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AND DURATION Sample Clauses

AND DURATION. The specific provisions of this Agreement shall be the sole source of the contractual rights of the Association and any teacher covered by this Agreement. This Agreement supersedes all previous oral and written agreements between the Board and the Association and between the Board and any teacher within the collective bargaining unit. The parties hereby agree that the relations between them shall be governed exclusively by the terms of this Agreement and no prior agreement, amendments, modification, alterations, additions or changes, oral or written, shall be controlling or in any way affect the relations between the parties or the wages, hours and working conditions of the teachers covered by this Agreement.
AND DURATION. 46.1 This Agreement shall become effective at 12:01 a.m. upon contract approval by the Association and the Board, and it shall remain in effect through midnight, June 30, 2023. The Bargaining Unit and Board representatives agree to open one additional article each for negotiation in addition to Article 9.1 and Article 8 for the 2021-22 school year no later than May 7, 2021. 46.2 During the duration of this Agreement, the Board shall maintain all terms, conditions, and benefits of employment not less than the level in effect as of the effective date of this Agreement. This Agreement shall not be interpreted or applied to deprive Bargaining Unit Members of advantages heretofore enjoyed unless otherwise expressly stated herein. 46.3 If any provision of this agreement or any application of this contract to any bargaining unit member or group of bargaining unit members shall be found to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect. The Agreement itself will remain in full force and effect for its duration; however, the parties will meet within thirty (30) days for the purpose of negotiating only the provision(s) found to be contrary to law. If the parties fail to reach agreement over the affected provision, the statutory dispute resolution settlement procedure shall be utilized to resolve the dispute. 46.4 This Agreement may be added to, deleted from, or otherwise changed only by negotiations and amendment properly signed and ratified by each party, or by an Association agreement. 46.5 Should there be a conflict between this Agreement and any Board policy or practice, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. 46.6 Within thirty (30) days after the Agreement is signed, it shall be posted as a PDF file on the District website. Each Bargaining Unit Member hired thereafter shall be instructed upon where to access the agreement on the District website. The Association shall be supplied with a PDF file of the Agreement posted on the District website. Any subsequent revision(s) or amendment(s) also shall be posted within thirty (30) days of the revision or amendment.
AND DURATION. The specific provisions of this Agreement shall be the sole source of the contractual rights of the Association and any unit member covered by this Agreement. This Agreement supersedes all previous oral and written agreements between the Board and the Association and between the Board and any unit member within the unit. The parties hereby agree that the relations between them shall be governed exclusively by the terms of this Agreement and no prior agreement, amendments, modification, alterations, additions or changes, oral or written, shall be controlling or in any way affect the relations between the parties or the wages, hours, and working conditions of the unit members covered by this Agreement.
AND DURATION. A. This Agreement shall be effective from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2013. B. The Board and the Association acknowledge that during negotiations resulting in this Contract, each party had the right and the opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to any matter and that this Contract was arrived at by the parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity. The Board and the Association agree that neither party shall be obligated to negotiate with respect to any subject or matter specifically referred to or covered in this Contract. C. This Agreement supersedes and cancels all previous agreements, verbal or written, between the Board and the Association and constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties. Any amendment or agreement supplemental hereto shall not be binding upon either party unless executed in writing and ratified by the parties hereto. D. Consistent with Chapter 4117 of the Ohio Revised Code, this Agreement governs the wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment of teachers and the terms of this Agreement prevail over any state statute to the contrary. If any specific provision of this Agreement is invalidated by court ruling or subsequent change in the law, the rest of this Agreement shall remain in effect and the parties shall, upon written request of the other, negotiate in good faith regarding any necessary change in this Agreement. Such negotiations shall begin within thirty (30) days or any mutually extended time. E. There shall be three (3) signed copies of this Agreement. One (1) copy shall be retained by the Board and one (1) by the Association, and one (1) delivered to the State Employment Relations Board. The Board shall make District personnel policies available to each teacher and new or revised policies as they are adopted. F. The Board shall print copies of this Master Contract for all teachers and administrators, with the Association and Board to split the cost equally. THE CIRCLEVILLE CITY SCHOOL THE CIRCLEVILLE EDUCATION DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION ASSOCIATION/OEA/NEA LOCAL BY: BY: Teacher School Grade Subject Date(s) of Observation Administrator D = Distinguished P = Proficient B = Basic N=NEEDS IMPROVEMENT
AND DURATION. This Agreement shall become effective at midnight on July 1, 2020, and shall remain in effect through 11:59 a.m. on June 30, 2021. Those items in the existing Agreement and Memoranda of Understanding, not specifically removed or addressed in the negotiations that produced this contract, shall be incorporated in this successor contract unchanged. This Agreement shall supersede and cancel all previous contracts between the Board and the Association, and constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties. Any amendment or supplemental agreement attached hereto shall not be binding upon either party unless executed in writing and properly ratified by both parties. If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement is found to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall be deemed invalid, but all other provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. Upon mutual consent, the parties will meet to negotiate any provision found to be contrary to law. Signed and entered into this day of , 2020. 1 1.000 1.045 1.091 1.136 1.182 2 1.045 1.091 1.136 1.182 1.227 3 1.091 1.136 1.182 1.227 1.273 4 1.136 1.182 1.227 1.273 1.318 5 1.182 1.227 1.273 1.318 1.364 6 1.227 1.273 1.318 1.364 1.409 7 1.273 1.318 1.364 1.409 1.455 8 1.318 1.364 1.409 1.455 1.500 9 1.364 1.409 1.455 1.500 1.545 10 1.409 1.455 1.500 1.545 1.591 11 1.455 1.500 1.545 1.591 1.636 12 1.500 1.545 1.591 1.636 1.682 13 1.545 1.591 1.636 1.682 1.727 14 1.564 1.591 1.682 1.727 1.773 15 1.564 1.591 1.727 1.773 1.818 16 1.564 1.591 1.773 1.818 1.864 17 1.564 1.591 1.818 1.836 1.882 18 1.564 1.636 1.818 1.836 1.882 19 1.564 1.655 1.818 1.836 1.882 20 1.564 1.655 1.818 1.836 1.882 21 1.564 1.655 1.818 1.836 1.882 22 1.564 1.655 1.818 1.836 1.882 23 1.564 1.655 1.818 1.836 1.882 24 1.564 1.655 1.864 1.882 1.927 25 1.564 1.655 1.864 1.882 1.927 26 1.564 1.655 1.864 1.882 1.927 27 1.564 1.655 1.864 1.882 1.927 28 1.564 1.655 1.864 1.882 1.927 29 1.564 1.655 1.864 1.882 1.927 30 1.564 1.655 1.909 1.927 1.973 31 1.564 1.655 1.909 1.927 1.973 32 1.564 1.655 1.909 1.927 1.973 33 1.564 1.655 1.909 1.927 1.973 34 1.564 1.655 1.909 1.927 1.973 35 1.564 1.655 1.909 1.927 1.973 Varsity Football Head Coach (1) Instrumental Music Director (1) Mentor Coordinator (1) Boys Varsity Basketball Head Coach (1) Group 2 ($4000) = $4000 Group 7 ($1250) = $30,000 Girls Varsity Basketball Head Coach (1) Assistant LHS Band/LMS Director (1) Resident Educator Mentors Group 2 ($4000...
AND DURATION. Under the following circumstances and subject to clause an employee shall receive severance benefits calculated on the basis of the weekly rate of pay to which he or she is entitled for the classification prescribed in his or her letter of offer on the date of his or her termination of employment.
