Drug Testing Procedures Sample Clauses
Drug Testing Procedures a. The testing procedures and safeguards provided in this policy shall be adhered to by any laboratory personnel administering departmental drug tests.
b. Laboratory personnel authorized to administer departmental drug tests shall require positive identification from each employee to be tested before the employee enters the testing area.
c. In order to prevent a false positive test result, a pre-test interview shall be conducted by testing personnel to ascertain and document the employee’s recent use of any prescription or non-prescription drugs, or any indirect exposure to drugs.
d. The testing area shall be private and secure. Authorized testing personnel shall search the testing area before an employee enters same in order to document that the area is free of any foreign substances. Authorized testing personnel may:
(i) control the test area to ensure that samples have not been hidden for a substitution;
(ii) prohibit the carrying of purses, bags, luggage, briefcases, or other containers into the test area; and
(iii) prohibit the wearing of coats and/or jackets into the test area.
e. It is recognized that the Employer has the right to request the clinic personnel administering a urine drug test to take such steps as checking the color and temperature of the urine specimen(s) to detect tampering or substitution, provided that the employee’s right of privacy is guaranteed, and in no circumstances may observation take place while the employee is producing the urine specimens. If it is established that the employee’s specimen has been intentionally tampered with or substituted by the employee, the employee is subject to discipline as if the specimen tested positive. In order to deter adulteration of the urine specimen during the collection process, physiologic determinations such as creatinine, specific gravity and/or chloride measurements may be performed by the laboratory. Any findings by the laboratory outside the “normal” ranges for creatinine, specific gravity and/or chloride shall be immediately reported to the Employer so that another specimen can be collected without undue delay. The clinic shall also immediately notify the MRO.
f. Where the employee appears unable or unwilling to give a specimen at the time of the test, testing personnel shall document the circumstances on the drug-test report form. The employee shall be permitted no more than two (2) hours to give a sample. During that time, the employee shall remain in the testing area, which sha...
Drug Testing Procedures. All drug screening tests shall be conducted by laboratories certified by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) or certified by a DHHS-recognized certification program. No test shall be considered positive until it has been confirmed by a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry full scan test. The procedures utilized by the Employer and testing laboratory shall include an evidentiary chain of custody control. All samples collected shall be contained in two (2) separate containers for use in the prescribed testing procedures. All procedures shall be outlined in writing and this outline shall be followed in all situations arising under this article.
Drug Testing Procedures. 1. The testing procedures and safeguards provided in this policy, to ensure the integrity of department drug testing, shall be adhered to by any laboratory personnel administering departmental drug tests.
2. Laboratory personnel authorized to administer departmental drug tests shall require positive identification from each Employee to be tested before the Employee enters the testing area.
3. In order to prevent a false positive test result, a pre- test interview shall be conducted by testing personnel to ascertain and document the Employee's recent use of any prescription or non-prescription drugs, or any indirect exposure to drugs; however, medical information may be given to the laboratory testing personnel on a voluntary basis. If the test results are positive, it will be mandatory that the employee divulges the necessary medical information to the Medical Review Officer that may have lead to a false positive test.
4. The bathroom facility of the testing area shall be private and secure. Authorized testing personnel shall search the testing area before an Employee enters it to produce a urine sample, and document that it is free of any foreign substances.
5. Where the Employee appears unable or unwilling to give a specimen at the time of the test, testing personnel shall document the circumstances on the drug-test report form. The Employee shall be permitted no more than eight hours to give a sample, during which time he shall remain in the testing area, under observation, however, the employee may allow a blood sample to be drawn. Reasonable amounts of water may be given to the employee to encourage urination. Failure to submit a sample shall be considered a refusal to submit a drug test, except for good cause as determined by the M.R.O.
6. The urine/blood sample will be split and stored in case of legal disputes. The samples must be provided at the same time, and marked and placed in identical specimen containers by authorized testing personnel. One sample shall be submitted for immediate drug testing. The other sample shall remain at the facility in frozen storage. This sample shall be made available to the employee or his Union, prior to disciplinary action, should the original sample result in a legal dispute. The employee must request the same within 72 hours of being notified of a positive and confirmatory test by the Medical Review Officer. All groups of negative samples may be destroyed after seven (7) days.
