Timelines Dodržení lhůty Sample Clauses

Timelines Dodržení lhůty. 5.4. 1 The Investigator shall use his or her best efforts to complete the Study in accordance with the timelines as set out xxx to this Agreement (as may be reasonably amended from time to time in writing by ICON). Zkoušející vynaloží maximální úsilí k dokončení Klinického hodnocení v souladu s lhůtou stanovenou xxx této Smlouvy (která může být v společností ICON čas od času rozumně upravována písemnou formou).
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Timelines Dodržení lhůty. 5.4.1 The Institution shall ensure that the Investigator shall use his or her best efforts to complete the Study in accordance with the timelines as set out in Appendix 2 to this Agreement (as may be reasonably amended from time to time in writing by ICON). Zdravotnické zařízení zajistí, že Zkoušející vynaloží maximální úsilí k dokončení Klinického hodnocení v souladu se lhůtou stanovenou v Příloze č. 2 této Smlouvy (která může být v průběhu hodnocení společností ICON rozumně upravena písemnou formou).

Related to Timelines Dodržení lhůty

  • Timeline Contractor must perform the Services and deliver the Deliverables according to the following timeline: • •

  • Quality Monitoring 4.2.1. To prepare a Quality Assurance (QA) Plan

  • Purchase Order Pricing/Product Deviation If a deviation of pricing/product on a Purchase Order or contract modification occurs between the Vendor and the TIPS Member, TIPS must be notified within five (5) business days of receipt of change order. Termination for Convenience of TIPS Agreement Only TIPS reserves the right to terminate this agreement for cause or no cause for convenience with a thirty (30) days prior written notice. Termination for convenience is conditionally required under Federal Regulations 2 CFR part 200 if the customer is using federal funds for the procurement. All purchase orders presented to the Vendor, but not fulfilled by the Vendor, by a TIPS Member prior to the actual termination of this agreement shall be honored at the option of the TIPS Member. The awarded Vendor may terminate the agreement with ninety (90) days prior written notice to TIPS 0000 XX Xxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx 00000. The vendor will be paid for goods and services delivered prior to the termination provided that the goods and services were delivered in accordance with the terms and conditions of the terminated agreement. This termination clause does not affect the sales agreements executed by the Vendor and the TIPS Member customer pursuant to this agreement. TIPS Members may negotiate a termination for convenience clause that meets the needs of the transaction based on applicable factors, such as funding sources or other needs. TIPS Member Purchasing Procedures Usually, purchase orders or their equal are issued by participating TIPS Member to the awarded vendor and should indicate on the order that the purchase is per the applicable TIPS Agreement Number. Orders are typically emailed to TIPS at xxxxxx@xxxx-xxx.xxx. • Awarded Vendor delivers goods/services directly to the participating member. • Awarded Vendor invoices the participating TIPS Member directly. • Awarded Vendor receives payment directly from the participating member. • Fees are due to TIPS upon payment by the Member to the Vendor. Vendor agrees to pay the participation fee to TIPS for all Agreement sales upon receipt of payment including partial payment, from the Member Entity or as otherwise agreed by TIPS in writing and signed by an authorized signatory of TIPS.

  • Drug Testing Procedures a. The testing procedures and safeguards provided in this policy shall be adhered to by any laboratory personnel administering departmental drug tests.

  • Product Labeling The labeling of all Licensed Products sold or offered for sale under this Agreement shall expressly state that the Licensed Product is manufactured under a license from the Medicines Patent Pool.

  • GMP The parties agree that the GMP for the Project is $ , consisting of the Preconstruction Fee, the Estimated Cost of the Work and the CM/GC Fee (stated as a fixed dollar lump sum amount), as follows: Preconstruction Fee: $ Estimated Cost of Work (Est. COW): $ CM/GC Fee ( % of Est. COW): $ GMP (Total of above categories): $ For purposes of determining the GMP, the Estimated Cost of the Work includes the CM/GC’s Contingency, costs for General Conditions Work, and the costs of all components and systems required for a complete, fully functional facility.

  • Timelines a) Timelines may be extended by mutual consent of the parties.

  • Billing Specifications 55.6.1 The Parties agree that billing requirements and outputs will be consistent with the Ordering & Billing Form (OBF) and also with Telcordia Technologies Billing Output Specifications (BOS).

  • Purchase Order Flip via Ariba Network (AN) The online process allows suppliers to submit invoices via the AN for catalog and non- catalog goods and services. Contractors have the ability to create an invoice directly from their Inbox in their AN account by simply “flipping” the purchase order into an invoice. This option does not require any special software or technical capabilities. For the purposes of this section, the Contractor warrants and represents that it is authorized and empowered to and hereby grants the State and the third-party provider of MFMP the right and license to use, reproduce, transmit, distribute, and publicly display within the system the information outlined above. In addition, the Contractor warrants and represents that it is authorized and empowered to and hereby grants the State and the third-party provider the right and license to reproduce and display within the system the Contractor’s trademarks, system marks, logos, trade dress, or other branding designation that identifies the products made available by the Contractor under the Contract.

  • Drug Testing (A) The state and the PBA agree to drug testing of employees in accordance with section 112.0455, F.S., the Drug-Free Workplace Act.

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