AND DURATION. This Agreement shall become effective at midnight on July 1, 2017, and shall remain in effect through 11:59 a.m. on June 30, 2019, for financial issues. All other articles of this Agreement shall become effective at midnight on July 1, 2017, and shall remain in effect through 11:59 a.m. on June 30, 2020. Those items in the existing Agreement and Memoranda of Understanding, not specifically removed or addressed in the negotiations that produced this contract, shall be incorporated in this successor contract unchanged. This Agreement shall supersede and cancel all previous contracts between the Board and the Association, and constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties. Any amendment or supplemental agreement attached hereto shall not be binding upon either party unless executed in writing and properly ratified by both parties. If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement is found to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall be deemed invalid, but all other provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. Upon mutual consent, the parties will meet to negotiate any provision found to be contrary to law. 1 $37,362.33 $39,043.63 $40,762.30 $42,443.61 $44,162.27 2 $39,043.63 $40,762.30 $42,443.61 $44,162.27 $45,843.58 3 $40,762.30 $42,443.61 $44,162.27 $45,843.58 $47,562.25 4 $42,443.61 $44,162.27 $45,843.58 $47,562.25 $49,243.55 5 $44,162.27 $45,843.58 $47,562.25 $49,243.55 $50,962.22 6 $45,843.58 $47,562.25 $49,243.55 $50,962.22 $52,643.52 7 $47,562.25 $49,243.55 $50,962.22 $52,643.52 $54,362.19 8 $49,243.55 $50,962.22 $52,643.52 $54,362.19 $56,043.50 9 $50,962.22 $52,643.52 $54,362.19 $56,043.50 $57,724.80 10 $52,643.52 $54,362.19 $56,043.50 $57,724.80 $59,443.47 11 $54,362.19 $56,043.50 $57,724.80 $59,443.47 $61,124.77 12 $56,043.50 $57,724.80 $59,443.47 $61,124.77 $62,843.44 13 $57,724.80 $59,443.47 $61,124.77 $62,843.44 $64,524.74 14 $58,434.68 $59,443.47 $62,843.44 $64,524.74 $66,243.41 15 $58,434.68 $59,443.47 $64,524.74 $66,243.41 $67,924.72 16 $58,434.68 $59,443.47 $66,243.41 $67,924.72 $69,643.38 17 $58,434.68 $59,443.47 $67,924.72 $68,597.24 $70,315.91 18 $58,434.68 $61,124.77 $67,924.72 $68,597.24 $70,315.91 19 $58,434.68 $61,834.66 $67,924.72 $68,597.24 $70,315.91 20 $58,434.68 $61,834.66 $67,924.72 $68,597.24 $70,315.91 21 $58,434.68 $61,834.66 $67,924.72 $68,597.24 $70,315.91 22 $58,434.68 $61,834.66 $67,924.72 $68,597.24 $70,315.91 23 $58,434.68 $61,834.66 $67,924.72 $68,...
AND DURATIONThis MOU shall be binding on the City and the Union when approved and adopted by the Mayor and City Council.
AND DURATION. A. This Agreement represents the full understanding and commitment between the parties and replaces all previous agreements relative to items contained herein. This Agreement may be added to, deleted from, or otherwise changed by an agreement properly signed by each party. B. The Board shall change its personnel policies and practices as may be necessary in order to give full force and effect to this Agreement. Should there be a conflict between this Agreement and any policy(ies) or practice(s), then the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. C. The duration of this Agreement shall be as of 12:01 AM. on July 1, 2024 through midnight June 30, 2027. Effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027 (except for reopener the third year for salary and benefits) Fv. THE BOARD � FOR THE WJEAtQ.._EA \o Bo Superintendent Member Tr�easurer /� Certificate Section 5705.412, Ohio Revised Code WJEA Contract 2024-2027 It is hereby certified that the Jefferson Local School District Board of Education, Madison County, Ohio, has sufficient funds to meet the contract agreement, obligation, payment or expenditure for the above, and has in effect for the remainder of the fiscal year and succeeding fiscal year the authorization to levy taxes which, when combined with the estimated revenue from all other sources available to the district at the time of certification, are sufficient to provide operating revenues necessary to enable the district to operate an adequate educational program on all days set forth in its adopted school calendar for the current fiscal year and for a number of days in the succeeding fiscal year equal to the number of days instruction was or is scheduled for the current fiscal year. vv'7/ Treasurer 0 1.0000 1.0450 1.0900 1.1350 1 1. 0450 1.0900 1.1350 1.1800 2 1. 0900 1.1350 1.1800 1.2250 3 1. 1350 1.1800 1.2250 1.2700
AND DURATION. 5.01 This MOU shall be binding on the City and the Association when ratified by the Association and approved and adopted by Mayor and City Council. 5.02 Except as otherwise provided herein, this MOU shall be in full force and effect beginning January 1, 2024, and shall remain in full force and effect through December 31, 2026. 5.03 The matters within the scope of representation that are set forth in this MOU have been discussed in good faith and agreed upon as constituting an equitable adjustment to existing wages, hours, and other terms and condition of employment between the City and the Association as evidenced by the signatures of the duly authorized representatives of each party.