7. All specimen samples shall be se...
Drug Testing Procedures. The purpose of this Section is to provide Employees with the Employer’s position regarding alcohol and drug usage situations. The intention of the Employer is to provide a safer work environment, to improve an Employee’s health and job performance when affected by the abuse of alcohol or drugs, and to provide guidelines for the consistent handling of alcohol and drug related situations throughout the Township.
Drug Testing Procedures. The laboratory selected by the City to conduct the analysis must be experienced and capable of quality control, documentation, chain of custody, technical expertise, and demonstrated proficiency in urinalysis testing. The testing or processing phase shall consist of a two-step procedure.
i. Initial screening step, and
ii. Confirmation step. The urine sample is first tested using a screening procedure. A specimen testing positive will undergo an additional confirmatory test. An initial positive report will not be considered positive; rather it will be classified as confirmation pending. Where a positive report is received, urine specimens shall be maintained under secured storage for a period of not less than one (1) year. Any sample which has been adulterated or is shown to be a substance other than urine shall be reported as such. All test results shall be evaluated by a suitably trained physician, or a person with a Ph.D. in chemistry or a related science, or the equivalent in related education or experience, prior to being reported. All unconfirmed positive test records shall be destroyed by the laboratory. Test results shall be treated with the same confidentiality as other employee medical records. Test results used as evidence for disciplinary action shall also be entitled to the same confidentiality.
Drug Testing Procedures. A. The initial testing or confirmatory testing following an “inconclusive” oral fluid test shall be done at a SAMHSA-certified laboratory. The collective bargaining parties retain the right to inspect the laboratory to determine conformity with the standards described in this Policy. The laboratory will only test for ethyl alcohol and the illegal drugs listed in the Terms/Definitions section of this Policy. All testing will be at the Employer’s expense.
Drug Testing Procedures. A. The testing procedures and safeguards provided in this Policy shall be adhered to by the Ohio Health Consortium. If OHC no longer offers this service, the new agency must be DHHS and SAMHASA certified.
B. Personnel authorized to administer drug tests shall require positive identification from each employee to be tested before entering the testing area.
C. A pre-test interview shall be conducted by testing personnel with each employee in order to ascertain and document the recent use of any prescription or non- prescription drugs, or any indirect exposure to any drug or compound that may have an effect on the test that could result in a false positive test result. Employees who test positive for any controlled substance will have 24 hours to produce a copy of a lawfully issued current prescription for the tested substance.
D. The area in which the urine, breath or blood samples are collected shall be private and secure.
E. Authorized testing personnel shall search the urine, breath, or blood sample collection area before each employee enters to produce a urine sample and document that the area is free of foreign substances and free of contamination.
F. Prior to entering the collection area, each employee will provide satisfactory proof that they do not possess anything that may invalidate the test. Disrobing may be necessary to satisfy testing personnel.
G. Each employee will enter the collection area when directed to and produce a urine, blood, or breath sample that will be collected by testing personnel.
H. Testing personnel will observe the production of a urine, blood, or breath sample by each employee in a way that will ensure integrity of the collection and testing procedure.
I. Where the employee to be tested appears unable, or unwilling to give a specimen at the time of the test, testing personnel will document the circumstances on a drug test report form. The willing but unable employee will remain in the testing area and be given a reasonable amount of water to induce urination, if applicable.
J. Failure to produce a urine, blood or breath sample shall be considered a refusal to submit to a drug test.
K. Employees have the right that their urine sample be split. The urine sample must be provided at the same time, marked, and placed in identical specimen containers. One sample shall be submitted for immediate testing; the other shall be refrigerated and stored in a secure location.
L. In the case of a split sample or a second sample, the second ...
Drug Testing Procedures. 1106 a) The testing procedures and safeguards provided in this policy to ensure the 1107 integrity of department drug testing shall be adhered to by any personnel 1108 administering drug tests.
