PROGRESS SCHEDULE The Contractor, within ten (10) working days of receiving notice of the award of the contract, shall prepare and submit for the State's and Architect's information an estimated progress schedule for the Work. The progress schedule shall be related to the entire Project to the extent required by the Contract Documents, and shall provide for expeditious and practicable execution of the Work.
Vendor’s Subcontractors TIPS recognizes that many vendors operate in the open market through the use of subcontractors. For that reason, TIPS permits Vendor to utilize subcontractors as authorized and permitted by the TIPS Member Customer. However, all purchase documents must include: (1) Vendor’s Name, as known to TIPS, and; (2) Vendor’s TIPS Contract Name and Number under which it is making the TIPS Sale. Vendor must report the sale pursuant to the terms herein and Vendor agrees that it is legally responsible for all reporting and fee payment as described herein for TIPS Sales even when subcontractors are utilized. The TIPS Administration Fee is assessed on the amount paid by the TIPS Member to Vendor. The Parties intend that Vendor shall be responsible and for actions of subcontractors during a TIPS Sale. Vendor agrees that it is voluntarily authorizing subcontractors and in doing so, Xxxxxx agrees that it is doing so at its own risk and agrees to protect, indemnify, and hold TIPS harmless in accordance with Sections 14-17 above related to subcontractor TIPS Sales made pursuant to this Agreement or purporting to be made pursuant to this Agreement that may be asserted against Vendor whether rightfully brought or otherwise. The Parties further agree that it is no defense to Vendor’s breach of this Agreement that a subcontractor caused Vendor of breach this Agreement.
Construction Progress Schedule A schedule indicating proposed activity sequences and durations, milestone dates for receipt and approval of pertinent information, preparation, submittal, and processing of Shop Drawings and Samples, delivery of materials or equipment requiring long-lead time procurement, and proposed date(s) of Material Completion and Occupancy and Final Completion. The schedule will be developed to represent the sixteen or seventeen CSI Specification Divisions. It shall have a minimum number of activities as required to adequately represent to Owner the complete scope of work and define the Project’s critical path and associated activities. If the Project is to be phased, then each individual Phase should be identified from start through completion of the overall Project and should be individually scheduled and described, including any Owner’s occupancy requirements and showing portions of the Project having occupancy priority. The format of the schedule will have dependencies indicated on a monthly grid identifying milestone dates such as construction start, phase construction, structural top out, dry-in, rough-in completion, metal stud and drywall completion, equipment installation, systems operational, Material Completion and Occupancy Date, final inspection dates, Punchlist, and Final Completion date.
Contractor Name Business License #: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Telephone: Facsimile: Email: * If you are an independent contractor you are required to obtain a business license with the City of Thousand Oaks. Contractor certifies under penalty of perjury that Contractor is a Sole Proprietor Corporation Limited Liability Company Partnership Nonprofit Corporation Other [describe: ]
Certification Regarding Entire TIPS Agreement for Part 1 and Part 2 Contracts 5 This is a two part solicitation. Part 1 is solicited for TIPS sales that are not considered a "public work" construction (1) The TIPS solicitation document resulting in the Agreement; (2) Any addenda or clarifications issued in relation to the corresponding TIPS solicitation; (3) All solicitation information provided to Vendor by TIPS through the TIPS eBid System; (3) Vendor’s entire proposal response to the corresponding TIPS solicitation including all accepted required attachments, acknowledged notices and certifications, accepted negotiated terms, accepted pricing, accepted responses to questions, and accepted written clarifications of Vendor’s proposal, and; any properly included attachments to the TIPS Contract. Does Vendor agree? Yes, Vendor agrees TIPS Members often turn to TIPS Contracts for ease of use and to receive discounted pricing. Vendor must respond with a percentage from 0%-100%. The percentage discount that you input below will be applied to your Part 1 "Catalog Pricing", as defined in the solicitation, for all TIPS Sales made during the life of the contract. You cannot alter this percentage discount once the solicitation legally closes. You will always be required to discount every TIPS Sale by the percentage included below with the exception of limited goods/services specifically identified and excluded from this discount in Vendor’s original proposal. If you add goods or services to your "Catalog Pricing" during the life of the contract, you will be required to sell those new items with this discount applied.
Contract Database Metadata Elements Title: Xxxxxxx-Xxx Xxxxx Central School District and Xxxxxxx-Xxx Xxxxx Teachers Association (2007)
ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTORS Provider shall not assign, sublet, or transfer this Agreement or any rights under or interest in this Agreement without the prior written consent of the DISTRICT, which may be withheld by the DISTRICT in its sole and absolute discretion for any reason. Nothing contained herein shall prevent Provider from employing independent associates, subcontractors, and sub consultants as Provider may deem appropriate to assist in the performance of services herein, subject to the prior written approval of the DISTRICT. Any attempted assignment, sublease, or transfer in violation of this Agreement shall be null and void, and of no force and affect. Any attempted assignment, sublet, or transfer in violation of this Agreement shall be grounds for the DISTRICT, in its sole discretion, to terminate the Agreement.
Flexible Work Schedules An employee may request a modification of their current work schedule to another schedule. The Employer, or its designees, may approve or deny flexible work schedules and retain the responsibility for determining exemptions from, or terminations of, flexible work schedules which adversely affect the operation of the Minnesota Judicial Branch or the level of service to the public.
Flexible Work Schedule A flexible work schedule is any schedule that is not a regular, alternate, 9/80, or 4/10 work schedule and where the employee is not scheduled to work more than 40 hours in the "workweek" as defined in Subsections F. and H., below.
Copies of Contract Documents to Contractor Without charge to the Contractor the Design Professional shall furnish to the Contractor up to five sets of completed Contract Documents in hardcopy, one set of reproducible and electronic background floor and reflected ceiling plan drawings and, if requested, one copy in read-only electronic format. The Contractor may obtain such additional sets of Contract Documents, as the Contractor deems necessary and shall pay the cost of reproduction of such additional sets to the Design Professional.