Time Definitions. Reporting Tools: OPAS Service Requests Exceptions: - Any Storage provisioning requests which exceed (in sum) more than 5% of allocated storage during the designated Measurement Period will be excluded. - Locally attached storage - Third Party Hardware Exception Supplemental definition of terms: Measures the percentage of Tier 1, 2, and 3 storage configuration service requests, less than 100TB of all allocated storage, that are performed within the required timeframe during the Measurement PeriodAllocated Storage is equivalent last month’s storage capacity report which will be used a monthly baseline for the ***% value. Low Volume Eligible: Yes, provided that if any single request is not resolved within ***, then this Low Volume exception shall not apply Threshold parameters: ***% of requests completed within *** SLA Metrics and parameters:(field names in OPAS) Supporting CompanyRequest Summary NameRequest Approval Date/TimeRequest Assigned Date/TimeRequest Closed Date/TimePending TimeExcluded in SLA Reporting Logical description of the SLA calculation: Report CriteriaSupporting Company = “CORELOGIC”, “FINITI”,”RELS”,”STARS”Request Summary = “Server Storage Request” (question included at the work order level to indicate whether the request Total Size in GB)Request Closed Date/Time is within the reporting periodTotal Size in GB <100 TBExcluded in SLA Reporting <> Yes Calculations Request SLA = Request Completed Date/Time - Request Approval Date/Time- Total Pending Time Service Level Achievement (Number of successfully completed requests with Request SLA /Total number of requests in the measurement period) * 100%
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Time Definitions. Reporting Tools: OPAS Service Requests Exceptions: - Any Storage provisioning requests which exceed (in sum) more than 5% of allocated storage during the designated Measurement Period Batch new user setups will be excludedexcluded from the On-Time Completion percentage calculation. - Locally attached storage Remote Location: The eleventh or more new user setup per day per remote location will be excluded from SLA calculation. - Third Party Campus Location: The sixteenth or more new user setup per day per campus location will be excluded from SLA calculation. - Time before arrival of assets will be excluded from this measurement (i.e., ticket is submitted after arrival of all necessary assets.) - Request for Non-Standard Hardware Exception that requires unique configuration requirements not previously defined. _ A Batch will be defined as *** new user set-ups per day for Remote locations and *** new user set-ups per day for Campus Locations. Continual Service Improvement Supplemental definition of terms: Yes Measures the percentage of Tier 1, 2, and 3 storage configuration service requests, less than 100TB of all allocated storage, New Authorized User setup requests that are performed completed within the required timeframe timeframes during the Measurement PeriodAllocated Storage is equivalent last month’s storage capacity report which will be used a monthly baseline for the ***% value. Period Request Name : User Provisioning and Work Order = Computer Hardware Implementation Low Volume Eligible: Yes, provided that if any single request is not resolved within ***, ) then this Low Volume exception shall not apply Threshold parameters: ***% of requests completed within *** SLA Metrics and parameters:(field parameters: (field names in OPAS) Supporting Requested by CompanyRequest Summary NameRequest Approval SummaryClosed Date/TimeRequest Assigned TimeSubmitted Date/TimeRequest Closed TimeApproval Date/TimePending TimeExcluded in TimeStatusExcluded from SLA Reporting Logical description of the SLA calculation: Report CriteriaSupporting Company CriteriaAll Request Records with Request Type = “CORELOGIC”, “FINITI”,”RELS”,”STARS”Request New User Provisioning” If Request Summary = “Server Storage RequestNew User Provisioning”Get Work Order Name = “*EUD*” (question included at the work order level to indicate whether the request Total Size in GB)Request or Work Order name = “Desk Phone*” or Work Order Name = “Mobile Device*” or ( Request Type = ““TEMP NUP CLGX-Add or Install End User Device” or ““TEMP NUP CLGX-Computer Hardware” or “TEMP NUP CLGX-Desk Phone” or “TEMP NUP CLGX-TEM-Mobile Device”) Closed Date/Time is within the reporting periodTotal Size in GB date of the SLAExcluded from SLA reporting <100 TBExcluded in >”Yes”Status = “Closed”CoreLogic authorized users, currently:Requested by Company = “CORELOGIC”, “RELS”,”FINITI” Calculations SLA Reporting <> Yes Calculations Request SLA Elapsed Time = Request Completed Date/Time - Request – Approval Date/Time- Total Time – Pending Time Service Level Achievement (= Number of successfully completed requests End User Device Setup with Request SLA /Total Elapsed time <= *** / Total number of requests in End User Device Setup Service Requests for the measurement period) * 100%Measurement Period
