand performance of the stated failure within a specified period of time of not less than 30 days. If the demanded performance is not completed within the specified period, the termination is effective at the end of the specified period.