Meals/Incidentals Sample Clauses
Meals/Incidentals. Meal expenses for breakfast, lunch and dinner will be reimbursed in the amount of actual expenses up to the maximums. Receipts for meals must be maintained by the employee as substantiation that the amount claimed was not in excess of the amount of actual expense. The term “incidentals” includes but is not limited to, expenses for laundry, cleaning and pressing of clothing, and fees and tips for services, such as for porters and baggage carriers. It does not include taxicab fares, lodging taxes or the costs of telegrams or telephone calls.
Meals/Incidentals. Meal expenses for breakfast, lunch and dinner will be reimbursed in the amount of actual expenses up to the maximums. The term “incidentals” includes but is not limited to, expenses for laundry, cleaning and pressing of clothing, and fees and tips for services, such as for porters and baggage carriers. It does not include taxicab fares, lodging taxes or the costs of telegrams or telephone calls.
1. Rates - Actual meal/incidental expenses incurred will be reimbursed in accordance with the maximum rates and time frame requirements outlined below. Breakfast $6.00 Lunch 10.00 Dinner 18.00 Incidentals 6.00 (Every full 24 hours of travel)
2. Timeframes - For continuous short-term travel of more than 24 hours but less than 31 days, the employee will be reimbursed for actual costs up to the maximum for each meal, incidental, and lodging expense for each complete 24 hours of travel, beginning with the traveler’s time of departure and return as follows:
a. On the fractional day of travel at the end of a trip of more than 24 hours: Trip begins at or before 6 am breakfast may be claimed Trip begins at or before 11 am lunch may be claimed Trip begins at or before 5 pm dinner may be claimed
b. On the fractional day of travel at the end of a trip of more than 24 hours: Trip ends at or after 8 am breakfast may be claimed Trip ends at or after 2 pm lunch may be claimed Trip ends at or after 7 pm dinner may be claimed If the fractional day includes an overnight stay, receipted lodging may be claimed. No meal or lodging expenses may be claimed or reimbursed more than once on any given date or during any 24-hour period.
c. For continuous travel of less than 24 hours, the employee will be reimbursed for actual expenses up to the maximum as follows: Travel begins at or before 6 am and ends at or after 9 am Breakfast may be claimed Travel begins at or before 4 pm and ends at or after 7 pm Dinner may be claimed. If the trip extends overnight, receipted lodging may be claimed No lunch or incidentals may be claimed on a trip of less than 24 hours
Meals/Incidentals. Meal expenses for breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be reimbursed in the amount of actual expenses up to the maximums. The term "incidentals" includes, but is not limited to, expenses for laundry, cleaning and pressing of clothing, and fees and tips for services, such as for porters and baggage carriers. It does not include taxicab fares, lodging taxes or the cost of telegrams or telephone calls.
1. Rates - Actual meal/incidental expenses incurred will be reimbursed in accordance with the maximum rates and time frame requirements outlined below: Breakfast up to $ 6.00 Lunch up to $10.00 Dinner up to $18.00 Incidentals up to $ 6.00 (Every full 24 hours of travel) Total up to $40.00
2. Time Frames - For continuous short-term travel of more than twenty four (24) hours but less than thirty one (31) days, the employee will be reimbursed for actual costs up to the maximum for each meal, incidental, and lodging expense for each complete twenty four (24) hours of travel, beginning with the traveler’s time of departure and return as follows:
a. On the first day of travel on a trip of more than twenty four (24) hours: Trip begins at or before 6 a.m. Breakfast may be claimed Trip begins at or before 11 a.m. Lunch may be claimed Trip begins at or before 5 p.m. Dinner may be claimed
b. On the fractional day of travel at the end of a trip of more than twenty four
Meals/Incidentals. Meal expenses for breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be reimbursed in the amount of actual expenses up to the maximums. The term "incidentals" includes, but is not limited to, expenses for laundry, cleaning and pressing of clothing, and fees and tips for services, such as for porters and baggage carriers. It does not include taxicab fares, lodging taxes or the cost telegrams or telephone calls.