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Time Definitions. Reporting Tools: OPAS Service Requests Request Management, OPAS Incident Records Exceptions: - Any Storage provisioning hold in approval processes or Change Request initiated by CoreLogic - Any termination requests which exceed (in sum) more than 5% of allocated storage over 40 during the designated Measurement Period a given day will not be excluded. - Locally attached storage - Third Party Hardware Exception measured -Pending time from valid Pending Event Supplemental definition of terms: Measures Resolution Time means the percentage of Tier 1, 2, and 3 storage configuration service requests, less than 100TB of all allocated storage, that are performed within elapsed time from the required timeframe during record being created to the Measurement PeriodAllocated Storage time the record is equivalent last month’s storage capacity report which completely resolved. Termination Request will be used a monthly baseline for the ***% value. include: Active Directory ID CRM Mainframe Oracle Remote Access/VPN UNIX RightFax TeamForge TimeTracker AS/400-iSeries Enterprise Business Applications Low Volume Eligible: Yes, provided that if any single request is not resolved within ***, then this Low Volume exception shall not apply No Threshold parameters: ***% of requests completed within *** and ***% within *** SLA Metrics and parameters:(field parameters: (field names in OPAS) Supporting CompanyRequest Summary NameRequest Approval Date/TimeRequest Assigned Date/TimeRequest Closed Completed Date/TimePending TimeExcluded in SLA Reporting Logical description of the SLA calculation: Report CriteriaSupporting Company = “CORELOGIC”, “FINITI”,”RELS”,”STARS”Request Summary = “Server Storage RequestTerminate A Resource (employee/contractor/vendor) andWork Order Summary is = “Terminate System Access” (question included at or Terminate Mainframe Access or Terminate Remote Access VPNAND All incident records for the work order level to indicate whether the request Total Size in GB)Request period whereSummary = “TERMINATION_CLGX:Termination*” Request Closed Date/Time is within the reporting periodTotal Size in GB <100 TBExcluded periodExcluded in SLA Reporting <> Yes Calculations YesCalculations Request SLA = Request Latest Work Order Completed Date/Time - Request Approval – earliest Work Order Assigned Date/Time- Total Pending Time Two (2) thresholds will be computed :Threshold (1) Service Level Achievement (Number of successfully completed requests with Request SLA within *** /Total number of requests in the measurement period) * 100% Threshold (2) Service Level Achievement (Number of successfully completed requests within *** /Total number of requests in the measurement period) * 100%
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Time Definitions. Reporting Tools: OPAS Service Requests Change Management Exceptions: - Any Storage provisioning requests which exceed (in sum) more than 5% Post implementation of allocated storage during the designated Measurement Period will be excludedservice pack, if Microsoft through their website releases a bug notification related to that specific Service Pack & that has caused unsuccessful implementation of patch. - Locally attached storage - Third Party Hardware Exception Time between NTT request for CoreLogic's approval and when CoreLogic provides its approval Supplemental definition of terms: Measures the percentage Apply Patches to all instances of Tier 1non-enterprise infrastructure applications including acquiring, 2testing, and 3 storage configuration service requestsinstalling multiple patches (Service Pack). Patch management tasks include: maintaining current knowledge of available patches, less than 100TB deciding what patches are appropriate, ensuring that patches are installed properly, testing systems after installation, and documenting all associated