4.1 The aims of the Agreement are:
(a) to prescribe certain terms and conditions of employment; and
(b) to recognise and facilitate the Union and its Delegates’ role in representing the industrial interests of employees who are members of the Union.
AIM OF THE AGREEMENT. The aims of the Agreement are:
8.1 to enable the parties to develop and implement strategies which:
(a) recognise and achieve productivity improvements without impairing the quality of support services and of patient care; and
(b) enhance job satisfaction, security and remuneration
8.2 to recognise and facilitate the Union and its delegates’ role in contributing to the development and implementation of the strategies referred to in subclause 8.1.
AIM OF THE AGREEMENT. The parties to the agreement aim to:
a) Improve productivity and efficiency and provide a united post SBRC workforce that has a strong focus on consistently delivering high levels of efficient service and customer satisfaction across all business functions in a consultative manner.
b) Conduct its business in a financially responsible and sustainable way with the ability to adapt to changing economic influences, community expectation, needs and service delivery methods in order to maintain long term viability.
c) Provide a working environment that encourages employees to offer a consistent level of high quality service, professionalism, ownership and team spirit by recruiting, training and retaining an effective, flexible and self motivated team of employees.
d) Ensure that a culture of work and family life balance, work safety and health, community values, responsibility, organisational stability and sustainability is promoted and achieved through sound management practices and employee participation.
AIM OF THE AGREEMENT. The purpose of the present agreement is to engage in cooperation in an industrial doctorate, which entails preparing a doctoral thesis within the framework of an industrial research project or experimental development between the firm or public administration and the University of Valladolid. The doctoral students participating will thus be provided with training in a dual environment (business and academic) so as to be able to apply for the mention of industrial doctorate under the title of doctor.
AIM OF THE AGREEMENT. The aim of this Agreement is to unify employees under one Agreement and provide greater consistency and overall improvement of terms and conditions of employment. The employer is committed to continuing constructive on-going interaction between the organisation and its employees.
AIM OF THE AGREEMENT. 7.1 The significant contribution made by employees in the advancement of the University’s strategic goals and priorities is recognised. It is the intention that this Agreement represents conditions of employment that seek to establish a basis and environment that is both supportive of employees and the achievement of the goals reflected in the University’s Strategic Plan 2014-2020. The University identifies a key capability of the Strategic Plan is to attract, develop and retain the highest quality academic and professional staff and to support development of their full potential.
7.2 It is the objective of the parties to this Agreement to implement and to support the University’s primary vision by advancing, transmitting and sustaining knowledge and understanding through the conduct of teaching, research and scholarship at the highest international standards for the benefit of international and national communities and the State of Western Australia.
7.3 In addition to the objectives identified in the University’s Strategic Plan, the objectives of this Agreement include the facilitation of:
7.3.1 Fair treatment of employees;
7.3.2 A flexible approach to change that reflects the demands in operational environments; and
7.3.3 A workplace culture that values work life balance.
AIM OF THE AGREEMENT. The aim of this agreement is to regulate the framework for scientific and cultural/scientific-technological collaboration between the ULPGC and [Institution] for the fulfilment of the following objectives:
a) Development and dissemination of education and culture at a general level between both institutions.
b) Development of higher education and scientific and technological research. In each case, the extent of the collaboration shall be determined by the availability of the means of each Institution, as well as by the priority required by their own ongoing programmes.
AIM OF THE AGREEMENT. The purpose of the Funding Agreement is to formally agree the funding arrangements for the programme/project and to articulate the obligations on the parties involved. The Agreement identifies the scope of work to be completed; timescales for completion; key accountabilities and responsibilities for completion and projected benefits.
AIM OF THE AGREEMENT. The purpose of this framework agreement is to establish cooperation between the parties involved, in order to develop academic, scientific and cultural activities. Both parties will promote the exchange of activities and experiences in the fields of scientific research, technology innovation and education.
AIM OF THE AGREEMENT. 5.1 The objective of this Agreement is to implement workplace practices that provide for more flexible working arrangements and maximise the efficiency, effectiveness and quality of services provided by the RFDS in meeting its contractual requirements.
5.2 Beyond the traditional operations conducted by the Service, the parties to this Agreement recognise the commercial basis of the other contracts that the Service has, or may, enter into with other parties (the Contracts), and are committed to working together to ensure the success of the Contracts.
5.3 The objective of this Agreement is also to promote an environment within the workplace whereby pilots are: ▪ Valued for their contribution to the core business of the RFDS and the Contracts; ▪ Encouraged to contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of the RFDS; ▪ Recognised and rewarded accordingly; and ▪ Provided with safe and healthy working conditions.
5.4 The AFAP and the employees recognise that an essential purpose guiding the RFDS in the conduct of its business is to become a more competitive enterprise.
5.5 The AFAP and the employees recognise that, except to the extent expressly otherwise provided in this Agreement, the RFDS has the responsibility to manage its business. The RFDS accepts that this recognition does not extend to situations where an unreasonable burden has been imposed upon employees.
5.6 The AFAP and the employees recognise that it is the responsibility of employees to perform their associated tasks expeditiously and efficiently, and that only by doing this can the jobs and benefits provided by the RFDS to its employees be maintained.
5.7 The parties agree that they will cooperate with each other in connection with matters arising under this Agreement so that harmonious relations are maintained in the interests of the RFDS, the employees and the AFAP.