1109 b) Personnel authorized to administer drug tests shall require positive 1110 identification from each employee to be tested before they enter the testing 1111 area. This shall consist of picture ID that is government or employer issued.
1112 c) All employees whose urinalysis is not negative shall have a post-test 1113 interview with qualified medical personnel to ascertain and document the 1114 recent use of any prescription or non-prescription drugs, or any indirect 1115 exposure to drugs that may result in a positive test result.
1116 d) The bathroom facility of the testing area shall be private and secure. 1117 i. Authorized testing personnel shall search the facility before an employee 1118 enters it to produce a urine sample, and document that it is free of any 1119 foreign substances.
1120 e) Where the employee appears unable or unwilling to give a specimen at the 1121 time of the test, testing personnel shall document the circumstances on the 1122 drug test report form. The employee shall be permitted no more than 3 1123 hours to give a sample; during which the employee shall remain in the testing 1124 area. If the employee leaves the area, it is considered a refusal to test. Up to 1125 and not exceeding 40 ounces of water may be given to the employee to 1126 encourage urination. Failure to submit a sample shall not be considered a 1127 refusal to submit to a drug test until the individual has been examined by a 1128 doctor to determine if the individual has a pre-existing medical condition 1129 which would prohibit the donor from supplying the specimen.
1130 f) Employees shall have the right to request that their sample be split and 1131 stored in case of legal disputes. The urine samples must be provided at the 1132 same time, and marked and placed in identical specimen containers by 1133 authorized testing personnel. One sample shall be submitted for immediate 1134 drug testing. The other sample shall remain at the facility in frozen storage 1135 for one year. This sample shall be made available to the employee or their 1136 attorney should the original sample result in a legal dispute or the chain of 1137 custody be broken.
1138 g) Specimen samples shall be sealed in the presence of the participants, 1139 labeled, and checked against the identity of ...
Drug Testing Procedures. All drug tests shall be conducted by laboratories certified by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The collection of samples shall be done by an outside health care provider. The drug screen will be used to detect the illegal use of a controlled substance, which includes the illegal use of or abuse of legal and illegal substances. The result of a screening test shall not be considered positive until it has been confirmed by a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) full scan test. The procedures utilized by the Employer and testing laboratory shall include an evidentiary chain of custody control. The split sample method of collection shall be used following prescribed testing procedures. All procedures shall be outlined in writing and this outline shall be followed in all situations arising under this article.
Drug Testing Procedures. Drug testing is conducted by analyzing a urine specimen. The driver provides a urine specimen in a location that affords privacy. After the donor has provided a urine sample, a collection site person is required to split the sample into two specimen bottles. Following completion of a chain of custody form, the collection site person ships both bottles to a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) certified lab for analysis. The specimen collection procedures and chain of custody ensure that the specimen's security, proper identification, and integrity are not compromised. Only the primary specimen bottle is opened and used for the urinalysis. The split specimen bottle remains sealed and is stored at the laboratory. If the analysis of the primary specimen confirms the presence of illegal, controlled substances, the driver has 72 hours to request the split specimen be sent to another DHHS certified laboratory for analysis. This split specimen procedure essentially provides the driver with an opportunity for a second opinion. All drug test results are reviewed and interpreted by a physician, also known as a Medical Review Officer (MRO) before they are reported to the school district. If the lab reports a positive result to the MRO, the MRO contacts the driver (in person or by telephone) and conducts an interview to determine if there is an alternative medical explanation for the drugs found in the driver's urine specimen. If the driver provides appropriate documentation and the MRO determines that it is a legitimate medical use of the prohibited drug, the drug test result is reported as negative to the school district. If a driver tests positive, he/she must be removed from all safety-sensitive duties. The removal cannot take place until the MRO has interviewed the driver and determined that the positive drug test resulted from the unauthorized use of a controlled substance. The driver cannot return to his/her position until he/she has been evaluated by a substance abuse professional or MRO, has complied with recommended rehabilitation, and has a negative test result on a return-to-duty drug test. The district may implement follow-up testing procedures to monitor the employee's continued abstinence from drug use.