procedures, such as specific configurations required. Definition of all allocated storage, that Normal and Critical patches are performed within part of the required timeframe during the Measurement PeriodAllocated Storage is equivalent last month’s storage capacity report which will be used a monthly baseline for the ***% value. PPM documentation Low Volume Eligible: Yes, provided that if any single request is not resolved within ***, then this Low Volume exception shall not apply No Threshold parameters: ***% of requests completed within normal patches applied in *** and critical patches applied in *** SLA Metrics and parameters:(field parameters: (field names in OPAS) Supporting CompanyRequest Summary NameRequest Approval Requested for CompanyActual Start Date/TimeRequest Assigned TimeActual End Date/TimeRequest Closed TimeCompleted Date/TimePending TimeExcluded in TimeExclude from SLA Reporting ReportingProduct Categorization Tier 1Product Categorization Tier 2Product Categorization Tier 3Operational Categorization Tier 1Operational Categorization Tier 2Operational Categorization Tier 3Excluded from SLA reporting Logical description of the SLA calculation: Report CriteriaSupporting CriteriaRequested Company = “CORELOGIC”, “FINITI”,”RELS”,”STARS”Request Summary CORELOGIC”,”RELS”,”FINITI”,”STARS”Completed Date and Time = within the SLA reporting periodProduct Categorization 1 = “Server Storage Request” HARDWARE”;Product Categorization 2 = “SERVER”Operational Category Tier 1 = “INSTALL”Operational Category Tier 2 = “CODE”Operational Category Tier 3 = “PATCH- MAINTENANCE”Excluded from SLA Reporting <>”Yes”Performance Rating = ***Priority = Medium (question included at the work order level to indicate whether the request Total Size in GB)Request Closed target is Normal)Priority = High (target is Critical) Calculations Critical Patches SLA = Complete Date/time - Submit Date/Time is within the reporting periodTotal Size in GB <100 TBExcluded in SLA Reporting <> Yes Calculations Request SLA = Request Completed Date/Time - Request Approval (Should be equal to ***) Normal Patches SLA = Complete Date/Time- Total Pending time - Submit Date/Time (Should be equal to ***) Service Level Achievement = (Number of successfully completed requests with Request SLA /Total Total number of requests Enterprise Patches that are successfully installed in accordance with SLA/ Total number of Enterprise Patches that are scheduled to be completed during the measurement periodMeasurement Period) * 100%
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Time Definitions. Reporting Tools: OPAS Service Requests Change Management Exceptions: - Any Storage provisioning requests which exceed (in sum) more than 5% Post implementation of allocated storage during the designated Measurement Period will be excludedservice pack, if Microsoft through their website releases a bug notification related to that specific Service Pack & that has caused unsuccessful implementation of patch. - Locally attached storage - Third Party Hardware Exception Time between Dell's request for CoreLogic's approval and when CoreLogic provides its approval Supplemental definition of terms: Measures the percentage Apply Patches to all instances of Tier 1enterprise infrastructure applications including acquiring, 2testing, and 3 storage configuration service requestsinstalling multiple patches (Service Pack). Patch management tasks include: maintaining current knowledge of available patches, less than 100TB deciding what patches are appropriate, ensuring that patches are installed properly, testing systems after installation, and documenting all associated procedures, such as specific configurations required. Definition of all allocated storage, that Normal and Critical patches are performed within part of the required timeframe during the Measurement PeriodAllocated Storage is equivalent last month’s storage capacity report which will be used a monthly baseline PPM documentation for the ***% valueIntel and Unix support. Low Volume Eligible: Yes, provided that if any single request is not resolved within ***, then this Low Volume exception shall not apply No Threshold parameters: ***% of requests completed within normal patches applied in ***and critical patches applied in *** SLA Metrics and parameters:(field parameters: (field names in OPAS) Supporting CompanyRequest Summary NameRequest Approval Requested for CompanyActual Start Date/TimeRequest