The Establishment of Rules for the Application of Safeguard Measures Sample Clauses

The Establishment of Rules for the Application of Safeguard Measures. The fact that the Agreement on Safeguards ‘establishes’ rules implies that those rules did not exist prior to the agreement.22 The language of Article 1 is not hortatory: the Agreement on Safeguards ‘establishes’ and does not ‘suggest’ or ‘recommend’ those rules. Furthermore, the election of the term ‘rules’, and not softer, less binding standards, such as principles, guidelines, policies, best practices, or criteria, confirms the Members’ intent to establish a firm regula- tory framework for the application of safeguard measures. This firmness of purpose is consistent with the aim of the Agreement on Safeguards to clarify and reinforce the ‘disciplines’ of Article XIX of the GATT 1994 and to re- establish ‘control’ over safeguard measures. The Agreement on Safeguards is thus a prescriptive set of rules and not a code of best practices. Furthermore, the choice of the term ‘the application of safeguard measures’ shows that the purpose of the Agreement on Safeguards is operational. The rules of the Agreement on Safeguards regulate squarely ‘the application of safeguard measures’.23 The reference to this term must be construed as referring not only to the application of the measures strictly speaking, but also to the conduct of safeguard investigations, the making of determinations, and other aspects related to the application of safeguard measures. The choice of the term ‘for the application’ implies that the rules of the Agreement on Safeguards are intended to govern the process of introducing and giving legal effect to safeguard measures in the domestic jurisdiction of the Member concerned. However, as mentioned above, whether these rules could influence that process directly is a question that ultimately depends on the monist or dualist character of that Member.24 21 See, for instance, Paragraph 19(2)(b) of Schedule 5 of UK domestic law (WTO Doc. G/ADP/N/ 1/GBR/1, G/SCM/N/1/GBR/1, G/SG/N/1/GBR/1). 22 As compared to other WTO agreements, like the DSU, the Agreement on Safeguards is not an agreement that codifies or crystallizes rules that were developed by case law or previous practice.
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  • Implementation of Agreement Each Party must promptly execute all documents and do all such acts and things as is necessary or desirable to implement and give full effect to the provisions of this Agreement.

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  • SECTION 12 – GENERAL PROVISIONS 12.1 The parties may amend any provision of the Agreement at any time by agreement in writing.

  • ARTICLE GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE The parties to this Agreement are agreed that it is of the utmost importance to adjust complaints and grievances as quickly as possible. Unless agreed to by both the Company and the Union, no grievance shall be presented, the alleged circumstances of which originated or occurred, or should have come to the attention of the employee concerned, more than five (5) working days prior to its original presentation in writing at Step A grievance shall consist of a dispute concerning interpretation and/or application of any Article, Schedule or Clause in this Agreement. Should a grievance arise it shall be handled as follows. Prior to filing a formal grievance, an employee will, with the assistance of his xxxxxxx, refer the on an informal basis to his immediate Supervisor. If the grievance cannot be settled as a result of this discussion, then it may be dealt with as follows: STEP The employee shall a written grievance with his immediate Supervisor within five (5) working days of the incident giving rise to the complaint. The immediate Supervisor shall answer the grievance within five (5) working days. The grievance shall specify the Article or Articles and subsections of the Agreement of which a violation is alleged, indicate the relief sought and be signed by the employee. STEP Should the employee be dissatisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Step the grievance may be referred to the Plant Manager within five (5) working days after receipt of the immediate Supervisor's reply at Step The Plant Manager shall convene a meeting with the and Chief Xxxxxxx and shall answer the grievance in writing within five (5) working days of such meeting. STEP If no settlement is reached at Step the the Union Grievance Committee and representatives of Management shall meet to discuss the grievance within five (5) working days of receipt of the reply of the Plant Manager. The Union's National Representative will be in attendance at this meeting. If the grievance is not settled within five (5) working days it may be referred to arbitration as hereinafter provided. The Union or the Company may initiate a grievance beginning at Step of the Grievance Procedure. Such grievance shall be filed within five (5) working days of the incident giving rise to the complaint and be in the form prescribed in Step Any such grievance may be referred to arbitration under Article by either the Union in the case of a Union grievance or the Company in the case of a Company grievance. The Union may not institute a grievance directly affecting an employee or employees which such employee or employees could themselves institute and the regular Grievance Procedure shall not thereby be by-passed except where the grievance would affect the Bargaining Unit as a whole. This Clause shall not preclude a group grievance signed by a group of employees commencing at Step Any complaint or grievance which is not commenced or processed through the next stage of the Grievance or Arbitration Procedure within the time specified shall be deemed to have been dropped. However, time limits specified in the Grievance Procedure may be extended by mutual agreement in writing between the Company and the Union. An employee who has been discharged or suspended may file a written grievance at Step within five (5) working days of the discharge or suspension. Rolling Sunset Clause: In taking disciplinary action within twenty-four (24) months from the date of a suspension or dismissal (reinstatement) for a similar infraction, the Company may consider the employee's entire record preceding suspension or dismissal (reinstatement), as the case may be. In taking disciplinary action within twelve 2) months from the date of an oral or written warning for a similar infraction, the Company may consider the employee's entire record preceding the employee's oral or written warning, as the case may be.

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  • Administration of Medication Employees required to administer or apply medication(s) prescribed by a qualified medical practitioner, will be trained at the Employer's expense. Employees who have not received this training will not be permitted to administer such substances.

  • Accreditation of Public Schools and Adoption and Implementation of School Plans The District will implement a system of accrediting all of its schools, as described in section 22-11- 307, C.R.S., which may include measures specifically for those schools that have been designated as Alternative Education Campuses, in accordance with the provisions of 1 CCR 301-57. The District will ensure that plans are implemented for each school in compliance with the requirements of the State Board pursuant to 1 CCR 301-1.

  • Rules of Grievance Processing 1. Time limits of any stage of the grievance procedure may be extended by written mutual agreement of the parties at that step.

  • INFORMATION OF LOCKHEED XXXXXX (a) Information provided by LOCKHEED XXXXXX to SELLER remains the property of LOCKHEED XXXXXX. XXXXXX agrees to comply with the terms of any proprietary information agreement with LOCKHEED XXXXXX and to comply with all proprietary information markings and restrictive legends applied by LOCKHEED XXXXXX to anything provided hereunder to SELLER. XXXXXX agrees not to use any LOCKHEED XXXXXX provided information for any purpose except to perform this Contract and agrees not to disclose such information to third parties without the prior written consent of LOCKHEED XXXXXX. SELLER shall maintain data protection processes and systems sufficient to adequately protect LOCKHEED XXXXXX provided information and comply with any law or regulation applicable to such information.

  • NOTIFICATION OF PUBLIC EVENTS AND MEETINGS 2 A. CONTRACTOR shall notify ADMINISTRATOR of any public event or meeting funded in 3 whole or in part by the COUNTY, except for those events or meetings that are intended solely to serve 4 clients or occur in the normal course of business.

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