1. Rates - Actual meal/incidental expenses incurred will be reimbursed in accordance with the maximum rates and time frame requirements outlined below: Breakfast up to $ 6.00 Lunch up to $10.00 Dinner up to $18.00 Incidentals up to $ 6.00 (Every full 24 hours of travel) Total up to $40.00
Meals/Incidentals. Meal expenses for breakfast, lunch and dinner will be reimbursed in the amount of actual expenses up to the maximums. The term “incidentals” includes but is not limited to, expenses for laundry, cleaning and pressing of clothing, and fees and tips for services, such as for porters and baggage carriers. It does not include taxicab fares, lodging taxes or the costs of telegrams or telephone calls.
Meals/Incidentals. (a) A daily Per Diem allowance that provides for:
(i) Lunch and Dinner
(ii) Fees and tips
(iii) Transportation between places of lodging or Customer offices and places where meals are taken
(iv) Laundry and Dry Cleaning
(b) Sabre will invoice Customer for Per Diem expenses
Meals/Incidentals. Meal expenses for breakfast, lunch and dinner will be reimbursed in the amount of actual expenses up to the agreed upon maximums. CalHR must comply with current IRS definitions. Accordingly, CalHR is required to utilize the IRS’s definition for “incidentals”. The current definition for “incidentals” includes fees and tips for porters and baggage carriers. It does not include expenses for laundry, cleaning and pressing of clothing, taxicab fares, lodging taxes or the costs of telegrams or telephone calls.
Meals/Incidentals. Meal expenses for breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be reimbursed in the amount of actual expenses up to the maximums. The current IRS definition of "incidentals expenses” applies.
1. Rates - Actual meal/incidental expenses incurred will be reimbursed in accordance with the maximum rates and time frame requirements outlined below: Breakfast Up to $7.00 Lunch Up to $11.00 Dinner Up to $23.00 Incidentals Up to $5.00 (Every full 24 hours of travel)
Meals/Incidentals. Type Reimbursement Rate Breakfast Up to $7.00 Lunch Up to $11.00 Dinner Up to $23.00 Incidentals Up to $5.00 Employees must maintain meal receipts to substantiate the amounts claimed were not in excess of the amount of the actual expense. XxxXX must comply with current IRS policy. The IRS currently defines an “incidental” as fees and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, hotel staff, and staff on ships. Expenses for laundry, cleaning and pressing of clothing taxicab fares, lodging taxes or the cost of telegrams or telephone calls may not be claimed as an incidental. For travel lasting 24 hours or more, employees may claim meals (at the rates noted above), based on the following timeframes: • First day of travel: ➢ Trip begins at or before 6 a.m. – Breakfast may be claimed. ➢ Trip begins at or before 11 a.m. – Lunch may be claimed. ➢ Trip begins at or before 5 p.m. – Dinner may be claimed. • Continuing travel after 24 hours: ➢ Trip ends at or after 8 a.m. – Breakfast may be claimed. ➢ Trip ends at or after 2 p.m. – Lunch may be claimed. ➢ Trip ends at or after 7 p.m. – Dinner may be claimed. • Fractional day travel (trips less than 24 hours): ➢ Trip begins at or before 6 a.m. and ends at or after 9 a.m. – Breakfast may be claimed. ➢ Trip begins at or before 4 p.m. and ends at or after 7 p.m. – Dinner may be claimed. ➢ If the fractional day includes an overnight stay, receipted lodging may be claimed. No meal or lodging expenses may be claimed or reimbursed more than once on any given date or during any twenty-four (24)-hour period. ➢ Employees may not claim lunch or incidentals on one-day trips. ➢ When trips are less than 24 hours and there is no overnight stay, meals claimed are taxable.
Meals/Incidentals. Meal expenses for breakfast, lunch and dinner will be reimbursed in the amount of actual expenses up to the agreed upon maximums. XxxXX must comply with current IRS definitions. Accordingly, XxxXX is required to utilize the IRS’s definition for “incidental expenses”.