Assigned TimeActual End Date/TimeRequest Closed TimeCompleted Date/TimePending TimeExcluded in TimeExclude from SLA Reporting ReportingProduct Categorization Tier 1Product Categorization Tier 2Product Categorization Tier 3Operational Categorization Tier 1Operational Categorization Tier 2Operational Categorization Tier 3Excluded from SLA reporting Logical description of the SLA calculation: Report CriteriaSupporting CriteriaRequested Company = “CORELOGIC”, “FINITI”,”RELS”,”STARS”Request Summary CORELOGIC”,”RELS”,”FINITI”,”STARS”Completed Date and Time = within the SLA reporting periodProduct Categorization 1 = “Server Storage Request” HARDWARE”;Product Categorization 2 = “SERVER”Operational Category Tier 1 = “INSTALL”Operational Category Tier 2 = “CODE”Operational Category Tier 3 = “PATCH- MAINTENANCE”Excluded from SLA Reporting <>”Yes”Performance Rating = 5Priority = Medium (question included at the work order level to indicate whether the request Total Size in GB)Request Closed target is Normal)Priority = High (target is Critical) Calculations Critical Patches SLA = Complete Date/time - Submit Date/Time is within the reporting periodTotal Size in GB <100 TBExcluded in SLA Reporting <> Yes Calculations Request SLA = Request Completed Date/Time - Request Approval (Should be equal to ***) Normal Patches SLA = Complete Date/Time- Total Pending time - Submit Date/Time (Should be equal to ***) Service Level Achievement = (Number of successfully completed requests with Request SLA /Total Total number of requests Enterprise Patches that are successfully installed in accordance with SLA/ Total number of Enterprise Patches that are scheduled to be completed during the measurement periodMeasurement Period) * 100%
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Time Definitions. Reporting Tools: OPAS Service Requests Exceptions: - Any Storage provisioning requests which exceed hold in approval processes or change request initiated by CoreLogic- Supplier's failure to meet this Service Level in respect of any hardware-related Incidents shall be excused to the extent that such failure is caused by any Supplier third party provider's failure to perform, or delay in performing, any repair or replacement actions required to be performed by such third party provider in connection with the resolution of any such Incident; provided, that (i) Supplier uses commercially reasonable efforts to cause such third party providers to perform within the required time frame and (ii) to the extent documented in sum) more than 5% of allocated storage during the designated Measurement Period will be excluded. - Locally attached storage - Third Party Hardware Exception Supplier's Root Cause Analysis- Pending Time based on allowed Pending Event Supplemental definition of terms: Measures the percentage time taken between processing of Tier 1, 2, and 3 storage configuration service requests, less than 100TB of all allocated storage, that are performed within the required timeframe during the Measurement PeriodAllocated Storage is equivalent last month’s storage capacity report which will be used a monthly baseline for the ***% value. approved request(s) Low Volume Eligible: Yes, provided that if any single request is not resolved within ***, then this Low Volume exception shall not apply No Threshold parameters: ***% of requests completed within ***; ***% completed within *** SLA Metrics and parameters:(field parameters: (field names in OPAS) Supporting CompanyRequest Summary NameRequest Approval Date/TimeRequest Assigned Date/TimeRequest Closed Completed Date/TimePending TimeExcluded in SLA Reporting Logical description of the SLA calculation: Report CriteriaSupporting Company = “CORELOGIC”, “FINITI”,”RELS”,”STARS”Request Summary Name = “Server Storage Request” (question included at the work order level to indicate whether the request Total Size in GB)Request Firewall Request or IP Assignment Request Closed Date/Time is within the reporting periodTotal Size in GB <100 TBExcluded periodExcluded in SLA Reporting <> Yes Calculations Request SLA = Request Completed Date/Time - – Request Approval Date/Time- Total Pending Time ***% - Service Level Achievement (within ***)= (Number of successfully completed requests with Request SLA within *** /Total number of requests in the measurement period) * 100% ***% - Service Level Achievement (within ***)= (Number of successfully completed requests within *** /Total number of requests in the measurement period) * 100%
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Time Definitions. Reporting Tools: OPAS Service Requests Requests, OPAS Incidents Exceptions: - Any Storage provisioning requests which exceed (hold in sum) more than 5% of allocated storage during the designated Measurement Period will be excluded. approval processes or Change Request initiated by CoreLogic - Locally attached storage - Third Party Hardware Exception Any valid Pending events Supplemental definition of terms: Measures the percentage time taken between processing of Tier 1, 2, and 3 storage configuration service requests, less than 100TB of all allocated storage, that are performed within approved request to setup the required timeframe during the Measurement PeriodAllocated Storage is equivalent last month’s storage capacity report which account(s) SecAdmin will be used a monthly baseline the support group for Dell that handles User Access New User Provisioning Request will include: Active Directory Check Writer CRM Oracle Unix VPN TeamForge TimeTrack Mainframe RightFax Enterprise or Business Unit Software (list provided in the ***% value. NUP form where Dell is required to provision logical access) AS/400 iseries Low Volume Eligible: Yes, provided that if any single request is not resolved within ***24 business hours, then this Low Volume exception shall not apply Threshold parameters: ***% of requests completed within *** SLA Metrics and parameters:(field names in OPAS) Supporting CompanyRequest Summary NameRequest Approval Date/TimeRequest TimeWork Order Assigned Date/TimeRequest Closed TimeWork Order Completed Date/TimePending TimeExcluded in SLA Reporting Logical description of the SLA calculation: Report CriteriaSupporting Company = “CORELOGIC”, “FINITI”,”RELS”,”STARS”Request FINITI”,”RELS”,”STARS”(Request Summary = “Server Storage RequestNew User Provisioning “ andWork Order Summary = “*SLAor Request Summary = “*TEMP NUP CLGX-Oracle Access” or *TEMP NUP- SecAdmin- Mainframe/zSeries or *TEMP NUP UNIX User Addition or *TEMP NUP CLGX-Time Tracker or *TEMP NUP Digital Certificate (question included at the work order level to indicate whether the request Total Size in GB)Request VPN) orRequest Closed Date/Time is within the reporting periodTotal Size in GB <100 TBExcluded periodWork Order Complete Date/TimeWork Order Assigned Date/TimeExcluded in SLA Reporting <> Yes AND All incident records with Summary = “PROVISION_CLGX:New User Activation*” Calculations Request SLA = Request Latest Work order Completed Date/Time - Request Approval Date/Work order earliest Assigned Date and Time- Total Pending Time %Service Level Achievement (Number of successfully completed requests with Request SLA /Total number of requests in the measurement period) * 100%
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Time Definitions. Reporting Tools: OPAS Service Requests Exceptions: - Any Storage provisioning requests which exceed (in sum) more than 5***% of allocated storage during the designated Measurement Period will be excluded. - Locally attached storage - Third Party Hardware Exception Continual Service Improvement Supplemental definition of terms: Yes Measures the percentage of Tier 1, 2, and 3 storage configuration service requests, less than 100TB of all allocated storage, that are performed within the required timeframe during the Measurement PeriodAllocated Storage is equivalent last month’s storage capacity report which will be used a monthly baseline for the ***% value. Low Volume Eligible: Yes, provided that if any single request is not resolved within ***, then this Low Volume exception shall not apply Threshold parameters: ***% of requests completed within *** SLA Metrics and parameters:(field parameters: (field names in OPAS) Supporting CompanyRequest Summary NameRequest Approval Date/TimeRequest Assigned Date/TimeRequest Closed Date/TimePending TimeExcluded in SLA Reporting Logical description of the SLA calculation: Report CriteriaSupporting Company = “CORELOGIC”, “FINITI”,”RELS”,”STARS”Request Summary = “Server Storage Request” (question included at the work order level to indicate whether the request Total Size in GB)Request Closed Date/Time is within the reporting periodTotal Size in GB <100 TBExcluded in SLA Reporting <> Yes Calculations Request SLA = Request Completed Date/Time - – Request Approval Date/Time- Total Pending Time Service Level Achievement (Number of successfully completed requests with Request SLA /Total number of requests in the measurement period) * 100%
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Time Definitions. Reporting Tools: OPAS Service Requests Exceptions: - Any Storage provisioning requests which exceed (Greater than 10 in sum) more than 5% of allocated storage during the designated Measurement Period single request is batch and will be excludedexcluded from the on-Time Completion percentage calculation. - Locally attached storage Time before arrival of assets will be excluded from this measurement (i.e. ticket is submitted after arrival of all necessary assets.) - Third Party Hardware Exception Customer Approval Time not included in SLA calculation - Pending Time based on Valid Pending Activity Supplemental definition of terms: Measures the percentage of Tier 1, 2, and 3 storage configuration service requests, less than 100TB of all allocated storage, Physical Service Provisioning Service Requests that are performed fulfilled by Supplier within the required timeframe during the Measurement PeriodAllocated Storage is equivalent last month’s storage capacity report which will be used a monthly baseline for the timeframe. This Service Level applies to standard configuration x***% value. * servers Low Volume Eligible: Yes, provided that if any single request is not resolved within ***, then this Low Volume exception shall not apply Threshold parameters: ***% of requests completed within *** SLA Metrics and parameters:(field names in OPAS) Supporting CompanyRequest Summary NameRequest Approval Date/TimeRequest Assigned Date/TimeRequest Closed Date/TimePending TimeExcluded in SLA Reporting Logical description of the SLA calculation: Report CriteriaSupporting Company = “CORELOGIC”, “FINITI”,”RELS”,”STARS”Request Summary = Summary= “Physical Server Storage RequestInstall - UNIX/Linux - Internal” (question included at the work order level to indicate whether the request Total Size in GB)Request Closed Dateor “Physical Server Install - Windows - Internal”Request ClosedDate/Time is within the reporting periodTotal Size in GB <100 TBExcluded periodExcluded in SLA Reporting <> Yes Calculations Request SLA = Request Completed Date/Time - Request Approval Date/Time- Total Pending Time Service Level Achievement (Number of successfully completed requests with Request SLA /Total number of requests in the measurement period) * 100%% 37. 2.4.j KM-MR-VIRTUAL SERVER PROVISIONING REQUEST SLA Start Date: 8/1/2013 First Reporting Period: 8/31/2013 First Report Date: 9/6/2013 Reporting Period: *** UNDERSTANDING Contract Reference: Category: CORELOGIC-Dell Schedule A-3.1(Service Level Matrix)CORELOGIC-Dell Supplement A Key Measurement Interpreted Intent of SLA: The intent of this Service Level is to measure the requests to add server(s) into Cloud Environment: Less than *** VM's - Percentage of server provisioning requests that are successfully completed within the target timeframe
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Time Definitions. Reporting Tools: OPAS Service Requests Request Management, OPAS Incident Records Exceptions: - Any Storage provisioning hold in approval processes or Change Request initiated by CoreLogic - Any termination requests which exceed (in sum) more than 5% of allocated storage over 40 during the designated Measurement Period a given day will not be excluded. - Locally attached storage - Third Party Hardware Exception measured -Pending time from valid Pending Event Supplemental definition of terms: Measures Resolution Time means the percentage of Tier 1, 2, and 3 storage configuration service requests, less than 100TB of all allocated storage, that are performed within elapsed time from the required timeframe during record being created to the Measurement PeriodAllocated Storage time the record is equivalent last month’s storage capacity report which completely resolved. Termination Request will be used a monthly baseline for the ***% value. include: Active Directory ID CRM Mainframe Oracle Remote Access/VPN UNIX RightFax TeamForge TimeTracker AS/400-iSeries Enterprise Business Applications Low Volume Eligible: Yes, provided that if any single request is not resolved within ***, then this Low Volume exception shall not apply No Threshold parameters: ***% of requests completed within *** and ***% within *** SLA Metrics and parameters:(field names in OPAS) Supporting CompanyRequest Summary NameRequest Approval Date/TimeRequest Assigned Date/TimeRequest Closed Completed Date/TimePending TimeExcluded in SLA Reporting Logical description of the SLA calculation: Report CriteriaSupporting Company = “CORELOGIC”, “FINITI”,”RELS”,”STARS”Request Summary = “Server Storage RequestTerminate A Resource (employee/contractor/vendor) andWork Order Summary is = “Terminate System Access” (question included at or Terminate Mainframe Access or Terminate Remote Access VPNAND All incident records for the work order level to indicate whether the request Total Size in GB)Request period whereSummary = “TERMINATION_CLGX:Termination*”Request Closed Date/Time is within the reporting periodTotal Size in GB <100 TBExcluded periodExcluded in SLA Reporting <> Yes Calculations YesCalculations Request SLA = Request Latest Work Order Completed Date/Time - Request Approval earliest Work Order Assigned Date/Time- Total Pending Time Two (2) thresholds will be computed :Threshold (1) Service Level Achievement (Number of successfully completed requests with Request SLA *** /Total number of requests in the measurement period) * 100% Threshold (2) Service Level Achievement (Number of successfully completed requests within *** /Total number of requests in the measurement period) * 100%
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Time Definitions. Reporting Tools: OPAS Service Requests Exceptions: - Any Storage provisioning requests which exceed (in sum) more than 5% of allocated storage during the designated Measurement Period Batch new user setups will be excludedexcluded from the On-Time Completion percentage calculation. - Locally attached storage Remote Location: The eleventh or more new user setup per day per remote location will be excluded from SLA calculation. - Third Party Campus Location: The sixteenth or more new user setup per day per campus location will be excluded from SLA calculation. - Time before arrival of assets will be excluded from this measurement (i.e., ticket is submitted after arrival of all necessary assets.) - Request for Non-Standard Hardware Exception that requires unique configuration requirements not previously defined. _ A Batch will be defined as *** new user set-ups per day for Remote locations and *** new user set-ups per day for Campus Locations. Supplemental definition of terms: Measures the percentage of Tier 1, 2, and 3 storage configuration service requests, less than 100TB of all allocated storage, New Authorized User setup requests that are performed completed within the required timeframe timeframes during the Measurement PeriodAllocated Storage is equivalent last month’s storage capacity report which will be used a monthly baseline for the ***% value. Period Request Name : User Provisioning and Work Order = Computer Hardware Implementation Low Volume Eligible: Yes, provided that if any single request is not resolved within ***, ) then this Low Volume exception shall not apply Threshold parameters: ***% of requests completed within *** SLA Metrics and parameters:(field names in OPAS) Supporting Requested by CompanyRequest Summary NameRequest Approval SummaryClosed Date/TimeRequest Assigned TimeSubmitted Date/TimeRequest Closed TimeApproval Date/TimePending TimeExcluded in TimeStatusExcluded from SLA Reporting Logical description of the SLA calculation: Report CriteriaSupporting Company CriteriaAll Request Records with Request Type = “CORELOGIC”, “FINITI”,”RELS”,”STARS”Request New User Provisioning” If Request Summary = “Server Storage RequestNew User Provisioning”Get Work Order Name = “*EUD*” (question included at the work order level to indicate whether the request Total Size in GB)Request or Work Order name = “Desk Phone*” or Work Order Name = “Mobile Device*” or ( Request Type = ““TEMP NUP CLGX-Add or Install End User Device” or ““TEMP NUP CLGX-Computer Hardware” or “TEMP NUP CLGX-Desk Phone” or “TEMP NUP CLGX-TEM-Mobile Device”) Closed Date/Time is within the reporting periodTotal Size in GB date of the SLAExcluded from SLA reporting <100 TBExcluded in >”Yes”Status = “Closed”CoreLogic authorized users, currently:Requested by Company = “CORELOGIC”, “RELS”,”FINITI” Calculations SLA Reporting <> Yes Calculations Request SLA Elapsed Time = Request Completed Date/Time - Request Approval Date/Time- Total Time - Pending Time Service Level Achievement (= Number of successfully completed requests End User Device Setup with Request SLA /Total Elapsed time <=***/ Total number of requests in End User Device Setup Service Requests for the measurement period) * 100%Measurement Period
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Time Definitions. Reporting Tools: OPAS Service Requests AMDB and KACE Exceptions: - Any Storage provisioning requests which exceed (in sum) more than 5% of allocated storage during assets within the designated Measurement Period sample set that are unavailable or inaccessible to Supplier tools and/or Supplier Personnel will be excluded. - Locally attached storage - Third Party Hardware Exception excluded from this calculation Supplemental definition of terms: Measures the percentage In order to measure this SLA each month a random sampling of Tier 1, 2, and 3 storage configuration service requests, less than 100TB of all allocated storage, that are performed within the required timeframe during the Measurement PeriodAllocated Storage is equivalent last month’s storage capacity report which will be used a monthly baseline for the ***% valueof the actively reporting KACE servers and workstations will be obtained. The criteria determine if the CIs are compliant will be the following: Does the device exist in the AMDB? If no, then this counts as a failure If yes, then is the device in ‘deployed’ status in the AMDB?If not in a ‘deployed’ status, then this counts as a failure If yes and in a Deployed status then compare the data pulled from KACE and compare it to the comparable field of data in the AMDB If any of the fields for a device does not match, then the device counts as a failure All others are accurate [this count to feed into the count of accurately reported CIs within the sample set Each device included in a random sample audit will be tagged with a Last Audit Date. Devices with Last Audit Dates within the preceding *** will be excluded from inclusion in the random sampling.The results of the audit and supporting data will be provided to Service Management as per their processes to include the data in the SLA calculations and reporting requirements.Each device failing the audit will be remediated each month and will have an on-line edit function to record notes as to the remediation.Each *** prior to the new sampling, the previous *** sampling and remediation will be snapped to an archive.Each *** Asset Management will review the previous *** audit results with CLGX. Low Volume Eligible: Yes, provided that if any single request is not resolved within ***, then this Low Volume exception shall not apply No Threshold parameters: ***% of requests completed within *** SLA Metrics and parameters:(field names in OPAS) Supporting CompanyRequest Summary NameRequest Approval Date/TimeRequest Assigned Date/TimeRequest Closed Date/TimePending TimeExcluded Supported CompanyRandom ***% of the CI SamplingAttributes to be compared for audit consist of the following:KACE ID - to identify matches in SLA Reporting the AMDBHost NameStatusDomainIP AddressMAC AddressOS TypeService PackHard Drive SizeTotal RAM Logical description of the SLA calculation: Report CriteriaSupporting Company CriteriaManual Audit will be conducted. Any failure on data based on attribute to sampling of ***% of the CIs will be considered an SLA miss, a CI must meet the following requirements in order to pass the audit:Device in AMDB = “CORELOGIC”, “FINITI”,”RELS”,”STARS”Request Summary YesAMDB Status = “Server Storage Request” DeployedAMDB Data = KACE Data Calculations (question included at the work order level to indicate whether the request Total Size in GB)Request Closed Date/Time is will be done Manually by Service Management)Audit Accuracy = The count of accurately reported CIs within the reporting periodTotal Size sample set/ the total count of sample set CIs 8. 2.2.h KM-SM-CSAT Operations Managers SLA Start Date: 8/1/2013 First Reporting Period: 8/31/2013 First Report Date: 9/6/2013 Reporting Period: *** (every *** in GB <100 TBExcluded in SLA Reporting <> Yes Calculations Request SLA = Request Completed Date/Time - Request Approval Date/Time- Total Pending Time ***) Contract Reference: Category: CORELOGIC-Dell Schedule A-3.1(Service Level Matrix)CORELOGIC-Dell Supplement A Key Measurement Interpreted Intent of SLA: The intent of this Service Level Achievement (Number of successfully completed requests with Request SLA /Total number of requests in the measurement period) * 100%is to measure CoreLogic Operation Managers customer satisfaction
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